Phoebe Fox

PHOEBE is 7 years old and has been spayed. She is very lively for her age, craves company and attention and is very affectionate. Due to a change in circumstances, her owner now has to work and Phoebe is suffering badly because of being alone.
From her previous owner:-
I used to have cats and Phoebe was ok with them but she hasn’t had any contact with cats for some time.
I don’t know how she would be with children. I dont think she would hurt them but she can be lively and boisterous and they could perhaps get knocked over. She would probably like to play with children.
She had a couple of mast cell tumours removed about 2 years ago but is very healthy again now. Because of this, she can never be conventionally vaccinated again. She is on a natural diet.
She is really lovely most of the time, cleverer than the other dogs, very affectionate and the vets she has seen over the past couple of years think she is wonderful. If something frightens her and she is on her own she panics. If someone is there with her, not necessarily calming her down, but just pottering about she will just lie down or at least she did when the fireworks were driving her crackers. She can be absolutely brilliant and very well behaved but if anything frightens her and she is alone she panics and goes on the rampage.
All the building work has upset her badly so I’m having to take her everywhere with me and leave her in the car. I took her to work with me because the builder was coming to drill the wall by the kitchen. I left her in the car, parked where I could see her, with the back up and a bone to chew. She was as good as gold. Think she enjoyed watching all the people come and go. She seems to want constant company or she starts to fret.
She didn’t used to be like this. But in our old home there was more room and she was in with the others. I have seperated her from them because they dont seem to want to bother with her but her uncle keeps her company at night. A couple of years ago her mum and her decided to come to blows. I think it was probably her mum being jealous because she was playing with her sister and her mum and sister are great pals. So I’ve just kept them apart since just to be on the safe side. I think she would be better with older dogs.
I think perhaps all the changes she has experienced in the last few years may have contributed to her being panicky.
She cut her foot on broken glass in the kitchen and she was as good as gold at the vets. She sat there, her paw in his hand while he poked the cut about. Next day she had stitches put in and limped out. A lady in the waiting room made a fuss of her and again she was extremely well behaved.
I think she probably needs someone who will give her plenty of exercise, which I can’t, and, even more important, someone who can give her lots of love.
I really dont want to let her go – there’s something special about her but I cant keep her like this, she must be so miserable, and it would be selfish not to give her a chance of a different life”.
Pauline says “Phoebe stayed with me overnight to settle her before travelling to her foster home. She is very affectionate and loves cuddles. She loves it when you call her name “Feeeeeeeeeebee” and goes all waggy tailed and silly.
She walks quite well on a lead and understands “sit”. She woofed down her supper with relish.
She had a nice bath, brush and trim, all of which she seemed to enjoy, so she is now looking a pretty girl.
Here she is (on the left) posing with Eddie and Ricky, who thought she was great,

and playing with Danny.

She eventually spent a peaceful night snuggled in a covered over crate but she really did panic a couple of times (understandably) to begin with so I alternated between her flower essences combination and the anxiety remedy. She was panting a lot and was very distressed initially but it has been a huge upheaval for the poor girl so it is no surprise really”.
Linda says “Phoebe is doing very well, thoroughly enjoys her food and walks and has fallen in love with our labrador, Solo. She seems very happy and has settled a lot better than we thought she would. She loves exploring the house and garden and enjoys her cuddles in bed every morning”.

Linda says, “Thought you would like this photo of Phoebe sleeping soundly after her evening walk. She has adopted this sofa as her own. She is beginning to feel her feet, she is just nervous around strangers and other dogs in the training sessions. However when she is walking on the lead and sees another dog she quite often barks at them to make sure they know she is the boss. I’m sure she will settle down during the next few months. She certainly enjoys her hugs!!”
Linda said, “Just thought I would send you an update on Phoebe’s progress as she has been with us a year now. She is a really happy contented little girl still nervous at times but very much at home. Her coat is beautiful and she just loves to be bathed and groomed and really enjoys being cuddled. Her favourite pastimes are chasing the rabbits and muntjacs in the garden and, just like evey self respecting gun dog, lazing on the sofa in front of the fire. She adores Solo our black labrador and they love to play tag. Phoebe is always stealing his toys and he just lets her win every time. She is such a treasure and we couldn’t imagine life without her now.”