
Age: 2 years
Sex: Female, not yet spayed
Palomina was rescued from a high kill pound in Romania and is now available for adoption in the UK.
She is a very delicate, gentle little golden retriever who wants nothing more than lots of cuddles and affection – she would quite happily be a lap dog! She is extremely skinny and will need regular small portions of food to gradually build her weight up to an acceptable level. She also needs only short walks currently to gradually
build up some muscle.
Having never been a pet before she does need to learn some manners, but she is eager to please and won’t take long to learn how to behave correctly. She’s house-trained (other than couple of small accidents overnight on the first days in her foster home) and walks nicely on a lead. She is good with other dogs but will monopolise affection if at all possible. She definitely prefers the company of humans to the company of dogs and will follow her adopter around like a shadow.
Palomina is extremely food-oriented (probably because she is so under-nourished, so this may change with time) and she will steal anything that’s left within her surprisingly long reach!
She’s very inquisitive, exploring everything inside the house and outside. She also appears to have a reasonable hunt instinct and has been captivated by the possibility of catching mice and squirrels in the garden.
She has been left alone for short periods of time and appears to have been fine.
This little girl will make a fabulous pet. All she wants is someone to love. And food 🙂
January 2015
Palomina has gone to live in her Forever Home