
Piper is a 2.5 year old female Golden Retriever and was a family pet before being surrendered to IRR. She was fostered in the West Midlands with Simon and his family.
Simon said. Piper arrived with us after travelling in luxury in the boot of Andy’s estate car; he also transported her long time friend, Rocky the boxer dog. They have since been split up to give them both the best chance of finding their forever homes.
Once we got home I let Piper have a mooch around the garden first before introducing her to our three dogs, Freddie, Bonnie and Candy. Our GR’s, Freddie and Bonnie made friends immediately with her but Candy the Shih Tzu had to show that she was boss so there was quite a few barks from her. Piper was reasonably unfazed by Candy’s tactics and they’re now all friends.
Piper is proving to be quite a timid dog and seems to jump out of her skin at the slightest noise or sudden movement. She is also quite toy possessive and growls at the other dogs if they take what she deems is one of her toys…. which is all of them !! We’ve also had a couple of accidents in the house. However these issues are completely understandable as she has only been with us for 48 hours and is still settling in to her new and hectic surroundings.
Out and about on the lead she is very good and most of the time walks to heel or has a little wander to sniff at a tree or such like. I’ve given up using the harness as she seemed very unsure of it so I now just use a flexi-lead attached to her collar. I’ve let her off the lead in a safe place and she’s proved to be very good and comes back when called or whistled. She’s met a number of other dogs and has gently greeted them all.
Around our three children she is very good. She seems to realise that she can enjoy a bit of rough ‘n tumble with Chris and Emily, 12 and 11 years old but not with 3 year old Thomas. In fact, she is exceedingly patient with Thomas and last night allowed him to name parts of her head.
Piper is very capable around the house and has no problems negotiating the stairs and has discovered the joys and comfort of the sofa. She also has no problems jumping in and out the car.
She does not counter surf and she does not beg for food when we’re sat at the table. She is reluctant to take treats from the hand but again this is probably down to her settling in. She’s quite happy to eat the same food as the rest of dogs and does not appear to be food aggressive.
All in all she’s a lovely dog with a good temperament and doesn’t appear to have any flaws that would be a cause for concern. She will make an excellent family dog.
Simon says “Piper has gone to start her new life with Phillipa and her husband and little girl, Lilly and we all wish them every success. I feel sure that Piper is going to a wonderful home and will be loved by all of them and in return will bring lots of joy.
Both myself and Julie could tell that it was a perfect match when we took her for a walk with Phillipa. Piper had wandered off to investigate an interesting scent and when we called her she ignored us but came immediately back when Phillipa called her.
We will miss Piper but she’s going to a great home and we look forward to hearing about how she’s settling in.”
Philippa said, “Just thought I’d let you know that Piper is doing really well here in Bedfordshire. It took her a while to settle and come back when I called her, but she’s much better now. She’s excellent with my little girl and no problem with other dogs. She has also learned to swim and loves cooling off in the river and stream on camp. Most of all, she loves to chase and hunt anything that moves especially rabbits and birds! She is a great family member and is never far from my side.”