Poppy Houghton

On 17.9.2021, a distraught Kevin told us, ” Sad tidings I’m afraid. Following a long illness, I lost my best friend last week.
Quiet, serene and sedate, as ever, she slipped away with me by her side.
My friend through lockdown and beyond, I shall never forget her.
Sleep well Bubba.

Sandra replied by saying, “I am so sorry to hear the sad news of your best friend but it is so nice to know that you could be with her and by her side when she slipped away.
Our animal friends have, for sure, looked after us during this difficult last year.
We know it’s tough for you and it is a big loss. My thoughts are with you.
Rest in peace Little Miss Lemon”.
Pauline and Steve added, “We are so very sorry to hear the sad news about your darling Poppy.
She was a very sweet girl who was much cherished.
Our suffering is the price we all have to pay for their unconditional and undying love. Now go and fly with all our other beloved angels”.
Originally called Paris, Poppy was a female, spayed, approximately 14 months old Retriever Cross who was rescued from a high-kill public pound in Romania in 2014.
An extremely obedient girl, good in the house, adores cats! Has been unwell but making a great recovery from her surgery.
Poppy has settled in really well and already she is a big hit with Brenda and her family and several of her friends and neighbours.
She had big boots to fill but we knew that Poppy would meet with Alice’s full approval and we are sure Alice would be content in the knowledge that her beloved Mum was going to be loved to bits and taken care of by this gorgeous girl.
Alice’s three sons (Jumble, Rupert and Rory) were all very much looking forward to having fun with Poppy at their 9th birthday party due to be hosted by Brenda assisted by Poppy later in the year.
Anne says “Yesterday I was on a multi visit to the South. My first stop was an important one …. to see Brenda and the new dog who had taken up residence with her. I knew it would also be a bit of a sad visit as Alice was no longer there.
I had heard that Poppy was a bit nervous/worried but what a wonderful surprise I got. This lovely little, pale coloured dog came bounding up to me and I immediately fell in love! Poppy is one of the nicest dogs I have ever met and I would quite happily have taken her home with me. I knew she liked people and dogs ( although I had left all my dogs at home as I was going to visit family and my mum in a home) but, apparently, she did not like taking treats from the hand. Well, I am delighted to report that this has now changed as I took with me some home made treats and she was really happy to take them from my hand.
Poppy does have the look of Alice and is just as gentle. She is also the quietest 14 month old dog I have ever met. If Brenda ever needs Poppy looked after, I will be more than willing.
It was lovely to see Brenda and meet Poppy and I am very much looking forward to the boys’ birthday party this year when the mad trio meet the new little girl.”
Further Update from Poppy’s Forever Home (June 2014)
Brenda tells us there was a little Dog Show in their local park for rescue dogs so she took Poppy to get her some socialisation with other dogs. She says: “I put Poppy in for the Prettiest Bitch and, to my surprise, we came away with a 1st Prize rosette and a cup. I was so proud of her.
Here are a few pictures to keep you all in the loop on little Poppy’s progress! Our ‘Prize Winning Pooch’ is happy and well, enjoying her garden and woods, digging holes in the lawn and generally annoying everybody!! We are trying not to let the fame go to her head but it’s not easy! The bright lights of Broadway are calling! Brenda, Kevin & Poppy send everybody their best wishes and hope to see you all soon!”
We are all delighted to see Poppy doing so well, looking so beautiful and happy and sooo Alice. We are sending huge congratulations to her for her fabulous win.
Hi Everybody, Poppy here I thought I would send you a few pics to show you how good I am looking and how well life is going!
This is me during a walk in the local woods, checking out the talent and, of course, just generally looking grrrreat.
Then there’s me supporting Alice’s favourite football team and me with my mentor, Mummy Brenda together with my first prize for BEST EVER RESCUE DOG in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE ever ever ever.
After that, there is me and my old friend, Daisy, who pops in occasionally for a visit. Then, finally, there is a pic of me with little Molly. She is my Mummy Brenda’s new Grandpup. We are not too impressed with a Jack Russell in the family instead of a proper dog like me but, if I am honest, she is quite a sweetie really …… if only she would stop pinching my toys!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah well, better go, time for walkies with my human brother Kevin who took all the pics and helped me with my typing.
Hugs and love Poppy, Mummy Brenda and Kevin xxxxxxxxxxxx
Update February 2021
Sadly, we lost Brenda in 2018 so it is now just me and Poppy in the old house. Things were moving along quite nicely until all this pandemic stuff began to kick off. But despite all the restrictions of last year, life here did not change a great deal. Poppy and I kept each other company quite happily. As long as the food, biscuits and walks continued to occur regularly Poppy had no complaints.
Following the first major lockdown Poppy and I went to the Isle of Wight for a few days which was great fun! Although she’s not a great one for sea swimming, the fish and chips on the beach afterwards was pretty awesome! I can upload some photos if you’d be interested
Unfortunately, during October Poppy began to show disturbing signs of something not being quite right and soon after, was diagnosed with a tumour on her adrenal gland, close to the kidneys with an accompanying haematoma. It has been thoroughly investigated and has proved to be, sadly, inoperable.
Her time is therefore limited but with the aid of paracetamol and blood pressure regulators she is still quite sprightly and for the moment, eating, drinking, and sleeping well (despite several hellish firework disturbances in the meantime) although she has lost weight and sleeps quite a lot more.
While Poppy’s condition appears to have stabilised for the moment I have reduced my working week to thirty hours which means we get to spend most of the week together and in order that she is not left alone she now goes to my sister for the two long days I work. For the half day I have a cleaner who comes in in the morning and a dog walker/sitter for a couple of hours as required, and the niece comes in at supper time to feed her. But otherwise, apart from close family, a few neighbours, and the lodger, we don’t really see anybody.
The last visit to the vet saw an improvement in her blood pressure and so we can have a respite of a month or so before our next appointment. She still enjoys life and is a true pleasure to be with. The worst scenario would be a sudden spasm, heart attack or stroke. But that is the worst. Where there’s life there’s hope! And bonios!
Poppy is currently fast asleep at my feet obviously contemplating tomorrows walk in the park, hopefully with snow! She still enjoys a roll in the damp grass, despite what the vet says to the contrary!
Her blood pressure is gradually coming down and the tumour appears to be stable for the moment, but the long-term prognosis is uncertain. Anyway, for the moment she is fine although she sleeps quite a lot.