Pam’s Ben

Went to Rainbow Bridge 3 / 5 / 2007
Pam, his forever mom wrote
It is with a very heavy heart that I am writing to let you know that sadly our dear old Ben passed away last Thursday evening. It was totally unexpected and I am still finding it very hard to believe it has happened.
He was fine in the morning (barked as normal all the way in the car) when we went to another park a little further from home where he trotted round happily with lots of sniffs,wees and meetings with other doggies on walkies.
He was quiet when I went out in the afternoon to visit my elderly Mother but was looking rather off colour when I got home about tea time. When he showed no interest in eating I thought I would ring the vets next morning if he was no brighter but it was not to be. I left him to rest on his quilt in the hallway whilst I fetched washing in and had a cup of tea and was devastated to discover shortly after that he had slipped away.
He was a lovely old boy, full of character, loved to get into mischief but was a really good boy too, a real star.
He has gone to be individually cremated so his ashes can be scattered by a tree in our garden.
We loved him dearly & will miss him so very much.
Pauline said, “I think we all know that dreadful feeling of emptiness when a loved one goes. We so want them back, we agonise over whether we could, or should. have done anything different, we almost feel angry that they have been taken away from us and we feel miserable and sad and lonely without them.
Time is the only healer. The memories of the good times can never be taken away and they are still with us but in a different way.
Sadly, quite a few of our dear friends have passed over this year but, undoubtedly, they will have all met up again at Rainbow Bridge and be happily playing together there in the warmth of the sun, with gentle breezes blowing.”