Maisie Knight

Today, we heard the very sad news that Shelley’s Maisie has crossed the Bridge. She told us “Maisie Moo passed away very quickly this morning (Sunday 10th February). Lucy (our daughter who is a vet) administered the drug and Maisie went in seconds. Literally, her heart stopped almost immediately. Lu and Greg (her fiancé who is also a vet) said she was ready to go. There has been much sobbing here but we know the right decision has been made.
Maisie has a lovely eulogy from her Mum, Shelley:-
“Lady Lard Arse, the amazing Maisie Moo, gained her wings at 11.45am. She has passed to Rainbow Bridge, no doubt, to cause as much havoc as she did during her time here. She was the most stubborn Retriever, built like a solid wall and she went everywhere like a bull in a china shop but we are heartbroken. Our beloved Stormy came to see her and just looked and walked away.
We think she is already on the scent of food and probably running towards it for the first time in a couple of years. The neighbours who she nicked food off will miss her, the lady up the road whose whole lamb chop dinner was gobbled by Maisie on one of her escaped antics, she will miss her too. Maisie was a real star IRR girl in her time. She was a special lady, coming to us at 8/9 years after a horrid time. Her retirement with us was very different and she travelled Europe with us for 5 years in our motorhome. Fly straight darling Moo, you will be forever in our hearts xx” No doubt, Big Bear Barney would have been there to welcome her xxxxxxxx
Maisie, an 8yr old spayed female Retriever, was known by her fosterer as “the Dancing Queen”. She is full of joy and always thrilled to be shown affection. She is pretty good on her lead, is housetrained and generally very sweet. She is far more energetic than her years would imply but is a few kilos overweight and will need plenty of moderate exercise.
Maisie’s Dream Home:
Maisie would love to be the only dog in an active home. She would be fine with slightly older children. She loves everyone that she meets and is guaranteed to bring pure joy into her adoptive family’s life!
Behaviour with other animals:
Maisie is fine with dogs that she meets on walks
Fostered in: Northumberland

Maisie has gone to her Forever Home
Update from Maisie’s Forever Home – August 2013
Shelley tells us “Maisie is settling very well. We have even let her off lead in the big field well away from the road. She is like a bull in a china shop and wherever she runs it is like a tank on the move!!!!! “
Apparently, her weight loss is going well and she is now down to 37.75kgs so it is heading in the right direction. She has her very own lovely weightwatchers vet nurse who has worked out what to give her based on weight loss etc.
Maisie will insist on getting in all cars and Shelley has sent a pic of her sitting in the front of Lucy’s car as if it was her own even though Lucy had only just arrived and was still getting stuff off the back seat!!! The other picture is of them trying to make her wait when car doors are opened! as she can actually leap from that position into the back of the car (!)
It seems that our crazy Maisie is a great success and she has now been given the “Pedigree Name” of Lady Lard Arse Amazing Maisie Moo (!!)
Although she could never replace him, we really hope that Maisie will take away some of the pain from the loss of their beautiful Big Bear Barney.
Further news of Maisie Moo – September 2013
Shelley tells us “Maisie Moo is now weighing in at 35.7 kgs, which is a loss of just over 3 kgs in 6 weeks and she’s looking really good. Her bottom is much thinner and no longer rocks from side to side so much! There is no more laying down on a walk and she is so excited that she just runs and runs when we are first out in the morning, something she found very hard to begin with. I am told the ideal weight for a girly Goldie is 32 kgs but she is big boned (aren’t we all?) and tall so anything hovering below 34 kilos would be good. I think Maisie would look undernourished if she lost too much weight and she agrees with me about that!
Maisie is a messy eater and drinker and likes nothing better than an after dinner burp!! She is, however, the most beautiful smiley girl and she’s as good as gold whether at home or out and about. She loves attention and gets a fair bit but, when we want to stop, Andy and I just cross our arms and she just lies down.
Most importantly Maisie is settling really well here. She lies in the front or back garden when we are out gardening or whatever and she never attempts to run off. Mostly, she can be seen laying on her back with her legs in the air!! She has very quickly learnt to walk to heel and if she pulls we just say “heel” and she slows up. She waits at the kerb (most of the time!) and comes back when called (albeit a few times with the voice having got louder and louder). We simply cannot imagine life without her.”
More News of Maisie Moo – May 2014
Shelley and Andy decided to sell their caravan and purchase a motorhome. They went away for the first time for 10 days at the beginning of April and this is how Shelley described their adventure:-
“Maisie has her passport, we have ours so off we go. It was really, really good and her ladyship (Maisie) was a real pleasure to be with. As many of you are aware, in Europe, they welcome the dog as much as the visitors and she loved all the attention. Whilst travelling, she climbed onto her bad and slept and, when stopped, we moved her bed to the floor at the bottom of ours and she very contentedly went there.
First thing in the morning Andy took her for a quick walk. She was so excited with all four legs leaving the ground and, after breakfast, she sat outside and watched the world go by, waiting for the next walk. Maisie saw the reveille at Menin Gate, watched a section of the Paris-Roubaix classic road bike race, explored the canals in Gent, walked around many lakes and was a very very good girl.
When we came home she was quite sulky and, if we open the door of the motorhome, she pops in and settles herself down and is reluctant to come out again. We think she liked it as much as we did. There is one picture of her falling asleep in the doorway of the Flanders Museum Cafe. Everyone just stepped over her giving her a stroke on the way!!”
Shelley has just finished the washing and ironing that accompanies all holidays but, it appears, Maisie, whilst amazing in so many ways, has not as yet made any attempt to lend a paw for such chores.