Maya Gaffaney

A surprise litter was found outside under a car. MAYA (pronounced Myya) is one of the three puppies who were the accidental litter of a beautifully natured black Labrador bitch. Father was unknown although the farm Collie was a suspect.
The pups came to the UK at 8 weeks old (24.07.07) and they were all absolutely gorgeous babies. Maya has a sister called Melody and a brother called Freddie.
Jackie, her fosterer, says “Maya is such a lovable little puppy. Since she has arrived, we have only had one little accident, and that was right by the backdoor, and I was eating my dinner, and wasn’t quick enough, so that wasn`t her fault”.
“Gizmo told her off, as she jumped into his bed, but while he was in it, he did get a bit of a shock. Since then, she has sought of avoided him, but Gizmo did go up to her later on and had a sniff, and wagged his tail so that’s a good sign”.
“Bridie had a couple of barks at Maya, when she first come in, but then was just sniifing. Bridie did try to play with her in the garden, Maya barked at Bridie lol, and they went running off up the garden, until Maya realised I wasnt there, and came running back to”
“Maya will follow us everywhere, she loves to run after me up the garden, but I have to be careful as she runs between my legs lol. I thought I would try calling her and slapping my knees with my hands to see what she would do, and she did come running, just luck I think, but I`ll keep doing it”.
“She did her business in the garden a couple of times and I gave her plenty of praise straight away, I think she is going to be an easy dog to train. She is so interested in what you are doing. She ate well tonight, and had a paddle in her water bowl lol”
“Maya loves cuddles, and being close to you. She fell asleep today on my son, who was layed out on the sofa, I tried getting a pic, but as he had a black top on and she is black, so you couldnt see her”.

Kissing cousins…………..Maya and Bridie………………say aaaaaaaaah:)

We would like to say a very big thankyou to BURNS for donating puppy food for our foster pups.
Maya is settling in great. After some initial worries on the first two days where she would jump up at Matthew our son, nipping at his face and back of his head – in her excitment – he, understably, got quite upset and our older dog Krissy was extremely put out at receiving the same.
However a week on, Maya and Matthew absolutely adore each other and play together all the time. Krissy in the last two days has also been playing with Maya quite a lot- so all is working out very well!
Maya has her bed that she sleeps in at night time – however in the day time she has taken to sleeping (for the moment until she gets bigger) in the under basket of Matthews stroller!.. its so funny.. I’II really try and get a photo of it! Maya is an adorable little thing.
Maya had her initial vaccinations last Friday and is having her second lot plus microchipping a week Friday.
We’d just like to say a huge thank you for taking a chance with us, with Matthew being so young. He really loves her and its just what we had hoped for – in that he would grow up with ‘his own’ dog. She is so estatic to see him each morning – and after he’s had a day at nursery. (he doesn’t ask to watch TV anymore while I make dinner too- which is an added bonus – we are ‘mean’ and hardly let him watch any TV at all – he doesn’t need too – he has the dogs and his toys).. anyway.. thank you!

Maya has been excellent (so far) off the lead , I carry a few kibble bits (from her dinner allowance) and call her and she comes back immediately and gets a bit of the kibble… she is definitely a Lab… she LOVES her food – she wolfs it down! She has however started digging – but Krissy did that too when she was a puppy.. so we’ll get that sorted. She follows Krissy everywhere – not wanting to be left out at all – they are very close – its great to see! Maya is growing very fast – a few have said she’ll be a big dog…hmm.. we’ll just have to see!

Michelle says “She is doing great!……………… we all love her to bits!
Pictures are of Maya taken last week, she’s 6 mths old now and as big as Krissy – we think she’ll be a very big girl. She gorgeous and loves playing. I had to get pictures of her once we’d worn her out or she won’t sit still”.

Michelle and family said. “Maya is now nearly 18 months old and a gorgeous girl. We are very grateful to you for giving us the chance in adopting her.
She is a joy to have and we all love her to bits!
She is a very affectionate and submissive girl. Each weekday morning we take my son to school, then Maya and I go off for a big walk in the local park, woods or along by the canal (which is more like a huge river). She is a very obedient girl. She comes back when called always. She loves to chase balls, sticks – anything in fact. She loves foraging through the woods, chasing rabbits and squirrels. She loves swimming, leaping off the bank and swimming after ducks, she has been known to swim down the length of the river this past summer while I walked along by. We think she was a fish in a former life.
Once we get home Maya loves then to sit next to me while I work on the computer at home, and follows me wherever I go, including the bathroom. Maya is also
very protective of us and she sounds very impressive whenever anyone knocks on the front door.
Our son is now four and he and Maya love each other very much. She is very patient with him and gets in his bed when told and they play hide and seek and all sorts of games together. She is so happy to see him every day after school.
On weekends we all generally go for longer walks as we have the moors all around us and have so many different walks to go on. It’s great for all of us.

One of Maya’s favourite things is to scout out the bathroom and cloakroom for empty toilet rolls, which my son leaves lying around. She takes them from the room and loves to demolish them. She has a selection of toys to play with and loves her Kong. She also has a yellow fluffy duck that she likes to carry around.
Maya is a very affectionate, loving girl and we simply could not imagine life without her now. She loves to be cuddled and has to be touching you always if we are sitting on the sofa or she sleeps on my feet in the office at home.
Maya and our Retriever, Krissy got along great and played all the time – it was great to see them together. We are immensely saddened by the sudden loss
of Krissy from an aggressive cancer last month. She went from fine to gone within a week. It was a huge shock for us all and we are all including Maya,
missing her very much. Maya has seemed lost without her as are we all.
At this time we do not know what to do about whether to get another a dog or not. I have no wish to ‘replace’ Krissy – she was 12 ½ and I had had her from 8 weeks old. She was an integral part of our lives and her death is very hard to deal with. However, Maya, we feel needs canine company. We are still weighing up what to do.
Maya was spayed after her second season and all went well.
Thank you again for Maya.”

RIP Krissy.