Phoebe Daynes

Gone to Rainbow Bridge


Mum, Samantha, said “Rest in peace beautiful Phoebe. I had to make the heartbreaking decision to put my bestest older gal to sleep on Tuesday morning. She had a huge tumour inside which just wasn’t operable. 

She did, however, live her best life all the way up to a couple of days before she had to leave – even having a boogey during a kitchen disco on Saturday evening with myself and my daughter, Edith. Something that Phoebe has always enjoyed. She couldn’t quite jump up like she did a few years back, but gave the dance her best shot. She was a very sweet, patient (especially with Edith), kind and funny Irish gal. 

 She has been with me through lots of life changing times- a marriage, a divorce, different jobs, another pooch and a baby. From bringing her home at 5 months old with a list as long as your arm of emotional troubles, she pulled through and became my bestie. As I’ve told Edith when she asked where Phoebe was (and continues to do so) – Phee received her wings and is now a true angel.

Thanks for the last 12.5 years Phoebe, aka, La Phee, Phee Phee, Pheebalicious, Phoebe-wan- Kenobey, Phee-Phee McGee, no, leave it and Doris xxx

Thank you IRR for rescuing her and letting me have this wonderful girl in my life. She was very much cherished xx”


(Was Mitzie)

Mitzie is a 6 month old golden retriever cross who was reluctantly surrendered to IRR. She was fostered by Nicky and her family.


The beautiful Mitzie arrived on Saturday and seemed a little shell shocked with all the change going on in her life. However, once in the home environment she began to blossom. Mitzie adores all people and other dogs. She shows enthusiasm to the cat and will run after him if he runs. If he stops she just gives him a big lick. She is very responsive to a flick of the fingers to come away from him so no issues there.

Mitzie is wary of coming in through the backdoor so we are using our dogs as “follow the leader” and she’s learning to come in with them. Mitzie is also apprehensive of the food bowl and would initially run away from it. With a little encouragement she is building her confidence and will eat a little from it now. Since being here Mitzie has not had one accident!

For a pup of her age Mitzie is really quite calm, with a little mad 5 minutes here and there then a sleep. Mitzie loves going for a walk but isn’t quite sure how she should walk on a lead yet so would hugely benefit from puppy classes.

Mitzie has a lovely gentle character and loves to play with Paddy our big retriever. She has also taken to following our lab Levi as a guide. Being a puppy she loves to chew so we have provided her plenty of chew toys. Anything she has shown interest in that we don’t want her to chew, we’ve put a little Vick on and she leaves it alone.

All in all Mitzie has settled in amazingly quickly, she loves everybody, she is happy to interact with us, our children, dogs and cat. She just needs a home with people who will enjoy her and help her with her basic training. As I have absolutely no doubts she’s going to grow up to be a stunning dog.


The beautiful Mitzie (who is being renamed Phoebe) has gone off to her new home with Sam and Paul today. They absolutely adore her and she them.


Sam said. “When our beloved Goldie Retriever Paddy died last year, our house became a very empty, quiet and fluff free home. Yet despite not having to contest with muddy paws and large amounts of fur on the wool rug, we desperately missed him and knew we wanted to rehome another dog.

Then along came Phoebe – with her big brown eyes, ginger eye lashes, chunky paws and very sweet nature. We fell for her instantly.

In her first week, we couldn’t have asked for me. She has been a real star. Both Paul and I were a little worried how she would cope as she was originally homed with a family before they gave her up. Phoebe’s new foster home also had children and two dogs and we thought she may feel lonely.

We needn’t have worried. She settled in straight away, slept through the night (even attempting to join us in our bed – feather duvet obviously looked good to her) and has been no trouble at all.

She was very shy to new noises and tended to lie down on her walks when sniffing or going past traffic. In only seven days, she now struts her stuff down the road and isn’t half as timid. She has also found her growl as the young chap from the Red Cross who came to our door found out. Alas, even with her growl, she is not scary.

Phoebe has also learnt she doesn’t have to roll onto her back every time someone goes to stroke her, and now sits to have her lead put on. We’ve also been training her to lie down, up, sit and to come to us. She is doing very well.

She has now met the two other dogs in the close and has received lots of kisses from them. Potential new boyfriends we think! All our family who have met her have fallen in love with her and she is just a joy to have.

We would really like to thank Phoebe’s foster family for doing such a wonderful job of looking after her when she came over from Ireland, and of course, the IRR. There is nothing like having a dog at home, but in particular, a rescue friend.

She has firmly placed herself in our hearts and we can’t wait to train her up in her puppy classes and help build her confidence even more.

We feel very lucky to have been given such a cheeky, sweet and loving new member to our family.