Paul Fryer

Paul Fryer RIP 18 May 2024

Loraine wrote:

“As many of you will already know, this time last week we lost a valued member of the IRR family. Paul Fryer sadly left this world last Saturday and it’s been a tough week for many of us, but non more so than his loving wife Anne Fryer.

A week later, now his nearest and dearest have had a little time to digest the tragic news, it is time to pay tribute to an exceptional man.

Paul found IRR, and therefore me, back in 2014 when him and Anne adopted Xena. From the day they adopted, they became dedicated to IRR, they weren’t simply adopters that wanted a dog, they wanted to make a difference.

Paul started as a fundraising coordinator in Somerset and soon graduated to an invaluable fosterer.

Some of you will have become friends with Paul over the years, and you will know, that Paul in his own opinion “wasn’t a people person” he much preferred dogs. That wasn’t true, he was a TRUE people’s person, if you were one of HIS PEOPLE! Yes it’s true, Paul didn’t like crowds, he wasn’t a big social gathering person. But that didn’t make him not a people’s person, once you gained Paul’s trust, you became a true friend and his loyalty was unwavering and you had a friend for life. A friend that would do anything for you, kind and generous without measure. Once you were in Paul’s circle, you wouldn’t leave, you got to know an exceptional man, principled, funny, kind, generous, strong… a man in a million.

Whenever IRR encountered a dog difficult to place in foster due to their issues…. Myself and Louise would receive a private message… “if you can’t sort x, we’ll take them”. He always always gave us a back up plan… he wouldn’t see a dog stuck in kennels and he wouldn’t leave, us, his friends, without another option!

Paul was everything the IRR family encapsulates. It’s not just a charity, it’s not just a dog rescue. It has the capacity to change lives, and not just those of our 4 legged friends, but us ourselves, if we open our hearts.

I’ve never been so glad, or privileged to have opened my heart to Paul and Anne, they’ve not only changed the lives of countless Goldens, but also mine, and I miss the old bugger and still can’t comprehend that I’ll never receive another text or call from him, telling me everything will work out.

Please all send your love to Anne, a strong strong woman whose strength and dignity I’ve been in awe of since Paul was diagnosed terminal just a couple of months ago.

Paul, take care of all our dogs that have gone before us, until we meet you all again… they couldn’t be in safer hands. We already miss you xx.”