Maisie Dracup

Roxy is Carmen’s litter sister and is much smaller and a lot hairier than her sibling. She is a crossbreed who was about 1yr old on arrival. She has a Pet Passport so is spayed, vaccinated, microchipped and de-fleaded.
Kerry, a fosterer for ROLDA, who lives in Somerset, said “Roxy is an absolute sweetheart! She is timid but not silly nervous, you can approach her. It takes about 5 seconds for her to fall in love. She just loves to be stoked and made a fuss of. She is so funny because when she thinks you are not looking, she becomes all playful and puppy-like. I caught her running off with my wooden Giraffe! She also plays with all the other dogs although, given the choice of playing or being cuddled, she would choose cuddles every time! She too enjoys walking and surprisingly is less nervous outside than Carmen.”
We were very much hoping to be able to rehome the sisters together so Roxy came into our care to be fostered by Belinda and Terry also in Somerset.
Belinda said “When Roxy first came to us, she was quite timid and slightly overwhelmed by our four much larger girls. It didn’t take her long to settle in with them and she soon became part of the family, cuddling up with the other dogs when they were asleep. She was quite nervous going into the garden, even though we kept her on a long lead for the first few days. She has a lovely nature and is very quick to learn. She is quite small and can walk underneath Connie. She follows the other dogs around all the time though her favourite is Connie, our youngest, and she finally got Connie to play with her, both of them rolling around on the floor, having a lovely time.
She is a very bright, affectionate and playful companion. She definitely needs the companionship of another dog as she loves to play. Whoever is lucky enough to give her a forever home will be rewarded by her affection, playfulness and loyalty”.
Much to everyone’s delight, Roxy (now Maisie) has been reunited with her sister Bella (was Carmen) at Nigel and Belinda’s in Somerset. The girls recognised each other and started to play almost immediately. By all accounts, they haven’t stopped playing since.
UPDATE 30.6.2010
Nigel says “All is fine. The girls are absolutely brilliant. They walk with me every morning off the lead and recall great, they sit and wait for bike and birdwatchers to pass without barking (usually), they play and play all day, enjoy their toys and settle down beautifully in the evenings with us in the front room watching telly. We are using the crates at night and they are perfectly content in them and sleep through to 6.30 to 7.00am.
They are wonderful girls with a huge amount of love to give us and have settled in fantastically well, beyond our wildest dreams really. We all adore them and they have also helped us through a very difficult and emotional time in our lives. We will give them all our love in return forever
Here are photos of Bella (snow fox) and Maisie (snow squirrel) enjoying the winter weather.
They are doing famously – smashing little girls.