Peppy Bugler

BLANCHE and BLAU were two young dogs (brother and sister) that were brought back from Romania on Tuesday 16th June 2009 by Chrissy.
To be eligible for his Pet Passport, castrated Blanche had been fully vaccinated and had the essential worm / tick treatment 48-hrs before leaving the country as well as having a full health check to make sure he would be able to cope with travelling such a long journey .
Both dogs were about 14mths old and were brought to the ROLDA (Romanian League in Defense of Animals) shelter at about 12 weeks old along with their other sibling, White, who IRR is planning to help rehome in August when she comes over to the UK.
The story began at the end of May when Joy received a phonecall from a very nice lady called Chrissy who told us about the dogs she helps to save from Romania. Up to that point, she had helped 20 other dogs from the shelter since February, and she had another 6 to bring over later in June. She told us that people who have rehomed previous dogs had all been delighted. They are all very nice dogs who adapt easily into a new home as they are like a blank canvas with no issues, no cruelty or neglect but just used to living in kennels where they have been well looked after.
She explained that 4 of the 6 had homes to go to but there were two retriever-types which needed forever homes and she wondered if IRR could help. She had been trying to get help for them from other places but to no avail.
She showed us pictures of Blanche and Blau and, needless to say, we couldn’t resist them.

After a long car journey across Europe and a ferry trip, the dogs finally arrived in Kent and Lorraine and Pauline met them in the early hours of the morning in Hertfordshire. Their journey then continued in Pauline’s van through the night down to the Bath area of Somerset and they were fostered there for a few days to give them time to settle.
Just as we were told, the dogs both had lovely kind natures with Blanche being the more timid of the two and depending very much on Blau to give him confidence.
They both got on really well with Pauline’s dogs and enjoyed their new found freedom.
Blanche was renamed Peppy and, once his sister had gone to her new home, he quickly came out of his shell and learnt to stand happily on his own 4 paws.
Peppy went into foster with Hayley and her 3 dogs in Yeovil.
Isn’t he a cutie!! All the dogs are fine together. It took him a while to brave it coming inside from the garden but I am sure he will relax in the next few days. I have guinea pigs and a rabbit and he doesn’t seem bothered by them in the slightest.
Peppy settled straight down last night and seems to like his crate. He ate his dinner last night, but not this morning and he has been clean in the house so far. He has just now, this afternoon, approached me for a stroke and even followed me in from outside, a sweet little man. He has been playing with Archie, the Labs take a little longer. Archie (Vizla puppy) has a new play mate!! Peppy is asleep in his crate at the mo’.
Peppy is adorable. He has been to the tennis courts this morning with the Labs and they all had a good run around and Peppy is even getting the hang of playing with the ball 🙂
I think a quiet home where he could gradually build his confidence with another older dog would be good for him. I went to visit a friend and her 14-year-old Collie yesterday with Peppy and he seemed to like the more mature dog in preference to my boisterous lot who just want to play Lab and Vizzie style!!
I visited another home in the area and Peppy seemed relaxed and even wagged his tail at the lady and was happy to mooch around the garden. He even went to sleep in the living room while we were chatting. He did meet one cat who was a bit hissy but they kept out of each other’s way and the cat then went upstairs.
Peppy is full of beans and has really come out of his shell. He has learnt sit today, what a clever little boy, a real gentle soul. He has actually become quite close to Roxi, my bitch Lab now.
Peppy’s new people fell in love with him and he got on really well with them and their 2 dogs Tessa (older Lab) and Sam (a young Collie) so he has now gone to live with Sue and Phil in the Bath area of Somerset. It seems quiet without him not that you really knew he was here….bless him.
Just thought you might like to see some pictures of me in my new home. I am happy, settled and having great fun. I am becoming great friends with Sam and Tessa is doing a good job of looking after me. Phil and Sue seem to like lots of cuddles and affection but I don’t mind and I am happy to please. I like nothing better than cuddling up to one or the other of them on the sofa. Me one side and Sam the other.
Lots of love from Peppy xx
It’s me, Peppy. I am so happy. I am really finding my feet now and I am nowhere near as nervous as I was. I still jump at loud noises and sudden movements but I am becoming somewhat of a lap dog. I spent over an hour the other evening asleep on Mummy Sue’s lap. Daddy Phil let me run loose in the field today because he said that I am very good at coming to him every time he calls me. I loved it. Sam and I had races! Mummy Sue said she wants to take some photos but Sam and I are too quick for her. She said she will keep trying and will send you one when she manages to get a decent one. Meanwhile I have sent you a pic of me and Sam in the garden. Tessa was asleep and didn’t want to play with us. See you soon.
Lots of love Peppy xx

Mummy Sue said that she was going to send you an e-mail about a possible home for my sister so I asked if I could add a bit. Do you know I went for a walk with Sammy and Tess on Sunday and we met 6 other dogs, there were 9 of us running around the field! Daddy Phil talked a lot to the other mummys and daddys so we had a really lovely play and Mummy Sue said it was great watching us. Mummy Sue said would I ask you if I am properly adopted now as my 2 weeks is up and she says that I am still a good boy. Getting more confident and cheekier by the day. I would love to see you soon when you have some time, although I know that you are very busy working hard finding new homes for others like me. We are lucky!
Lots of love Peppy xx
I’ve just got to tell you, the most exciting thing happened today. I went to the seaside! Sammy and Tess went straight into the sea but I was not sure of it at all. I found the waves a bit scary. I really enjoyed watching Sammy and Tess and I chased around on the beach with them. Mummy Sue said she thought maybe I should keep the long lead on today in case I got frightened and ran off. As if I would! But I suppose she was right. As it was I stayed close to Mummy Sue and Daddy Phil, I feel safe when I am near them.
I’ve sent you some photos that Mummy Sue took to show you what a great time I had.
It’s been a while since I’ve sent you an e-mail because I’ve been so busy. I’ve been on holiday! Mummy Sue and Daddy Phil took Tessa, Sam and me to Yorkshire for a week and we had a fab time. Mummy Sue said that she was really proud of me because although everything was all new to me, I took it all in my stride and not once did I get stressed. I wasn’t too keen on visiting towns but Mummy Sue said that was no problem because she doesn’t like towns either. I have sent you a couple of pictures. I hope you like them.
Despite the miserable weather (literally raining cats and dogs) with a combination of chats whilst sheltering under Phil’s tailgate and doggy runs when the rain passed over, both people and the dogs enjoyed themselves.
Peppy and Lulu soon rekindled their friendship and played a wonderful game of “I’ll chase you……no, it’s me to chase you” taking it in turns to be the front runner. The other 3 older dogs mingled well but didn’t play with each other or them. Peppy and Lulu were both a bit reluctant to stop their fun and games but, once their respective sisters and brother were dried and back in their vehicles, they called it a day.
CHRISSY from Romania Animal Aid writes:
“Nadia and Peppy (originally Blau and Blanche) are two very lucky pups but it could have been so different! Both siblings (along with another sister) were found dumped at the entrance to the ROLDA shelter in Galati, SE Romania. Many Romanians are still very poor but are tolerant of homeless dogs and try their best to save the most vulnerable ones from injury caused by traffic, starvation or cruelty inflicted by the illegal dog-catchers employed to frequently round up any stray dogs in a ‘street cleansing’ exercise.
Well meaning people within the local community will either dump the dogs at the shelter or close by or sometimes struggle to care for them on their limited means. However this often sadly results in them eventually breeding and more pups being born into the same circumstances.
Dana Costin the founder of ROLDA took in these latest arrivals and after three months, started their vaccinations and subsequent blood tests knowing that they would make loving companions if we could only find them homes in the UK. Seven months on, two are now happily settled into their new life thanks to the wonderful help of Irish Retriever Rescue. The third sibling will soon be here too and can hopefully look forward to the same happy ending her brother and sister were fortunate enough to secure!”