Monies Collected from the Show
Stalls (Gilly’s Gems, Serenity, Angie’s cards)……..£30
Guess money in jar………………………………………£20.13p ….won by Malcolm Gough who redonated the jar of money
Guess elephant name…………………………………..£22 …..won by Jan Barry (name was ESMERALDA)
Guess Teddies names…………………………………..£44……won by Hazel Payne (names were MAC and MABEL)
Lucky programme…………………………………………£80……won by Lynne Jones (no: 27)……prize TURTLE MAT
Basket of goodies raffle (donated by Jane)………£17
Entries and Agility…………………………………………£347
CHC stall……………………………………………………..£38
CHC tombola………………………………………………..£26
Hope Brown Crystal dog tags…………………………£59
White Elephant…………………………………………….£49.59p
Holiday ……………………………………………………….£400
Teddy Bears Picnic………………………………………..£210 (from other shows and at Reunion)
Bottle stall…………………………………………………..£40
Books and CDs…………………………………………….£52.14p
Nick Thompson talk……………………………………….£58
Pet shops……………………………………………………£65 + £52.48p + £100
Wendy’s Gift shop………………………………………..£200
Healing Tent………………………………………………..£20
Profit from merchandise sales up to Reunion……£221.05p
Profit from merchandise sales at Reunion………..£99.60p
New and renew Sponsor Dogs at Reunion………£110.00p
Photo Comp………………………………………………..£302
PROFITS ……………………………………………………£2970.99p
EXPENSES …………………………………………………£496.75p (for marquee and tables and chairs / toilets / field use / insurance). Cups, awards, prizes and rosettes were all donated by very kind people.
TOTAL PROFIT £2,474.24p