Molly Green

2019 had been a horrid year with the loss of Woody who went to join Benji Boo and Cassie at Rainbow Bridge on 20th April.
Poor Lola felt as lost as her folks until a little ray of sunshine in the shape of baby Molly came into their lives.

A gorgeous 11months old Golden Retriever female called Molly came to the UK and was lucky enough to go into foster with Louise and her family in Norfolk.

Well, our baby Molly has settled in to our family like magic and we’ve had a brilliantly brilliant week with her.
We took Molly for a walk with three of our ‘before Molly’ foster dogs when we met Kim and Cooper Sparrow and Niamh Gibson and they told her about IRR will find her a forever family sooner than soon.
We had the best of times splashing and running and chasing and shouting! I shouted louder than loud, of course, and, sometimes, the others even joined in!
Living in Norfolk has been a bit sad recently because some silly boats have dumped some Palm Oil into the sea and its all washed up on OUR beaches so, for three days, we had to stay on our leads some of the time while Mum and her human friends picked it up and took it to the bin! Because it smelt so deliciously delicious – even yummier than meatballs – Mum only let us off our leads one at a time so we couldn’t play with each other till we got to ‘safe’ parts of the beach!
However, there is one bit of the beach that is very very not safe for dogs or for humans but it’s very safe for little terns. Little terns are birds that make lots and lots of noise and have silly nests on the sand and their eggs and chicks look just like pebbles! But, b because they are specially rare and they’ve flown a long long way to Norfolk the wardens put up a fence round them. A fence to keep out humans and dogs so no one stands on the eggs or the chicks.
But … the fence says it has electricity in it! and there is a big sign saying the fence has electricity in it! and we can hear that the fence has electricity in it so we stay right away. But not everybody believes it has electricity in it so, while Mum was picking up palm oil and we were a little bit bored on our leads we could watch people touching the fence to see if the fence had electricity in it. Mum said she learnt lots of new human words when people found out the fence did have electricity in it!
Our Dad was silly … he took Molly and Delilah out for a walk round the fen yesterday except Dad didn’t go for a walk round the fen, he went round the block and to the pub and dad forgot Molly has got a tracker on her collar which meant Dad didn’t realise that Mum and her friends could see that Molly hadn’t moved and where she was for the whole time I was doing training.
Poor Dad, Mum wasn’t happy. Delilah and Molly weren’t happy. Poor Dad had to make tea for everyone and we got an extra walk to the beach with Mum while he was cooking.
After Dad’s misdemeanours in the pub, Mum said Bank Holiday Monday was a special day just for mums and foster dogs as well!
So Mum said that, today, we needed to do some research and socialisation with Molly. Mum said it was so we could let her Forever Family know if she is happy in pubs and cafes and villages and at country fairs.
Mum said Dad had to look after the little humans AND cook their tea because she had and she needed me to help so I got to go out with Mum and Molly for the whole of the day!
First, we researched the big village, the big village with big roads and a big river with boats and swans and people. So many people!
Molly did really good. We met Freya and Pearl Fraser so we could research the café and we researched the cafe for a long long time. Mum and Auntie Wendy did talking and eating and drinking and even more talking but Molly did better than good! Even when people were walking in and out and round her and even over her she just snoozed!
Then we went to the fair! There were lots and lots people and lots of stalls and scrumptious smells of sausages cooking and there were lots of dogs. Lots and lots of dogs because there was a big dog show. Dog shows for the bestest of best dogs but mum wont let us do dog shows because she thinks we should always win and, if we don’t win, she gets cross not cross with us but cross with the human judges. She says she can’t believe it and that everything must be fixed and she then stomps her feet and has to have some wine and some chocolate
so it’s no dog shows for us. Funny really because I’ve heard Mum telling the little humans lots and lots of times that winning doesn’t matter it’s taking part that counts …… I’ll never understand humans!
So, instead of the Dog Show we thought we could help Mum with research. and Pearl had an idea! A brilliant idea! Mum had missed off one of the most importantest skills all Golden Retrievers need to tick off her list … mud magnetism!
Imagine Mum nearly forgot to check that Molly likes mud so me and Freya and Pearl all helped and guess what? Our Molly is Molly the Magnificent Mistress of Mud!!
She sniffed out the muddiest ditches and jumped in the dirtiest lakes and even got muddier than me and Freya! and all that while she still had her lead on! She was muddy to her shoulders! She’s an A* mud seeker and could teach me a thing or two!
Mum and Auntie Wendy wanted to take a photograph of us all to show the different colours of Retrievers but our research meant it was a bit difficult. Difficult because we were all half black! Snigger and Mum forgot what she was supposed to be doing because she was so busy trying to keep us all out of the rivers and lakes and ditches and talking to humans who kept stopping and smiling at us because they loved how muddy we were so there’s just one thing for it, we’ll have to do it all again won’t we?