Molly Baines

We were all very sorry to hear that Molly went to Rainbow Bridge on 10th October 2012.
She was much loved and will be greatly missed by her family and friends.
Stunning 12 yr old Molly is a distinguished adorable Golden Retriever lady. In 2012, she was found as a stray then rescued from an Irish Pound. She was, initially, fostered in Dublin.
Molly’s coat was very badly matted and in very poor condition indeed but a trip to IRR’s groomer soon had her looking her very best. However, the following day Molly became extremely lethargic suddenly having no energy at all and was consequently rushed in to IRR’s vet. After being carefully examined a low grade pneumonia was detected. Molly will not be going anywhere until she has fully recovered.
Fortunately, within 24 hours of being treated urgently, Molly has rallied round by continuing to improve every day since her treatment began.
Molly has now thankfully fully recovered from her bout of pneumonia following her treatment, having no other health issues except for a touch of arthritis which is to be expected at her age.
Since completing her veterinary treatment Molly will often play with a ball, barking for attention whenever the other 8 resident Goldens are being fussed and she isn’t included!
Molly is travelling to Warwickshire in the UK imminently to be fostered in a loving family environment until the perfect new home that she so much deserves is found for her.
Everyday she has come out of her shell. She is a real character and has brought so much joy to our family. Health wise she seems to be doing really well and I have put her on herbs and oils for her joints and it really seems to suit her. She likes to go on the same walks as my girls and loves going into the fields off her lead and having freedom to do her thing. I am taking her on Thursday to meet Catherine who would like to be her forever Mum. Catherine is a lovely warm lady who has fallen in love with Molly. I have to say I really wanted her not to be nice so that Molly could stay with me (I know that is wrong of me) and when I put the phone down I cried as the reality hit Molly had a new mum!! I did say to Jon I am not convinced I am very good at being a foster mum, but he reminded me that if we kept Molly we would not be able to help all the other Goldie’s needing help.
I know Molly has a wonderful new life ahead of her and that you (Sandie) and I made that possible for her and I am also very aware that when she leaves me it will break my heart. But what will get me through this is the next Goldie to come into my life and watch him or her grow and smile again. I know out of everyone you (Sandie) will understand how I feel as Molly is just a special girl.
I had been looking forward so much to meeting Molly since seeing her details on the website; I fell in love with her as soon as I saw her picture. Nothing however could prepare me for the very serene, gentle and magical girl who arrived that day. There is a line from a famous movie I think that says “You had me from hello”…well that is exactly how I felt as soon as I saw Molly. She is perfect in every way. She loves to sleep on her bed and blanket and has been so well behaved, she gets in her bed when it’s time to sleep at night and likes to spend time on her fleecy mat in the kitchen when I am in there and sleeps and snoozes in there during the day.
Molly walks beautifully despite her leg and joint problems, she is so brave and has a wonderfully determined spirit when she is walking, she may look like she struggles but she is so intent she is going to trot along. Sometimes we have to stop for a little rest and then she will be off again. Every now and again she will just stop and not budge for love nor money, but I think that’s just Molly being Molly and after a while, a bit of gentle persuasion and some fuss, she will walk on. It was wonderful to see her in the field today although we had to get a friendly chocolate Labrador called Charlie to help us coax her over the road as she stopped dead in the middle of the road; I think we are going to get a reflective coat for her. Once in the field and off the lead she was so wonderful she tried so hard to run and she looked so happy I cried (yet again!), it was so rewarding to see her like that, I could tell she was having a great time. We did a slow stroll back and a big rub down with a towel as she got muddy; she had a treat stick and is now snoring in her bed.
She does not really bother much with our cats, they seem to be coping well with having her around, although they are a little wary but once they figure out that she’s not really bothered and that they are much more nimble than she is, I am sure all will be fine. She has been very good at being groomed and loves me brushing her coat. She loves raw carrots as a treat! She has such a beautiful gentle nature and loves to be fussed; she soon lets us know if she wants more fuss by raising her paw and looking at us! Molly is an inspiration to me, she has so many good qualities and despite everything she has been through she is still so very gentle and loving and willing to trust. I am truly blessed she has come to live with us and I would like to thank everyone who has made this possible.