
8-year-old Oscar is a lovely friendly boy who wants to say hello to everyone he meets on walks. Oscar can be calm and settled in the house and is extremely affectionate but can be very excited and prey driven outside, wanting to chase squirrels, rabbits ect. So although fostered with cats we think a cat-free home would be best.
He ignores sheep. Oscar loves his long walks and will then settle happily in the house once he is home. He pulls on the lead but his fosterer is working with him on this and on his basic training and this is coming along well. Oscar would benefit from training classes once in his forever home to help socialise him as he can be a bit nervous and “grumbly” with other dogs if not introduced properly. Oscar would like an owner/owners who are home most of the day but still lead an active busy life that he could be involved in. They would also need to continue with his training. At the moment he is in foster with a resident bitch who he gets along with, but he would probably be happy as the only dog in his forever home.
March 2020
Oscar has gone to his forever home.