Ollie Perkin

Gone to Rainbow Bridge

3 June 2020

Ollie has joined Max at Rainbow Bridge.

Ollie and Max, Early History

Life can get pretty muddy down here in Dawlish! it is one of our favourite walks and we do it nearly every day, or we go to the beach but the water is a bit cold now!! Apparently we are going to school after Christmas, and we have to go as Ollie is sometimes very stubborn! (am not!) and Max said I have to do the sit and stay like he did, which will be difficult as I can’t sit still for very long but I’m not as wriggly as Max! write again soon love to all Max and Ollie x


Their owner Liz says, “Both boys are fit and always ready to go! They have matured into fine young men now, and we are still as proud of them as we were when we first had them! They still have a Beach walk most mornings, and Max swims about 3/4 mile then, Ollie still paddles – he will not get wet past his belly!  

Other days they go to the forest, of course there are lots of murky brown puddles there for them to roll in!  Max just loves to roll in Badger/Fox poo and then rub against your leg to share the smell!”


We thought we had better drop you a line in case you thought Mum had sold us to the gypsies!!! We are fine, lovely and have grown into big boys now.

Mum and Dad took us to Wales for a weeks holiday. We had a great time, lots of forest walks, ice cream and all the other lovely things that go with a holiday. Mum and Dad told our story soooo many times to people who stopped to speak and stroke us (we think they got a little fed up!!).

I (Ollie) got a bit grumpy on holidays as they kept making us walk, so I lay down and wouldn’t get up again, it made me and Max laugh but not Mum and Dad!!  The best bit was playing in the river, it was very hot on that day, so we got to play and swim all day, it made us nice and cool and clean.

We think Mum and Dad’s best bit was climbing up Snowdon. We had to start early in the morning and best of all had extra breakfast. What we didn’t understand was we would need the extra food for energy, not that mum was going senile and feeding us extra!!!  It was a long walk and Dad said we were stars for making it to the top. Lots of people said how fit we must be.  Some said how handsome we are, but of course we already knew that (not bigheaded are they? Liz ).

Have sent you a photo so you will remember us!!!

Lots of Love

Max and Ollie