Monty Reade

In 2008, MONTY was about 6mths old. He is a Labrador type puppy with a wonderful temperament. Tess, a very kind lady well known for rescuing animals, got a phone call to say that he was going to be taken to the pound (and almost certain death) if she didn’t come and get him immediately. Apparently he was chained up outside.
Whilst with Tess, she could see that he got on well with other dogs and didn’t seem too bothered by the cats. He is vaccinated, has been neutered and is microchipped.
He went into foster in Wiltshire with Geoff and Natalie and their little daughter. He immediately made himself a new doggy friend (Honey the Golden Retriever) too. Then the curse of the failed fosterer syndrome took effect and they have decided to go ahead and adopt little Monty themselves.
Geoff says, “Monty is absolutely gorgeous! He is so well behaved. He sleeps very well at night, eats well, listens to instruction and he and Honey have started playing, which is lovely to watch! and we haven’t had any accidents either! Monty is a darling at the moment bless him. We had huge floods up here yesterday and I took them for a walk on the farm. He was not sure about all the water but Honey soon told him it was fun. You never have a camera when you want it. He has been coming to work with me every day. We have now got the back garden all seeded. They both wanted to help but just digging holes was not required!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monty says “woof” to you all”.
I have had a complete nightmare of a summer and it’s been a real struggle to get the harvest in. We have been drying corn all the time and have not got all straw baled up yet. We have a drier spell now which is good for us and for you at the Reunion.
Monty has had a busy summer too. He loves the combine (wish he could drive it) as he is up high and pays particular attention to hares in the field and asks me why can’t he get out and chase them. He sends you a big wet slobbery kiss.