Peggy Ruddick


Peggy was called Danna when she came to us from Romania in 2014, having been rescued from a high kill shelter. She was about two and half years old.

She loves other dogs but was not good with cats. She had recently undergone some medical treatment and so will need lots of care and attention to build her strength up with careful exercise and a good diet to get her back to full fitness.

Danna loves her walks and always welcomes any cuddles that are on offer. Danna is currently living with small children in her foster home, but would probably benefit from a family who have older children who haven’t got such ‘busy’ and noisy natures as she does like some peace and quiet time during the day. She would relish the comfort and safety of a loving home.

Danna is not keen on being left alone, so a family where someone is at home most of the time would be ideal.

Taking into account the trying times she has been through recently we feel she would benefit from being in a calm home where she can enjoy plenty of rest and recuperation.

Danna’s rescue and medical care were funded by private donors. Irish Retriever Rescue assisted with her rehoming.

GOOD NEWS (January 2015)

Peggy went to her Forever Home


Peggy (was Danna) is gorgeous and has a beautiful face. Her poor little legs are quite thin and lacking in muscle but we are sure, by gradually building up her exercise, Mary and Ray will soon have her looking lovely and fit.

She seems to have had a hard life or possibly no life at all so far, really. Her teeth were in a very poor condition, probably due to bad diet, so the vet wanted to clean/extract some teeth and xray her back and legs at the same time. He has been trying to investigate the strange wobble she has on her back legs when standing still. There is no sign of a problem when she is running like the wind. He videoed her dancing legs, said he had never seen it before and was going to ask someone else about it but, so far, it remains a bit of a mystery.

Mary has been trying Tellington Touch massage but Peggy is a bit wriggly and she is not that patient with being brushed either but Mary is persisting for her. Peggy’s flower essence drops have had a good effect on her and her forever parents can already see a difference in her.

Needless to say, IRR approved all the necessary work she needed so Peggy had 3 teeth extracted. The vet said he would have taken more if she had been older and, now, they will just try to maintain the rest of her teeth with good dental hygiene. The X-ray didn’t show anything to be too worried about. The vet thinks the ‘bounce’ is neurological and, as she doesn’t seem to suffer any pain whatsoever, he is just happy to keep a check on it for her.

Mary and Ray picked her up at 6pm after a day at the vets. The nurses said she was a good girl! She had a soft dinner and then simply slept it all off.

Having come through the mouth op so well, Peggy’s spay op will soon be able to go ahead safely now as there is no longer a risk of bacteria getting into her bloodstream and compromising the op.

Peggy is not out of woods just yet but she is happy and busy discovering what life is all about. She has come through her first procedures really well. In Mary’s words ” All good here. Not a bother on Peggy today, she is her usual mischievous self.”. She went back for her check up after her dental surgery and passed with flying colours.

Peggy loves her walks with Ray and, after a miserable day, weatherwise, she is most likely to be found curled up fast asleep.

We are so pleased Peggy has found the perfect home with people who will give her all the love and devotion necessary at the same time as showing her how wonderful life can be.


Six months on from her adoption, Mary tells us Peggy is fine as can be seen from her picture taken yesterday.

She has improved a lot and is very happy in her local surroundings although she still has her moments when Mary thinks something from her past triggers her off – namely vans/dark clothes and hoodies .

Unfortunately, she does love to hunt small birds but she is very good in the house and she travels really well in the car which means she is able to enjoy lots of exciting new things in her life.