Orrie Smith Our Wonder Dog

We were all devastated to hear the very sad news that our wonderful Orrie had crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. He passed away peacefully on 15.8.2023.
Sadly, his awful early life as a street dog had finally caught up with him. He had become poorly and, after 8yrs of very good health and a life filled with love and happiness, he was diagnosed by CT scan with cancer of the lungs.
Orrie had the most wonderful nature and was loved by everyone who met him. He will be profoundly missed by his loving mum, Caroline and IRR sister Ruby. His foster parents, Sue and Dave, who nursed him through his original illness for many months are, understandably, devastated too. Although it is extremely sad to think Orrie has gone, we must give thanks for his unexpectedly long and extremely happy life.
Go fly with the angels, Orrie, and enjoy your new adventure with your many old friends at Rainbow Bridge xx
Adored by everybody who knew him, Orrie was the most gentle, sweet, beautiful dog.
Almost every day on our walks, I would be stopped by a complete stranger who would say “what beautiful dogs”. He had several local shopkeepers trained to give him treats, and if our walks in the village didn’t go via either the newsagent, card shop, solicitors or butcher (tasty bits of beef) he would look very put out!
I always said how lucky I was to have Orrie & Ruby and, whilst desperately upset at losing him, I am slowly beginning to look back at the joy and love he brought into my life and remember all the wonderful times we had together.
Goodbye my beautiful boy, you were a truly special dog.


Oreo was believed to be about 4yrs old when IRR heard about him but he could be a bit younger. He is the most gorgeous, dark gold-coloured, neutered, small Retriever Cross who is very similar in appearance to Star another dog rescued from the same Pound.
We don’t know Oreo’s early history in Romania but it is almost certain he was a street dog during, at least, some period of his young life and he managed to end up in the local Pound.
Fortunately for him, he was rescued from certain death in the high kill Pound by Crina who rescues hundreds of street dogs as well as those from the most horrendous puppy farms.
Once safe in Crina’s rescue kennels, probably because of his gentle nature, he was bullied and used to spend a lot of his time as high up as he could, out of reach of his tormentors. No doubt, it was because of an incident there, shortly before his departure to the UK, that his ear became damaged but, with so many dogs to care for, understandably, it went un-noticed.
Unfortunately, his sore ear wasn’t spotted on his 3 day van ride then boat journey to the UK or even during the two days he spent in the DEFRA approved, UK quarantine kennels either.
Sue and Dave, who collected Oreo from the kennels on 2nd May, were first time fosterers for IRR and what a baptism of fire it would turn out to be for them. Oreo travelled well in the car but, on arriving home, Sue, immediately, spotted a problem with Oreo’s ear. He stank to high heaven and he was also covered in an unknown green substance so, within an hour or two of arriving in Hertfordshire, Oreo was making the first of what was going to turn out to be many visits to the vet where he was thoroughly examined. It seemed he needed various treatments.

Once the badly infected ear was cleaned up, it could be seen there was actually a bit missing although, luckily, this didn’t detract from his stunning good looks. He was like a very dark gold Golden Retriever but in a much smaller package. An apt description was a Bonsai Retriever.
The vet had no idea what the green substance was but bathing it off asap was recommended to try to rid him of what could have been a noxious substance. He was also scratching a lot so, to cover all bases, he would be fed on a good quality meat-based dry food rather than one that contained cereal. Food, in fact, was going to prove to be one of Oreo’s greatest loves.
Armed with the special skin treatment shampoo, Oreo had his first bath and then a couple more washes to be certain. Throughout it all, Oreo’s gentle, loving personality shone through.
He was, clearly, still a very tired boy after his long journey but he was totally compliant with the various strangers who touched his painful ear and poked and prodded him albeit for his own good. With no protest, he patiently complied whilst they washed him several times before finally rubbing him dry with a towel. Maybe, it was the kind voices that reassured him or the lovely food they gave him? Whatever it was, Oreo knew, instinctively he was safe.
As the days went on, Oreo’s plusses had no limits. This very affectionate, lovely, happy boy was soon housetrained and found to be easy going, relaxed, friendly, loving and lively. His fosterers agreed he fitted in very well and it seemed like their first foster would be a doddle especially after he went back to the vets and was given a clean bill of health apart from the loss of part of his ear and a bald patch on his flank due, undoubtedly, to an old injury from kennel days. This and the rest of his coat, he thought, would soon be growing back nicely.

Oreo loved going out and about and, surprisingly, he was well behaved and walked very well on a lead. He was very friendly to all the people he encountered and even to their dogs that he met when out walking. It was amazing, considering his previous bad experiences, that he was so brilliant with other dogs and he loved to play with them whenever he could, none more so than his new best pal Rafi who was the current foster dog of Jill and Derek who lived close by. They were existing, experienced fosterers, who had also, previously, been IRR adopters.
Oreo was excellent with children, even very small ones. The only fly in the ointment was Annie, the cat, who wasn’t at all sure about this interloper even though he was reasonably well behaved with her and he did try to be friendly even though, to him, that meant chasing after her if she ran! This, obviously, needed to be worked on as well as teaching him a few commands (like “sit”) in English. His fosterers, even after a few days, totally adored him.
People soon took an interest in him and there was even a possibility of Oreo and Rafi being rehomed together. Having a run around with Rafi always seemed to do Oreo a power of good as he loved other dogs so much and Rafi, another smashing little chap, really gelled with him too. Oreo’s ear infection had got very much better and his hair was regrowing. He had continued to scratch for a few days but that was easing off. Oreo was so much better he was even taken back early to the vets and was signed off as the vet was very pleased with him.

Sadly, their new home fell through which, as things turned out, was for the best as, within days, Oreo became poorly and needed to go to the vets yet again. Tests showed he had fox mange, giardia and infected anal glands but, as before, Oreo responded quickly to treatment, all became calm on the bowel front and he was soon back to his very happy self again.
Oreo and Rafi attracted even more attention from potential adopters but, this time, in separate homes, both with resident dogs, so it seemed all was working out well for them again but, just before meeting his prospective adopter, a lovely lady who had recently lost an IRR dog adopted back in 2005, Oreo became poorly once more. This time, for a couple of days, Oreo had been clearing his throat and seemed to lack energy although he was still happy and waggy tailed. Not thinking there was cause for concern, it was only to be on the safe side that Sue took him to see the vet and, on examination, there seemed to be an obstruction in his throat. The vet became increasingly concerned about him and we began to worry.
On 29th May, Oreo went in for an exploratory operation and it was found his tonsils were extremely enlarged and inflamed, for which he had antibiotics and anti-inflammatories.
Unfortunately, they also found a tumour so a biopsy was done. The results would be back in a few days but the prognosis was not good and the vet told Sue and Dave to prepare for bad news. We were all devastated and praying for a miracle for him. Sue looked up the condition on the Internet and, apparently, it is more common in much older urban dogs and one of the causes has been attributed to pollution, which made terrifying sense for an ex street dog.
Oreo’s possible oral squamous cell carcinoma is extremely aggressive and treatment can only ever be palliative. The fact that it was in his tonsils indicated that it was already probably quite widespread. There were treatment options available including radiotherapy and/or chemo but pain management was a very important aspect of the treatment as the condition is very uncomfortable. Things could be done to prolong life but there was no magic cure. The prognosis was not at all good. Apparently, these aggressive tumours just suddenly appear. If the cancer is caught soon enough, there is just a chance the tumour will not have metastasised and treatment may be more effective but, by now, we were all fearing the worse.

It just didn’t seem fair. This was such a horrible thing to happen to a really lovely dog but, despite all his problems, Oreo remained cheerful and sweet-natured. On 31 st May, Sue told us “Oreo is bright today but he has to be kept reasonably calm so he doesn’t breathe too heavily.
We walk him two or three times a day but keep the walks shorter. His food is mashed up and is wet so it slides down easily. He still has a big appetite!”
On Wednesday 3rd June, we received the news we had been dreading. Oreo was terminally ill. It seemed there was only one option. We feared the tumour, if left alone, could burst and Oreo could die horribly and possibly in pain. Chemo treatment would be terribly expensive so could we justify it as it would only buy him a little time with there being no cure? Sue and Dave were due to go on holiday so undergoing treatment would have meant moving him to another fosterer but would moving Oreo have upset him further? Nobody knew what to do. It was a really awful dilemma which gave everyone sleepless nights.
We all talked and talked about Oreo possibly moving on to another fosterer but we felt sure the sheer stress of that could probably kill him anyway. Things seemed to be balanced totally on a knife-edge. We wondered if, like many terminally ill people, Oreo was just rallying before finally letting go. After much discussion and many tears, we really felt, in Oreo’s best interests, it would be better to say “goodbye” whilst he was still relatively happy and before he deteriorated further but we reckoned without Oreo’s amazing fosterers Sue and Dave wanted to give him a little more time so they volunteered to postpone their imminent holiday. They decided to give Oreo a few last days of doing exactly as he pleased, Sue would monitor him carefully and, when the time came, they promised they would be with him to the very end. We were all convinced that end would come sooner rather than later but Oreo would be on his anti-inflammatories /painkillers so we knew he would be comfortable.
We knew he would be happy and that he would be pain free. Sue was confident she could make sure his last few days were as good as they could be so we trusted her and Dave to do what was best for him and we left the decisions in their very capable hands.
Oreo must have instinctively known he had been given a reprieve as, that night, he wanted to play ball so Sue let him. He then stole her yoghurt and it made her laugh out loud. He hadn’t lost his love of food, for sure. That morning, he had been desperate to play with another dog when they were out on a walk but Sue hadn’t let him in case he overexerted himself and suffered for it later. She vowed “Tomorrow, if he wants to play, then he can”.
It was decided he would have as much food as he wanted (he really does love his tummy) and extra treats but Sue was going to keep a very close eye on the weather and, if the heat started to distress him in any way, then she would know it was time.
Sue reported on Oreo almost daily throughout the month of June. Unbelievably, what we thought might be just a couple of days turned into a whole month.
On 3rd June, Oreo was very happy playing ball and even pinched Sue’s yoghurt. The next day, he was still so happy they took him out for the day. They sat by the river and watched the cygnets then had a short walk before going home where Oreo topped it off by eating a huge meal tonight. He was sleeping a lot but he still seemed very happy so it was decided to just take each day as it came.
On 8th June Oreo was quieter and he ate breakfast more slowly than usual but he still wanted a game and remained happy and very responsive. This turned out to be just a minor glitch as on 9th he ate breakfast with gusto seemed very happy and bright. He had an especially good day because he found a ball and was beside himself with excitement. Maybe overdoing it was the cause of him coughing a bit on 10th but he still thoroughly enjoyed his breakfast.
On 14th June, Sue happily reported “He’s as bright as a button and was trying to scrounge my breakfast. He’s already had his! Our friends who came last night said they thought he had put on weight which is good. It’s almost as though he doesn’t have a tumour but we have seen the photo of his throat. Also, he does choke a bit sometimes. I really notice it when we are out as you can hear his panting is slightly constricted. Other than that, he is a normal doggie and he is such a good boy”.
On 15th she said “He’s very lively and had a good run around with my brother’s dogs yesterday.
We have noticed he is coughing more as phlegm seems to get stuck in his throat. I suppose the growth is getting bigger. He is really bright and happy at the moment. He still likes honey. He’ll have a nice walk today, plenty of food and, of course, lots of hugs”.
On 16th she told us “Oreo is eating for England. He was a very happy boy this morning. He had a good run today. He took all the cat’s toys into the garden and ate his dinner with much gusto. He is coughing a bit but it doesn’t detract from his enjoyment”.
On 17th she said “He’s just pinched the cat’s food. He is still happy but I noticed some spots of blood from his penis. We are on our way out for the day with him but I will ring the vet and go to see him this evening if it continues. The weather is cloudy today so it will be perfect for Oreo by the river”. Then later she reported “We had a good day today but Oreo was dripping blood all day so we took him to see the vet tonight. It is either an injury or a urethra infection.
His urine is being tested tomorrow to check for infection and, if so, which type of bug it is. The good news is it’s nothing to do with his cancer. In fact, we weighed him and he has put on weight.
On 18th she said “He is happy and hungry as usual. There was quite a bit of blood on the carpet and settee but it does not seem to bother him and it seems to be more dilute this morning. I will hear from the vet later. He definitely didn’t think it was connected with his illness”. On 19th we heard “We are still awaiting results but Oreo is much better now. He’s sleepy during the day but full of beans in the evening when it is cooler. He gobbled his breakfast this morning”. We heard on 20 th that it was an injury so nothing to worry about and Oreo was already much better so much so he started enjoying pinching the cat food again!
July was to bring an unexpected tragedy and, based on Oreo’s fighting spirit, a huge decision.
On 2nd July, a worried Sue reported “He’s a bit throaty but still happy and hungry.
Unfortunately, Annie, my cat is in the vet hospital with a suspected lymphoma” and on 3rd July she said, “Oreo’s fine but the cat’s results were inconclusive so I am monitoring her at home.
She goes back to see the vet for tests on Sat (5th). Oreo kissed Annie when we picked her up from the vets yesterday”.
On 4th , Sue told us “Annie has eaten so, fingers crossed, it is nothing serious. I still wonder about chemo for Oreo so I am doing my own research. It seems it can only give him about a year but he is still so happy and a year would be a long time in his life”. Just to prove the point, Oreo spent a happy day playing with Sue’s brother’s dogs again on 6th July and continued on for the next week being happy and greedy as always.
We were told, on 15th July, Annie went into the vets for an exploratory operation and they found out that she had bowel cancer so they didn’t wake her up. Sue and Dave were really upset that she couldn’t be saved, especially as she was only 5yrs. Fortunately, Oreo remained his usual self although he did seem to be missing Annie too.
We were all very sorry to hear the sad news about Annie but this tragedy and Oreo’s continued enjoyment of life made the decision for us. We were going to try him on a low dose of chemotherapy in the hope that the side effects would be minimal and we could buy him more time to continue his happy life.
We decided he really does deserve to have the chance of everything that can be done for him. Everything was crossed that Oreo would not have any side effects which he couldn’t cope with and that the chemo would really help him.
Sue picked up the tablets which were his chemo ones + steroids + liver protector medicine. The treatment was to start on Monday 22nd July with a blood test the following Monday. We were all hoping Oreo would be able to tolerate any side effects.
On 22nd July, Sue told us “It’s Oreo’s first chemo tablet today then we are off to the river to chill”.
On 23rd, she said “He’s quite thirsty now because the pills are kicking in. He’s also exceptionally hungry but he is still happy, though”.
On 27th, her text told us “I made him pee at 5am. It was enormous! I’m glad I caught that one in time! He has blood test at the vets tonight to check all is in order”.
On 28th we heard “Oreo just wolfed his breakfast. The blood has been sent away for analysis as it is more accurate for the 1 st reading. We will know in a couple of days” then on 30 th we received the good news that all was good so far”.
As 31st was such a beautiful day today they went the 48miles to St Ives in Cambridge by the river. Despite his illness, Oreo is really a very lucky boy to have such a wonderful exciting life.
Oreo decided he was feeling so much better that he would take over the diary. Well, after all, dogs have a much better way with words than humans.
1.8 We are going to a place called Walton on the Naze today. It’s about 70miles but it sounds very exciting cos I hear Mum saying “We all need some sea air”.
2.8 Well, like I expected it was grrrrrrrreat. I loved the sea air and so did my humans
3.8 I am still peeing for England but Mum understands it’s not my fault. This morning, she had no longer finished cleaning up a huge pee when I went and did another huge pee in the garden. Apart from that I am fine and don’t seem to have any other side effect thingies. My appetite hasn’t been affected at all and, in fact, I just gobbled all my breakfast.
4.8 I felt a wee bit queasy and was sick during the night but I’m ok now and wolfed down my breakfast as usual
6.8 I heard we are going to the vets for a blood test and check up today and to collect my next chemo pill this afternoon. I hope all is good cos I know Mum worries.
7.8 We are off to the boat this afternoon and back tomorrow. How cool is that? It’s great on the boat cos we can sleep there too.
10.8 Great news, my blood test was fine so I have just had my 2nd Chemo pill. There will also be a slight reduction in my steroids so Mum is hoping I will start peeing less. I have another blood test next Mon (17th) but the vet is kind and I am a brave boy cos it doesn’t hurt.
16.8 We are off to the river today and I love it. To tell you the truth, I’m not too sure about water yet but I do get my toes wet.
18.8 I am sooooo hungry all the time but Mum thinks it is a side effect of my treatment. Dad thinks it is more likely I am just plain greedy! Apparently, we are going for a long walk with a friend of Mum’s this morning.
19.8 Well, we had a lovely walk yesterday. I really enjoyed it especially as I treated myself to a good old roll in fox muck. I love the smell but Mum and Dad don’t seem to care for it too much.
20.8 I knew it, Mum made me suffer today by giving me “a lovely shampoo”. I smell all pongy and wussie now. I am still very hungry but Mum is content cos she knows I am very happy.
21.8 Busy, busy, busy …. we are going out with friends and their doggies for a walk today.
22.8 We had a really good walk yesterday and I even had a very quick swim! Well, actually, I stepped into a pond which was deeper than I realised! I can’t say I really enjoyed it much!
Mum is happy because I am peeing a bit less since my steroids have been cut down slightly.
Today, we are off to the river again (it is one of my favourite places) and it looks like it is going to be hot.
23.8 to 25.8 We had one more very hot day which was still enjoyable. Mum worries about my breathing if it is too hot but all was fine and that was the last of the heatwave as it was dull and rainy then windy the next two days. Mum was happy that I was still my usual self.
26.8 We were expecting rain again and Mum thought I seemed a bit morose but it was just the weather being a bit depressing and I think she felt better when I scoffed my breakfast as usual so she knew there was nothing wrong with my appetite.
27.8 Much to Mum’s relief, I was fine again today. Well even I can’t be on top form ALL the time.
28.8 The weather’s a bit brighter and so I am feeling totally fine again. Yesterday, I had a blood test and Mum collected my next chemo pill which, if all is well, will be due on Monday.
Can you believe yet another 3 weeks will have passed?
29.8 Mum got my blood test results and she is over the moon because they are really, really, really good and it’s all systems go for Monday.
30.8 We are waiting for rain here today. I hope the weather isn’t too bad in Somerset and the IRR stall does well today. Mum says I was a bit lazy this morning (cheek!) but I did have a busy day yesterday. Naturally, I wasn’t too tired to scoff my breakfast!!
31.8 It’s throwing it down this morning but I am still doing ok. It’s my 3rd chemo pill today. It all finishes in November, apparently. I am still on some steroids so I still pee quite a lot and, of course, I still mug people for food!! but, Mum and the nice IRR people say as long as I am happy and doing so well, nothing else matters. How cool is that?

1.9 to 5.9 The weather has got progressively Autumnal and there has been a big nip in the air. I am, of course still just fine and very hungry as usual.
6.9 The heat is on full blast here this morning which is rather nice cos we are all cold and, do you know, I think I am even more starving than usual. I feel like having a quiet day today.
7.9 to 9.9 I am still ok but Mum keeps saying “where’s that heatwave?”
10.9 Sun, sun, sun …. yeah. We are all off to the river today until Saturday. I love it there.
11.9 All is well. Mum ordered the rest of my pills yesterday. These will take me up to the end of the course which is the second week of November. Can you believe that? We can’t.
12.9 We came home last night as the weather wasn’t great. I am still doing well. This time, I had a good old paddle and I met lots of dogs and people. They all seem to love me.
13.9 Typical, now we are back, the stupid weather is fine again this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!
14.9 I was very quiet this morning. Mum said she thought it must be the dull weather which makes us all feel low. Mum does worry so. Anyway, I gulped my breakfast so she was hoping I would be perkier later.
15.9 We’re all fed up with the weather. I went back to bed in disgust. Mum says bed is probably the best place on a miserable day. I loved my breakfast, though. Thank goodness for luverly grub eh? Mum says “We can always rely on food to keep Oreo happy”.
16.9 No sun here but I was fine this morning. I heard Mum say “Thank goodness for dogs to brighten our day”. I know I have a very important job to do cheering my humans up whenever they feel sad.
17.9 I had my blood test today ready for chemo on Monday. I am beginning to feel like a pin cushion but I don’t mind really cos, paw on heart, I can’t say it properly hurts. It’s hard to believe another 3 weeks have passed by and I’m still alive and well. I was a greedy boy this morning, as always, of course, and the vet said he thought I looked really well. We will get my results on Saturday.
18.9 My plans are to take advantage of a bright day. After having a nice walk, I will, no doubt, laze in the garden whilst my foster mum does all the work! It’s grrrrreat to have a willing slave.
19.9 My bloods are ok so I can have my 4th Chemo pill on Monday. Roll on November when it all finishes for me. I have heard, as well as F1, we will be watching rugby and tennis today. I don’t mind at all whether the ball is large or small, it’s all fun to watch especially when Dad gets very excited at the telly. Not quite so sure about the zoom zooming cars cos they just send me to sleep. Humans like very funny things sometimes but hey ho.
20.9 Today we have sun!!!! I was quite subdued this morning but we all have our quiet days and Mum worries far too much about me. I think I am exhausted after watching all that sport!
Mum is hoping I will soon get my mojo back. Of course, I did still eat with mucho gusto as usual so she told Aunty P that “I can’t be too bad”.
Mum has become a bit concerned about me. For a few days now, I have been sleeping a lot and my intermittent cough and breathlessness returned. To crown it all, I have drops of blood coming from my willy again. Ma and Pa are hoping, like before, it is unrelated external damage. We will probably have to visit the vet during the week to get me checked out again.
I heard Mum discussing it and saying perhaps it is a recurring infection due to the chemo wiping out my resistance. Luckily, they are trying to stay positive as the vet was so pleased with me, my bloods are good and, of course, I am still eating well. They are hoping it’s just that and I will pick up again soon.
21.9 It’s raining today. I was very quiet and there was a lot more blood so Mum, who wasn’t at all happy, arranged for a visit to the vet tonight. Mum could see I was getting very subdued and it was starting to worry me too, even though I was still eating with my usual enthusiasm.
21.9 pm We have just seen the vet. Mum hadn’t given me my pill as she was waiting to see the vet first. I was fed but they weren’t !!!!! Apparently, it could be a possible lack of clotting but they are trying antibiotics first and my 4th chemo pill is now delayed for a couple of days.
22.9 There are still lots of drips but I am happy again.
23.9 I am still dripping a little but I am still eating well, of course, and I am back to being very happy … yeah! Mum is hoping there isn’t a problem with a lack of clotting. The vet will do a blood test to check this if it doesn’t clear up.
24.9 I was slightly better so I was able to have my chemo pill
25.9 It’s very cold this morning but nice and sunny. Mum thinks I seem much better today, there is not so much dripping and I am still happy and hungry, of course. I have heard we might go to the river tomorrow.
26.9 It’s looking promising for a lovely Autumn weekend. I am looking forward to going to the river because I love it there.
27.9 It’s a lovely day so we are going for a long walk this morning. I am really enjoying my weekend.
29.9 Mum thinks I seem very happy again now. We had a bit of a rest yesterday but it’s perfect for going out so we are off for a long walk again today.
30.9 Well, I wasn’t joking about long, the walk was 10 miles! I was absolutely fine and I am really good today. In fact, it’s Mum not me who is a bit tired, bless her, so it’s just normal walkies for us today and not much else. We all really love this Autumn weather.
1.10 Can you believe. Another month has passed and I am very well. We are off to the river with some friends today. Mum says the weather is too good to be indoors.
2.10 We had a good day yesterday. I kept disappearing off to scrounge food from people.
Mum said it was very embarrassing but, secretly, she thought it was extremely funny!!
I do so love making her laugh.
3.10 Apparently, today, we will all watch the rugby and then have a nice walk with a friend.
6.10 I’m not doing too much today, just normal walkies and possibly helping Mum with her chores. Yes, really, I am invaluable to her.
7.10 Mum says I am a lazy boy in the mornings (cheek) although I always jump up quick enough for my breakfast. Well, a boy has to get his prorities right doesn’t he?
8.10 I had my breakfast, scrounged some of Mum’s toast then went back to bed for a bit before going for my blood tests today. I have had extra ones done this time to make sure my liver and kidneys are alright.
10.10 I am doing fine. Just off out for walkies. I think something unusual is going to be happening cos Mum seems to be ever so excited.
11.10 Mum is packing as she is going away with “the girls” tomorrow. Pa is going to be looking after me and doing all the doggy things so he will find out my blood test results tomorrow. It’s going to be a busy day.
12.10 Mum has gone off and so Pa is in charge.
13.10 All is good here and Dad is doing a sterling job
14.10 Although Mum is away in a hot place, she is making sure Pa is taking good care of me. Pa has already sorted my chemo for me. I think Mum was extremely impressed.
18.10 Mum will be home on Tuesday morning after flying through the night. She skyped Dad to make sure I was doing alright, of course, and was ever so pleased to know we are fine.
21.10 Mum is back now and thinks I look very well and happy. Dad did a grrrrreat job of looking after me. I think I secretly quite like being all boys together.
23.10 I heard Mum talking about fireworks. She hates them and worries about the birds and wild animals as well as us dogs. Luckily, we haven’t heard any as yet.
24.10 Mum still has jet lag (whatever that is) so we are just having a normal walk today
25.10 Off to the boat today. Yipeeeee, I love it there.
26.10 I am just waiting for Mum’s crusts. Mum says I would go to anybody with grub!!!!!!!!
27.10 Mum was saying how much I love other dogs. I get to play with her brother’s dogs quite often which I really enjoy but it would be especially good if our lovely neighbours had another foster dog. Rafi was a great friend and I used to love him to bits. Apparently, I have my next blood test on Thursday (29th ).
28.10 It was pouring with rain today but Mum said I can stay with her and Pa for my whole life as a forever foster dog. I was never in any doubt cos everyone knows how much my Ma and Pa love me but my Mum does worry an awful lot.
29.10 I was dripping blood again so Mum told the vet. He says I need to have a scan on my bladder and the vet will check my throat at the same time. I will have a maintenance course when my pills will be gradually reduced.
30.10 Mum was a bit worried about the extra costs but the nice people at IRR said they think I am worth it so Mum has been given the go-ahead to get me sorted. I think she is trying to
get me booked in for next week. I have a horrible feeling I might have to miss a meal so I can’t say I am looking forward to it but, if it gives me longer with Ma and Pa it will be worth it.
31.10 We are going to the river today (I love it there) with Mum’s brother and his dogs (my bestest friends). We should get home to catch the 2nd half of the rugby (my favourite sport).
How brilliant is that? I really am a very, very happy boy.
A lot has happened to Oreo in the 6 months since he first set paws on British soil in late April and, all things considered, he is doing amazingly well. He always looks soooooooo happy and well and long may it last. It’s very hard to believe he is classed as terminally ill and there are times when we almost query the diagnosis but Sue saw the Xrays with her own eyes and there is no doubt that he had an enormous horrid growth on his tonsils.
Oreo has just had his fifth dose of Chemo having had successful blood tests. The only side effects from the Chemo and steroids seemed to be peeing for England and having an even bigger appetite than normal but, otherwise, he has been doing really well. Although much of his life seems to be spent at the vets, through it all, he is really friendly and very brave.
He owes his life to his wonderful forever fosterers and we can never thank them enough. As if he were their own, they have made sure he gets the best of everything, which is exactly what we all want for him. They are doing the most fantastic job and seem to take everything in their stride. We know what an emotional rollercoaster they are on but they are, indeed, very special people and we all think they are absolutely perfect for our special boy.
Oreo has a much better quality of life than many dogs, loving his walks, his cuddles, his play with both humans and other dogs and, of course, his grub. Life couldn’t be fuller or more interesting for him. The weather has even been kind to him as, not generally being too hot this Summer, he hasn’t been struggling with his breathing and, when it was hotter, he was on his holidays chilling with Sue and Dave when they had a few well earned days away on the boat.
Oreo is looking fantastic and sooo handsome too. If people didn’t know, who would believe there was a problem at all? The best thing is that Oreo doesn’t realise he is so poorly and so he just carries on breezing through every action packed day of his life in his lovely happy way. Seeing his recent photos, we at Irish Retriever Rescue know we have done the right thing for him. We are so pleased we chose to go down the Chemo route as it just goes to show that small miracles can happen and we hope, maybe, learning about Oreo’s happiness and joie de vivre may give others in the same situation a little bit of hope for their dogs too.
1.10 We had a brilliant day yesterday. I love playing with my cousins. Mum’s a bit worried cos I’m still dripping blood from my little boy thingy. She has noticed I am licking it quite a lot but a boy’s got to keep his bits clean. I must admit, it does feel a wee bit sore. Mum worries about everything and thinks I am sleeping a lot but, honestly, I know all my friends like a good old snooze too especially with a full tummy and I always make sure I have that. Mum is “monitoring” me and I may have to go to see the vet tomorrow if it gets any worse.
2.11 In the morning, Mum spoke to the vet and they have brought my scan forward from Thursday until tomorrow. He said it was ok so I had my last chemo pill today.
Oh my Lord! Not sure what a scan is but something big is happening tomorrow apparently. It has caused a major disaster here ………. after getting my tea a bit earlier than usual, I have been starved!! You know me and my tum, how can I possibly survive?
3.11 am Up early and still NO FOOD!!!!!! Any more of this and I will be packing my little suitcase and leaving home!!! As it happens, there was no time as I was whisked off to the vet at the absolute crack of dawn. Luckily, I like it there cos everyone is so nice to me.
Still no food but I am feeling VERY sleepy I think I had a nice doze but I have woken up with my bits feeling very sore and I feel quite groggy. I have been trying to listen to what the humans are saying. There has been a lot of crying so I was thinking it is bad news but, apparently, it is quite the opposite.
Now, let me see if I can get the gist of the conversation right .. good news .. bladder, prostate and kidneys all clear .. and, even better, no evidence of cancer in the throat and tonsils are also clear ………… all in all, marvellous news!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most of the time (two hours) was spent on removing two difficult to get at polyps from my penile sheath (whatever that is). The tissue is being sent away for analysis but the vet is very hopeful it isn’t malignant. Mum will know for sure in a couple of days.
I’m home now but still feeling a bit woozy and my willy wonker hurts. I have managed to feebly wag my tail. Mum has painkillers and antibiotics for me. People are funny aren’t they?
Mum was over the moon when I weed just now so much so she gave me a treat. I’m not feeling like much else to eat so I MUST be poorly.
4.11 Worryingly for Mum, I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning and I’m feeling sorry for myself. Mum is obviously very concerned. Oooooh, what was that? I heard my dish clink!!! …. must be food …. I feel better already!
Oh boy was that good. I savoured every mouthful. I went out and simply peed and poohed but, again, Mum was delighted (humans are definitely weird). So, Mum is happy and I am happy. The Oreo-meister is back …… RESULT!!!!!!!!!!!!
5.11 I am brighter and happier today. I really love my humans and they love me too.
6.11 I’m still fine but the results have come back and it’s not good.
It’s a tumour which may or may grow back. Apparently, they usually recede and, guess what, they are found in street dogs!!!!!!! Again!!!!!!!!!
Mum is hopeful that all will be ok as the bleeding has nearly stopped now.
7.11 I am ok again this morning. Mum will keep giving me the liver supplement but she will gradually reduce the steroids over the next few weeks. The possibility of more chemo is being checked with the oncologist. Things are not looking so good again.
8.11 I am much brighter today so the humans are staying very positive.
I have heard my humans are going away for a week on 11th Nov to a place
called Cyprus, visiting friends. The plan was for her brother to look after me as we often walk with his dogs because they live very close by. Unfortunately, I blotted my copybook and failed the escapee test when Mum left me there. I leapt over their very tall hedge and legged it home, arriving back before Mum.
Luckily, we live on a very quiet, unmade road near each other but poor Mum nearly had a heart attack!!
9.11 Good news, Uncle Derek and Aunty Jill are going to “sort” me. They live a few doors away and are around all day. Silly Mum is worried I will fret but I will be just fine. They have a totally escape proof garden too!!!!!!!!!!
10.11 We are only 5 doors away from Uncle Derek & Aunty Jill and Mum felt relieved when I went straight to their kitchen and started scrounging from their son. I heard Ma and Pa say they were leaving on a jet plane at 4.30am tomorrow
11.11 to 18.11 Well, I had a lovely week. Good food, plenty of cuddles and some nice walks even though they were on the lead (just in case). I was even very kind to the cats.
19.11 I’m back home. Apparently, Cyprus was wonderful. Mum was happy to see I am just fine and to hear that I have been a very good boy. As a reward, she took me to have a blood test (some reward). They should have the results on 20th. There were no obvious signs of cancer at the moment so fingers and paws are crossed.
20.11 I enjoyed my holiday but I really am very pleased to be home. The time went very quickly so that was great.
21.11 We had some white stuff today. I hate it. It’s all cold and horrible and reminds me of the old days of freezing when we had no shelter. I heard Mum say friends are coming for a bite to eat later. That’s good cos it means one thing …. food windfalls!
22.11 No more snow, it’s just cold today and I am fine. My results are on Monday now as the vet wants to talk to the oncology people before I have any more chemo. My steroids are to be reduced again starting today. The vet is doing this on his day off which is very kind of him. He must really like me.
23.11 Mum bought me some new toys yesterday as she thinks I sleep too much and need something called stimulation. It took me some time to learn how to play with them but now I love the spiral thing that bounces all over the place.
24.11 Something’s happening. I have seen Mum packing a little suitcase for Dad?????
25.11 I am feeling fine but I am missing my Dad. Apparently, he had something called a bunion operation last night. Mum is going to pick him up later.
The news is no chemo at the moment and reduced steroids. They are still not absolutely sure about the growth in my boy bit. Anyway, Mum is going to talk to the vet more next time we go for a test. It seems he is still doing some research with the oncologist. All these clever people. I really must be extra special.
26.11 Dad is home and I am very happy.
28.11 Poor Mum is frazzled but she and I have some lovely peaceful walks. She has still not heard anything ref the other investigations about oncology but, as her 4 legged boy is very happy, she is content.
29.11 Mum has had to ask for me to move out for a few days cos Dad’s foot is a bit vulnerable.
30.11 I have moved along the road to Aunty Jill’s again. Mum is still close by if I need her, of course, but she still shed a tear or two when I went. She is going to stay in touch with the vet to ensure my medical treatment has continuity.
1.11 Another month gone. I have heard Mum really misses me. Dad has his plaster put on next Wed so his foot will be less vulnerable and therefore less of a worry. Mum is going to talk to Uncle Derek about having me back then cos, hopefully, when the plaster is on, it will help.
2.12 to 5.12 All is well. Mum was pleased to hear I was doing ok when she spoke to Aunty Jill. It seems I am going to have more chemo but Mum has looked it up on the Internet and it is a pretty nasty one so she is quite worried. The vet phoned her yesterday and he is going to order the drug.
7.12 I’ve got my humans back! Hooray! They have missed me heaps. Dad’s had his plaster on today so he is less vulnerable now. I am soooo happy.
8.12 I have been scrounging as usual. Apparently, Mum is going to “progress” the vet today
11.12 My drug has finally arrived so I am booked in for next Tuesday. It will be done if my blood cell count is ok. Mum has mixed feelings but I’m not worried cos I am a brave boy.
12.12 I have been sniffing at a mysterious package that’s arrived! I want to open it now but Mum says I have to wait for something called Christmas.
14.12 Mum is dreading my treatment as she doesn’t think the side effects are very nice for me. It’s something called Vincristine and the description is yuck.
15.12 She needn’t have worried, I was fine. She has to check for vomiting as I will need to be on a drip if I am sick. I need Denamarin for my liver again plus a steroid every other day. I have to eat little and often. The “often” bit sounds good but I’m not so sure about the little bit!!!!
16.12 So far so good. I just had my breakfast after Mum’s toast!
17.12 Mum is delighted cos I am eating normally!!!! and I am very happy still
18.12 I am still eating well and I’m happy as always. Nobody can quite believe it.
19.12 The big human boy is in quite a lot of pain still and I am scrounging food all the time now! Mum thinks it is the steroids. I successfully mugged somebody in the woods for a biscuit yesterday. The weather is weirdly mild for December.
20.12 All is well. I have been so hungry I have been pinching old veg from Mum’s compost heap! Cabbage storks are a favourite! Poor Dad is fed up cos he is stuck at home but Mum and I always enjoy our walkies.
22.12 They can’t do the chemo as my blood count was too low so they are leaving it until next Tuesday. Although that was disappointing, the vet was, otherwise, pleased as there have been no bad side effects at all, so far.
23.12. I am going for a nice walkie today. All the presents are hidden as Mum doesn’t trust me!!
24.12 It’s warm and windy here. Mum says roll on the proper Winter, whatever that is, but I am happy as usual. My humans are going to friends for Christmas dinner.
25.12 “Happy Christmas to all”. I had fishy treats and a crystal from my Aunty P. It’s on my collar ready for my walkies this morning. Needless to say, I have had a few of my treats already …. yum yum.

27.12 Well, we had a good Christmas but Mum hurt her Achilles tendon in the wet, slippery mud so it was rest and ice for 2 days. She couldn’t beat the thought of it rupturing again like it did a couple of years ago. Her brother walked me yesterday and today. The funny thing was Dad and Mum were sharing Dad’s crutches yesterday!
28.12 I enjoyed my walks but disappeared into someone’s rubbish bin. No harm was done though so nobody got cross. Mum is walking me on a flat track today. Chemo, all being well, will be tomorrow.
29.12 All was ok yesterday. Mum dropped me off at the vet hoping chemo would happen today and it did. We just got home. All is ok and Mum can’t believe I am already nagging her for food.
30.12 It’s sooooo windy. I felt a wee bit subdued this morning but I managed to eat though!
31.12 The wind is much less today and Mum is happy cos I seem brighter.
1.1.2016 Today I am full of beans!!!!!!!!! Today is not just another month, it is a new year and I am still alive and kicking. Who would have believed it eh?
2.1 New Year was ok but what a shame about the weather and it’s raining again this morning. Despite that, I am full of beans again. I love the sprats I had for Christmas. Dad is looking forward to Monday afternoon cos his plaster comes off.
4.1 It’s soooo wet. It doesn’t help poor Mum’s baddy tendon at all!! Dad can’t wait for this afternoon now. Hopefully, my bloods will be ok tomorrow.
5.1 Dad still has an open wound so care is needed and Mum just heard my blood count was no good so we are all fed up. They will try again on Friday. I thought that might happen. Vet says it is only borderline low so it could be worse.
6.1 Roll on Spring. Mum reckons I am the fittest of the 3 of us!
7.1 I am still fine and we are all hoping my bloods will be ok for tomorrow. Dad’s still in a lot of pain but is walking slightly better. Mum’s Achilles is a lot better as long as she is careful. It’s difficult for the humans to stay cheerful with this awful weather although I always manages it.
Had a message from Aunty Pauline “Dear Oreo Just to thank you very much for your gorgeous paw made thank you card. As always, you look very handsome and especially so with your rose quartz pendant on your collar. My fingers will be crossed for you tomorrow. Please take good care of your very special Mum and Dad. With love and hugs from Aunty P xxxxx” How cool was that?
8.1 I had my 3 rd chemo today so just 2 to go now and all is well. They are leaving the 4 th one until 18th Jan as I, obviously, need just a little more than a week for my bloods to stabilise. Hopefully, all will be ok then and I will be finished by the time Mum and Dad go on holiday on 28th.
9.1 Once again, my humans were expecting me to be a bit subdued but, as usual, I was keen to eat and, apparently, have had no adverse side effects yet again.
10.1 Well, so far so good. I am very happy and there have been no side effects still. The bleeding seems to have stopped so Mum is feeling very positive.
11.1 I am fed up with the rain so much so I had to be persuaded to go out for a wee this morning.
12.1 We are all getting better. I am very happy but I am losing my fur a little. I haven’t lost a lot but I hope it doesn’t get any worse. Still, only 2 more sessions and I guess a bit of hair loss is nothing in the great scheme of things.
13.1 It’s much colder today. I just wolfed my breakfast and now want Mum’s! It’s easy to see why I put on weight so easily especially when I go on holiday cos my other foster parents are much kinder to me. Mum tries to be strict with my diet so, although I do have treats, Mum makes sure it is not too many. It’s a hard life.
14.1 I am my usual bouncy self and I have been digging up where a cat has been! Tasty! Mum blames the steroids and calls me a “poor greedy boy”. Not long to go now to my 4 th chemo, 4 days and counting.
15.1 Mum thinks I am very cheeky because, today, I have been digging up the flower beds for something, anything to eat.
16.1 There was a heavy frost today but it is better than the mud and rain. All is well with me and so Mum is hoping I will be ok for my chemo.
17.1 We have snow here. My nose is white!
18.1 We left for the vets at 7.30am. It was all done and I was back home for 1.30pm. Four down, one to go now. Mum says I am a greedy thing. I have an infection in my ear now so we have some ointment. My ear is exposed so Mum was not surprised about the infection with me digging for grub all the time. She calls me a cheeky monkey. Mum is trying to keep it clean. My ear is not serious but Mum is making sure I stay healthy cos my immune system is suppressed at the moment. Next Wednesday is, hopefully, the last chemo.
19.1 I heard Mum saying “The boy is famished as usual. Nothing changes, bless him”.
20.1 We just had a lovely walk and watched the red sky as the sun rose. It’s dry and frosty so far today. I am full of beans and not at all subdued this time.
21.1 I am fine and Dad is finally getting there too. Their holiday is next Friday. and they can’t wait now. Mum’s Achilles is better cos she massages her calf muscle daily.
22.1 Mum thinks I am in top form but she says I am very greedy. It will be brilliant to finish the chemo and then ditch the steroids. I am actually looking forward to my last treatment next week. Let’s hope I keep well after that. Mum says I really deserve to be healthy and for a very long time. The last year has certainly been very eventful year. When people say ” poor boy” we say I have really landed on all 4 paws.
23.1 I am still fine and counting down the minutes now.
24.1 Roll on Wednesday for my last chemo. Mum has nothing special planned for today other than our usual walkies. We wish the sun would come out.
25.1 Two days to D Day now. Hooray!! Still, as long as I am ok, everyone is well happy.
26.1 Just one more day to go to my LAST chemo.
27.1 We set off for the vets at 7.30am with Mum hoping and praying I would be ok for my last chemo. My blood count wasn’t quite as it should be so the vet spoke to the experts at the veterinary hospital. Fortunately, the oncology specialists said it was still ok to go ahead so I had his chemo and am home.
The vet rang to discuss medications and they had agreed to cut my steroids by half then they will stop altogether after a fortnight. I will need a blood test to check my liver after the holiday. If it is ok, then I won’t need any more liver pills. Hopefully, all will be well and I will be just fine and dandy as usual. Tomorrow, I start my holiday along the road with Aunty Jill and Uncle Derek again. That will be about 3 hours after my humans start theirs.
28.1 Everyone is hoping I suffer no ill effects after yesterday and that my reduced steroids will curb my appetite. I was very sleepy but they thought I would soon perk up and sleep is healing after all. Of course, I was famished as usual! I have my little suitcase packed and ready.
29.1 Aunty P was hoping I would be brighter and back to my normal happy self and I am.
30.1 Aunty Jill told Mum “Oreo is his normal lovely self. He is sitting with us now, watching TV”.
5.2 We’re all home and all 3 of us had great holidays. I am doing really well.
6.2 Mum says I’m still a little porker but that I’m not too bad. Reducing my steroids does seem to have helped. She was looking forward to a nice walk with me this morning.
7.2 Sun, sun, sun! Off again for a walk soon.
8.2 Just walking in the rain (like the song). Mum thinks I am looking very well. I will have my blood test after my last steroid on Wednesday.
9.2 It was a very windy and wet walk yesterday. It’s dull but calm this morning. We can hardly wait for me to have my blood test tomorrow.
10.2 Apparently, everyone is thinking of me today with fingers and paws crossed and my friends have been sending their love to me. All the IRR people have also sent huge thanks to Mum and Dad for all they have done for me and I heard Mum say ” He’s lovely and it’s all been very rewarding”.
The vet said I am looking very good. The results will be through in a day or so. He agrees I am a bit fat but, hopefully, I will lose it now they are stopping the steroids
11.2 It’s a red letter day.The results are back and it is really great news. All is well with my blood test. My liver is fine and, clearly, I have survived the treatment which has been a worry. I need no more pills. Hooray!!!
Aunty Pauline swears it was my love of food which helped me through.
12.2 Mum worries I need a family and / or other dogs.
13.2 You won’t believe this but I have got myself a baddy paw now. It looked infected so Mum I popped me to the vet. The worry is infections are likely because of my reduced immune system at the moment.
14.2 Somehow, I had partially skinned my pad but it seems more comfortable today. My foot is bound so I am on restricted walkies. It is dressed with antiseptic and Manuka honey and is bandaged up until Tuesday.
15.2 I feel much happier today. For greatest effect, I am hopping on 3 legs but I am weight bearing a bit more now. I have a very snazzy bandage. It has a black and white jazzy pattern!!
16.2 It’s not bothering me now so, hopefully, with a dressing change, that will be another thing over. I don’t have much luck do I?
17.2 It’s the right temperature for snow today. My foot is healing. The dressing is off and it is exposed to the air. Mum bought some antibacterial powder to help soothe it and, to keep it clean, she is dressing it for the garden and short walks.
Aunty Belinda asked Mum to write down a few bits and bobs about me. She knows they don’t have to worry about me because Aunty Lorraine will only let me go to a perfect home where I will be well looked after and will have the best life possible.
Dad’s next op is 12 th May so, ideally, they would like me to be settled by then. Mum says “We will be so very sad but we do think it is best for him. He definitely needs more going on otherwise he just sleeps and we don’t think that’s good”.
18.2 After morning rain, we now have sun. Mum hopes my pad will harden off soon. She is doing her own dressing now but is still having to change it every time I go out at the moment. She thinks I probably sliced my pad on a flint in the field. Mum is sure I am losing weight at last.
19.2 The sun is out again and I am much better this morning. I have a nice new ball to play with now.
20.2 The expected rain has not arrived yet but it is due soon. All is well.
21.2 It’s windy today but we are expecting rain again soon. I am soooo happy despite having problems with my foot and it is getting better so we will be back to normal soon. I love it when Mum throws a ball for me.
22.2 It’s drizzling again but I am happy as ever.
24.2 It’s VERY VERY nippy but I am happy and waiting for Mum to save me a toast crust. I am losing my steroid weight now and my paw is fine again. Mum thought Aunty Lorraine had found someone for me and didn’t expect it so soon so she felt a bit shocked but her and Dad are going to let me go for my sake because, much as they love me, they think I need more people and dogs around me. It’s for their sake too because they want to go away more like they planned before they agreed to a “short term, easy foster” and it’s not fair on me if they do. It was not in their plans to have another long term dog at this time.
Aunty Pauline said “When push comes to shove, are you really going to be able to let Oreo go? He adores you so we doubt he would care too much about more people or other dogs and holidays, even long ones, can be worked around. We just want to be sure you are 100% certain. A few of us have fallen in love with foster dogs so we know how hard it is to say “goodbye”.
Mum said They were sure. They will be very sorry to see me go and know it is going to be hard but they are determined to do the best they can for me.
25.2 It’s very cold and frosty again. My foot is all mended now We went off to the woods at 7.50am hoping to see the Flying Scotsman go past at around 8am. She’s doing London to York after a big refurb. I am getting an extra little walkie today to see it. We had a good view but Mum’s video sound effects were ruined by the helicopter. We thought it was good to see it, though.
26.2 It was just usual walkies today. It was so cold waiting yesterday as we went early to make sure we didn’t miss it. We are doing nothing exciting today.
27.2 I am very well. We have one more liver blood test the week after next and, if all is well, I will be discharged from the vet and I will be ready for moving to a forever home. Mum wanted to take me along the canal path in Hertford for a change today but it’s too risky for Dad’s foot so we are trying the woods near us for him instead. They have every pair of shoes imaginable strewn all over the kitchen floor for him!
28.2 Dad and I did enjoy our lovely walk with Mum yesterday. Dad walked our normal circuit which is about 3 miles. Mum and I went again later with her sister-in-law and her 2 dogs. I had a good sleep afterwards! I don’t think my life if boring and I know I get a lot more variety than most dogs. The nice IRR people always say “Only the best will do for our special boy”. Mum and Dad have both been amazing so, in many ways, I think I am a very lucky boy.
29.2 It’s freezing! Just normal walkies today and Dad is playing golf. It’s a Leap Year so I am going to jump for joy as tomorrow is going to be yet another month gone by and all is well.
1.3 Another month and all is going grrreat. It’s raining today but I am full of beans as it’s breakfast time.
2.3 I am still fine. It’s very windy and cold but I do enjoy our walkies. Mum will book my final blood tests for next week.
3.3 It’s dry but very cold. Still, hopefully, that will be better for our walk today cos it was horrible yesterday. I am feeling sooooooo well and everyone hopes it will stay that way.
4.3 It’s very cold but sunny here. The folks are out with friends tomorrow night and then they are off to see a play in London on Sunday. It’s funny how things all come at once. Mum’s brother is walking and feeding me so they won’t have to rush home.
5.3 No snow here yet but it looks threatening. I am just fine. I am booked in for my blood tests on Friday.
6.3 The folks are off to London for the matinee this afternoon then this evening will be a rest and feet up for them.
7.3 I had a lovely walk yesterday then basked in front of a wood fire. Mum seems to do a lot of washing of dog towels and bedding at the moment. Roll on the dry weather I say. Poor Dad is resting his feet as the other one is very painful now. He is both dreading and looking forward to his next op on 12th May.
8.3 I’m doing good and just waiting for my toast crusts. I hope I get then in my new home.
9.3 It’s awful, throwing it down with rain. I am going to see the vet at 2.30pm.
10.3 Today is dull and damp. The vet was very pleased with me. He has given me a “WELL DOG” blood test which is a total once over.
11.3 It’s freezing and foggy this morning. I am waiting for a crust as usual. Mum is going for lunch with a friend today. We watched Crufts on tv last night
12.3 It’s dull and cold today. Mum’s feet ache as she walked me then had to walk with her friend to the restaurant. We walked with her sister in law and their dogs around 5pm as it was a beautiful sunny evening so she ended up walking about 12 miles altogether. She is going for a cycle ride this morning then our walkies before we all settle down to watch the rugby. All my test results are absolutely clear!!!
13.3 I am staring at Mum’s toast with a view to scrounging a crust!
14.3 Mum is delighted cos I am so well. The weather hasn’t made it’s mind up yet. We watched Crufts and loved the winner and runner up and their lovely handlers.
15.3 It’s much brighter today. Mum is planning to pot her geraniums later after walkies. I will probably mooch around the bird table looking for anything that’s going then I might take her a toy.
16.3 It’s sooo cold still. I am supervising already even though the toast is still in the toaster!! It’s called begging apparently!! I can count too …. I know I always get two little crusts!!
17.3 We went to the marina yesterday but it was sooo cold. Mum and I had a lovely riverside walk even though it was freezing cold. Normal walkies today. I am fine. Mum told me I will be going to a forever home soon and I wagged my tail very hard. It was actually more to do with the toast but Mum was happy. Apparently, I need a very special home. I shouldn’t ever have an emergency with my cancer because it’s a gradual thing but, hopefully, I am completely clear now as far as anyone knows.
18.3 It’s dull and very cold. I have assumed the position for receiving a crust. I have, needless to say, just had my breakfast so this is extras! Nevertheless, the good news is I have almost lost my steroid weight now. I hear my friends Gizmo and George have been sharing yoghurt pot licks. They have already had their breakfast too.
19.3 As always, I am fine. Mum is probably going to have a little bike ride before our walkies.
20.3 Another miserable, damp morning. Mum is going to the gym then watching F1 on the telly before our walkies today. I am patiently awaiting my crust.
21.3 Another cloudy day but I am very pleased as we are all off to the marina today. The folks have some chores to do on the boat. It’s about 40 miles away in St Ives (the Cambridgeshire one).
22.3 It was very cold yesterday. Mum and I walked along the river bank. It’s sunny but freezing this morning. The birds are singing their little hearts out. Today, Mum will go to the gym and do a bit of food shopping before our walkies.
23.3 Today is cold and dull. I plan to scrounge my toast crust then wait patiently for Mum to come home from the gym before we go for our walkies.
24.3 It’s still very chilly. I am gradually losing weight. It’s a difficult job as I am still inclined to eat anything from bird seed to egg shells. Mum thinks it’s a result of me being a stray. We are having a quick walkie then Dad will walk me for longer when he gets home from the gym.
25.3 It’s sunny at the moment. The woodpecker is knocking his head off. We met a Rhodesian Ridgeback yesterday. He was gorgeous and had such a sad story. He was from a house which had 40 of them. It was an RSPCA case. It’s unbelievable what people do to animals. If the sun stays out, Mum is going to sit in it. I am, at present, scrounging a crust. Mum took pics of me and has entered them in the IRR Easter Photo Comp
26.3 It is windy and cold. We’ll have our walkie this morning then we are all popping to see my nephew and his 3 kids later this afternoon to take the eggs around and say hello. I love children.
27.3 It’s still cold and windy but brighter. I am just waiting for my usual crust. No special plans today just our usual walkies. Mum forgot to change the clocks until the middle of the night.
28.3 It’s been windy and raining all night. It seems to be getting worse so I think we are in for it. Mum and Dad are going to some friends for a late lunch / early dinner. I am going with them, of course.
29.3 It’s quieter weather today. They had a super lunch yesterday and I had a great time too.
30.3 No rain and some sun this morning … yippee. I always seem to enjoy my day when the sun is out especially on our walkies. I am fine and hoping for a crust as usual. There may be a lady who is interested in adopting me.
31.3 I am still fine … Mum describes me as happy and greedy (cheeky). There is nothing wrong with me now according to the vet. How amazing is that?
1.4 Yet another month and all is good. The weather is cold and sunny. We went for a lovely walk at Walton on the Naze yesterday. It was windy but sunny and we all enjoyed it. I especially loved it because I found a dead squid. I didn’t know what to do with it but I did manage a quick bite to eat before my folks grabbed it. I then tried to pee on every bit of seaweed. I was running around in circles with excitement and I even paddled and I’m not really a water baby ……………….. life is good.
2.4 It’s very low cloud today. The folks are planning a quick bike ride then another trip out which means a walkie by the river. I am, of course, very cheerful as usual.
3.4 Yesterday was very windy but there was lots of sun so it was very enjoyable. Most of it is driving but it’s worth it when we get there.
4.4 Went to Mum’s brother’s yesterday afternoon as her Aunt and Uncle were visiting. Her nephew was there with his 3 toddlers and, altogether, including me, there were 4 dogs. I love children and I am really happy being with other dogs. I was in my element. That’s why Mum and Dad know I need more than just them.
They worry about me being on my own so they take me with them whenever they can. I will sleep all day if I have nothing else to take my attention. Mum and Dad taught me how to play with balls and other toys which I love. Now, I’ll take my piece of rope or ball to them asking them to play with me.
5.4 There is sun today!! The nice lady is very interested in me. She is called Caroline and Mum says she sounds lovely. She has had an IRR boy before and she has a lovely doggy friend for me called Buddy.
6.4 It’s dull and cold again. The vet gave me a pre-new home check up and all still seems well. After walkies, Mum will be tidying up for Caroline’s visit tomorrow.
7.4 My new Mum to be, Caroline, is expecting to be here around 11.30am. Mum and I are off for a quick walk first. I guess, if all goes well, I will have to call my folks Foster Mum and Dad and Caroline will be my Mummy.
8.4 Everything went well yesterday and it was love at first sight all round. New Mummy is a lovely lady with a lovely doggie so I will be off to my new home next Friday. Foster Mum knows I will be absolutely fine with Mummy Caroline. I am fighting fit again today. Foster Dad and Mum are upset but they will be ok as long as I’m content and they are sure I will be very happy. They will both miss me but they say they will definitely foster again. I hope their next one will be a lot less complicated than me!!
10.4 It is very cold and frosty but sunny (hooray) here today. We walked round the fields and ancient woods near us as usual. Mum saw Aunty Jill and Uncle Derek who already knew about me going to my forever home and told her about a post on Facebook all about me. Fancy little old me being famous eh?
11.4 We visited some other friends who I adore to say “goodbye” today and they wished me well. I had a lovely email from Poppy (one of Buddy’s besties) who is staying at Mummy Caroline’s. I think I will have a lovely life there cos Poppy, obviously, loves it and she thinks it will be good for Buddy to have a proper permanent friend again. I think it made Foster Mum and Dad feel much better when they read it as I am going to have lots and lots of new friends and, apparently, it made them much less guilty about letting me go. As if they need to feel guilty about anything!!! Everything that happens is just all part of my destiny.
12.4 Just the usual walkies lined up for today and probably meeting up with other out walking doggy mates to say my “goodbyes”. Yesterday, Mum gave my new vet’s details to my current vets so they can send all my records (and there are many) so my new vet knows all about me. Nothing personal but I hope I don’t see too much of these new veterinary people. I ended up going to Bluebell Woods which was really cool.

13.4 and 14.4 Nothing out the ordinary on either day just my usual toast scrounging after my breakfast, snooze, walkies, snooze again, play and have cuddles before eating again etc etc. 15.4 Well, it arrived ………. Gotcha Day!!!!!!!! and the weather decided not to play ball … typical! The day started as usual although my walk was a bit earlier. Foster Mum and I sat watching the clock waiting for Mummy Caroline’s arrival. My foster parents were going to go off to the boat once I went because they dreaded the thought of an empty house. I know my Foster Mum will be having a few tears too.
This is me with my lovely Foster Mum and Dad and kissing my new Mummy Caroline.

I have a new name now …. Orrie …. And Mummy Caroline says I was as good as gold driving home. In fact, I slept all the way and didn’t even stir until Mum got out of the car and opened the boot up.
I nearly blotted my copybook when I almost cocked my leg on her new curtains but I got the hint when she gave me a firm “no”. I worked my way though the toy box (I think, at one point, I had 12 different toys out!) and I had a whale of a time.
Unfortunately, the weather has been dreadful and, every time we go out for a walk, we get soaked but I’m not bothered. Mum was hoping to get some nice pictures of me in the garden but it’s not been good enough for us to spend too much time outside so you’ll see most of my pics have been taken in the house.
We were all pretty tired so we had an early night and I slept through from 10.30pm until almost 7am without moving.
16.4 We’ve had a few visitors already plus met people out on our walks and everybody has fallen in love with me (no surprise there!) and Mum thinks I have settled in really well.
Yesterday, I wouldn’t let Mum out of my sight but, today, I have, occasionally, let her go into another room. I met the lovely post lady and made a big fuss of her when my flower essences arrived from Aunty Lynne this morning and, already, Mum has put some in the water bowl plus on both on Buddy’s head and mine. Me and the Budster get on fine and I know we are going to be best friends. Buddy has taken over my bed and I have chosen one of the beds here as my favourite (Mum lined 4 up and let me decide which one I preferred).

I really like looking out of the windows in the garden room. It is a lovely newish extension which has big sliding glass doors looking over the garden and I have already found a couple of favourite spots. Yep, I am definitely going to be very happy here and, now, I can’t wait to meet Poppy and Cassie who are going to be great friends with me too. Aunty Pauline says my story is a real rags to riches one. How lucky can one boy be eh?

Well, it’s been quite a week! My new Mum brought me to my new, forever, home last Friday and so much has happened since. For the first 24 hours, I made sure I kept a close eye on her, but by last Saturday afternoon I decided she could be left alone and I was OK to have a snooze in a sunny spot in the hall when she was busy in the study (sending emails about me to everybody!!)
For the first couple of days I did have the odd concern – what if she forgot to feed me? You know how much I love my food and how important my tummy is to me, but I shouldn’t have worried, I get really yummy meals (with loads of veggies) and on time too! Once I knew the food would be good, well, I relaxed. We now play a new game when my breakfast or dinner is put on the floor. Mum says “sit”, which I do, of course, and after a couple of seconds she says “good boy, go” which means I can eat my food. It took me a couple of goes to get the hang of it, but now we’ve got the routine all worked out and I enjoy it.
I really like the garden here, loads of interesting smells and plenty of space to play ball. Mum also says I’m very good at gardening – when she cut the grass I made sure she’d got all the stripes straight and when she did some planting, I kept a very close eye on her to make sure she did it properly. If I put my head up under her arm and nudged her, she made a big fuss of me even though she’d got muddy hands – that was fun!
My new brother, Buddy, and I like being outside together – one of our favourite games is competitive weeing! He wees, then I wee on the same spot, then he wees on top again and the last one to wee, wins!! We also patrol the garden and sometimes we just sit and keep an eye on things, particularly Bob, the retriever who lives next door!
We’ve had some really great walkies too. We’ve explored loads of parts of the village (the smells are sooooooooo interesting!) and we’ve been up on the Downs a few times too, which I really love. Mum let me off the lead up there for a while, but thought she’s better put me back on when I heard pheasants (I thought they’d make a nice change for dinner, and the sheep looked pretty tempting too!). Mum says she’s got some exciting plans for next week, we’re going to go to the beach one day and also there’s a place nearby called Pulborough Brooks, where there are supposed to be loads of birds, so we’re going to have a walk there too.
I’ve also had loads of visitors here, I didn’t know I had so many aunties and uncles. They all make a big fuss of me and bring me toys and treats – even some of the people who come to Mum’s bridge lessons have brought me toys, how cool is that?! Talking of toys, Mum has the most brill toy box – I love it! I can get all sorts of toys out for Mum and I to play with – there’s balls, kongs, tuggers and all sorts of different soft animals, I think my favourite is a hedgehog but I really like loads of the other ones too!
Mum spends ever such a lot of time playing with me, and I particularly love our evenings together. We play with all the toys and then we sit on the sofa together and she rubs my tummy and talks to me – I think that’s the best bit of all, cos it makes me feel all wanted and loved and cared about!! After that, we watch a bit of TV and I have a snooze, but she keeps on rubbing my tummy ever so gently and I do like that!
Just over a year ago when I first came to England, I didn’t even know what a Mum was, and now I’ve had the world’s best foster Mum (and Dad, of course) and now my forever home is with a Mum who I really love and who really loves me – I think life is pretty good!

I am making lots of new friends here like Poppy and Kudos

RUBY, MY NEW SISTER (October 2016)
Life has got very exciting! I now have a lovely new sister called Ruby.

I just want to say a huge thank you to the most wonderful Foster Mum and Dad in the whole wide world. They have given up so much for me, have gone that extra mile in caring for me and they have loved me unconditionally for almost a whole year. I will never, ever forget them and all they have done for me and I will always love them to bits too.
Letting me go was really hard for them but they, unselfishly, allowed me to go somewhere even more fantasticool and we can still go back to see them and even stay for holidays.
Since caring for me, my foster parents have had another foster boy. He is called Leo but, this time, they could resist no longer and they decided he could stay there with them forever. I must give many thanks too to Aunty Jill and Uncle Derek who lived nearby to my foster home and where I had some brilliant holidays. They carried on with my regime to the letter.
Last but not least, of course, I have to thank the wonderful people who are called Irish Retriever Rescue. Against all the odds, they decided to give me a chance of a happy, healthy life and, without them, I wouldn’t be here, happy and healthy, right now.