
Lawna is an overweight, arthritic 13yr old Golden Retriever who has grown up in a family home in the UK since she was approximately 2yrs old.
The previous owner said that she had been purchased from a breeder who said she didn’t want her as “she wasn’t a good breeding bitch”.
She was brought up with children and cats and, in the last 3 years, with a Golden Retriever boy who they owned since he was a pup.
Lawna went into foster with Wendy who said of her “She is very affectionate and loving and gets on well with my two Golden bitches, in fact ignores them!
She loves a tennis ball and likes to strip the fuzz off it but she is not destructive.
Lawna has a lovely character and is so sweet and gentle she could be trusted with a new born baby, She livens up considerably when a ball is thrown or when food is on offer.
According to the previous owner, Lawna has been obese for a while. She was on NSAID’s for arthritis but had had none since June, She has Glucosamine OTC supplement bought by owner.
Wendy started her on one a day.
Forever Move on 30/12/17.
She had to be confined to the ground floor as she went upstairs and, on the penultimate stair, she started to slip down which was very frightening. She has also tripped and fallen on a flat walk.
She had overgrown and splayed outer claws which Wendy was trimming every few daysto reduce the quick and shorten them.
She hadn’t been bathed as Wendy deemed it would be too traumatic for her plus poor Wendy would have been in danger of giving herself a hernia getting her in and out of the bath! Lawna needed a bath as she had quite a ‘doggy’ smell.
Her previous owner said that she was recommended to have 3 monthly blood tests by the vets but, apparently, no reason was given.
Lawna was on Wagg dried food with her previous owner She vomited twice after being given James Wellbeloved grain free Salmon and Potato dry food, displaying retching symptoms during the day.
Wendy, therefore, changed her to cooked sweet potato, carrots, greens and a little pilchard or tuna twice a day. Since changing her diet, there was no more vomiting and only the occasional retch.
She told us “Her only medication whilst she was with me was, latterly, Golden Paste (turmeric, raw coconut oil and freshly ground black pepper mixed to a paste with water). She was having a quarter of a teaspoon three times a day and ‘Move’ capsules one a day. These are an organic natural anti inflammatory remedy £58.93 (paid for by IRR). She really did improve and got a spring in her step by the time she left…though she kept a sedate pace bless her”.
Due to her overweight, hirsute state she was to be assessed by a vet to see if she is hypothyroid.
Both her eyes have an opaque look so it is possible she also has cataracts?
TRAVEL: Lawna is happy and content travelling in a vehicle
HOUSETRAINING: She is house trained
BASIC TRAINING: Lawna is well socialized and trained in basic commands and really obedient.
LEADWALKING: She walks `loose lead’ with a slip lead. Although she walks very well on the lead Lawna only requires short walks on level ground due to her arthritis.
RESOURCE GUARDING: There is no evidence of resource guarding.
SEPARATION ANXIETY: Lawna shows no signs of separation anxiety
ADULTS AND CHILDREN: She is very friendly with adults and children. She loves a tennis ball and becomes playful and animated. She also loves to play with humans if they pretend to be another dog.
DOGS: Lawna is not interested in playing with Wendy’s dogs but she is very friendly with other dogs and seems to get on with all dogs as she mostly just ignores them! She has met several different dogs so far on our walks and just strides past.
CATS: She is very friendly with cats
Lawna is a lovely old lady who needs a very special, loving home where she will be the centre of someone’s world in the Autumn of her years.
She would probably suit an older couple who are at home all day and who enjoy a nice, gentle stroll but she is not the dog for people who are looking to walk miles in all winds and weathers.
She could be an only dog or one with another quiet, possibly male, canine companion.
Her diet will need to continue being carefully monitored to enable her to lose more weight which can only be beneficial to her.
She is a fantastic girl and she really deserves the happiest of retirements.
A delighted Wendy reported “Lawna went yesterday afternoon to her lovely furever home on a farm with another Golden Oldie IRR lady and other rescues. I am wishing her all the best in her new home and I’m looking forward to being updated on her progress”. On 5.2.2018, a delighted Lorraine gave everyone the update they were waiting to hear by telling us dear old Lawna settled into her new home almost immediately and is now part of Patrick’s retirement home for wonky dogs. She is following in the pawsteps of previous IRR rescues, Molly, Willow, Oscar and Birdie, all now at Rainbow Bridge.
Amongst other needy rescues being carefully and lovingly cared for, she is sharing her home with yet another IRR Rescue, Angel, who is blind and is now 17.5years old. We all hope Lawna is blessed with as long and as happy a retirement as Angel has had.
As you can see from the photo, Lawna thoroughly approves of her new garden and our choice of her new Dad and Nanny. We really couldn’t have hoped for more for her than her being loved and treasured in her Autumn years by the very special Patrick and his Mum.
Her rather sad story touched many people’s hearts and, through Facebook, a fund was set up for her. Lorraine said “Everyone was so kind during the saga of her coming into IRR’s care and, with direct donations and items being offered for auction for her, she now has a fund of £1239.50 which will go towards medication for her arthritis and any future UTI’s as they are both pre-existing conditions. Thank you all so much for your support for this dear old girl”