Maybee Dagger

We are sure Ellie and Connie both had a paw in Maybee and Val finding each other.
She is a dear little soul and she already has her paws well and truly under Val’s table.
“I love my new name and Mum says I respond very well to “Maybeeeeeeee” on my recalls. Mum shortens it down to May for my commands. I can do “May sit” and “May down” then, when I do it well she says “good girl Mabe” and I get a treat too.
Mum is really looking forward to starting training classes with me. Aunty Pauline says I am bright as a button because I am really quick to learn and she thinks I am going to be top of the class. I love the special field where I can go every day and I can meet loads of new friends there. I still manage to play even though I still have to be secure on my long line at the moment cos I “can’t be trusted”. Playing with Mum with my ball on a rope is great fun for us both.
I love Mum’s little yellow car and can’t wait to get in especially now I have my very own shiny new crate to keep me safe. This makes Mum very happy as poor Ellie used to get car sick.
I am even getting used to the pet chickens now but I think I will take a bit longer to get used to those nasty noisy tractor things which scare me a bit …… still, nobody’s perfect!!
A big thank you to Aunty Marion for looking after me and sending hugs to my foster brothers especially Elvis. I hope you don’t miss me too much?”
Nina is a small, Retriever Cross who is between1yr and 2yrs old. As usual, she received all the vaccinations necessary to obtain her Pet Passport for travel to the UK where she went into foster with Marion and her dogs, Toby and Elvis.
Marion has sent us an update and tells us:
“Nina is a delightful, affectionate young lady who has a bubbly personality and has been well-trained previously. She lives with 3 other resident dogs and dogs who come-and-go for boarding. She makes friends with them all quickly, but seems to prefer the company of other bitches. She is full of fun, bright and alert.”
Resource Guarding: She gets fed alone and will only ‘panic scoff’ if other dogs are in the room.”
Marion described her as confident / alert and inquisitive / playful and happy and fairly calm and laid back and said “She’s a great wee pet, a sweetheart, who just needs to feel secure and loved. Any issues she may have are very minor.
Nina is a very dainty build. I think she would be a great Canicross dog.
Overall, Nina is a lovely, wee pet who would suit an energetic family. She is just what I’d expect a nice bitch to be like”.
She is a very healthy girl. Nina had been nibbling her leg where she had had a blood test but the sore on her leg is now healing.
TRAVEL: Nina is happy & content travelling in a vehicle
HOUSETRAINING: She is housetrained
BASIC TRAINING: She seems to be well socialized and has an idea of basic commands
RESOURCE GUARDING: There has been no evidence of resource guarding. However, Nina does inhale her food then calms down half way through. She can also be a counter surfer.
SEPARATION ANXIETY: Nina has shown no signs of separation anxiety
LEADWALKING: She pulls slightly on both a slip lead and a body harness. She walks loose lead with a halti.
When she first came, she was slightly startled when a lead was accidentally swung close to her face.
RECALL: She has no formal recall and didn’t respond to her name but she doesn’t go too far when off lead in a very secure area. She needs to burn off energy but is easy to get back on lead after her runs. She is now responding to a clicker
ADULTS and CHILDREN: Nina is very friendly with adults and great with kids although she will pinch their snacks.
DOGS: She is very friendly with dogs and plays well with Elvis.
She has been to the dog social area of our park and she coped very well, standing up for herself with the bigger dogs.
She was not phased by the intimidating dog next door.
CATS: Not tested yet
Marion thinks Nina would love to live with an energetic family. A home where she could also use her brain would be ideal. She would probably benefit from having a slightly older and well socialized canine companion who would help her to further adapt to living in her forever home as well as being a playmate for this lovely young girl.