Quinn Reaston

We are all desperately sad to hear the news that Quinn slipped peacefully away on 4th March.
This lovely boy was specially chosen for Aly and her elderly Mum because of his great capacity for love and his ease of being around someone who was wheelchair bound. He was exactly what we all imagined he would be and more.
He was a well travelled boy, first in Aly’s camper van, and then on all the train journeys they undertook together. He was always impeccably behaved and a great ambassador for his breed.
On 3rd March, Aly told us it had been a busy time for them with Katy and Luke there for a weekend closely followed by her son and his family for the half term week. Quinn had seemed much himself but would start to eat then become disinterested which was not like him so Aly decided a trip to the vet was in order.
The vet started him off with meds then followed this up with an ultra sound scan and he went in for fluids and more meds from a drip. He had an enlarged liver, pancreatitis and a blocked bile duct. They didn’t know if he was strong enough for further tests (scan and a liver biopsy) but he spent the night on a drip which included pain killers.
Aly was allowed to spend all the time she wanted with him so she spent much of the day with him and was going back the next morning. She knew the outlook was not too good.
On 4th March, Aly said “Thanks for your love and hugs. I kept some for myself and shared the rest with Quinn. I spent the morning with him and, although he had his eyes open, he was completely unresponsive and never moved the whole time I was there, so it was an obvious decision that he’d had enough. But he did wag his tail when I arrived which wasn’t something he usually did, so he clearly recognised that I was there with him. He never once cried or whimpered so any pain must have been under control and he wasn’t ill for long. My son was with me and I’m going up to spend the evening with them. Apart from his food related skin problems, he’s never been ill in the seven and a half years we’ve been together so he’s had a good life”.
Lorraine’s words …………. It’s so sad he’s gone but he is free from pain now and at least it was quick for him but what a shock to Aly x
Pauline said ” I am so sorry. I have no words just at the moment, just more huge hugs. He was very special.
Fly high with the angels, dear Quinn”.
Jackie and Ron are, of course, totally devasted at the loss of their gorgeous foster dog. They saw him many times over the years and he and Bridie always teamed up happily whenever they met again. They took comfort from some lovely pics of the two of them.
NEILAN is an approximately 3yr old golden retriever who was already neutered and microchipped when he was surrendered by his owner because he smelled!!!!!!!! “A bullet would have been too good for him”.
He is a very friendly boy who loves other dogs (see him with Bridie below) and people alike. He is very patient about being groomed which is just as well as his coat was very matted even after having a bath on arriving at the home of his fosterers, Jackie and Ron. He will probably still need professional grooming.
He seems totally relaxed around wheelchairs and people with disabilities and would make a superb PAT dog. Everybody who meets him falls in love with him immediately.
Update on Neilan

Neilans fosterer Jackie here, updating
Well what can I say!!!! I have had Neilan since Saturday 25th August
He was very dirty and smelly when I got him, he stood in the shower while I washed him thoroughly with no problems at all.
He is a right charmer, has very good manners, does as he is told, sits on command. very very friendly, and gentle, absolutely adores people and children also gets on very well with Bridie and Gizmo my dogs.
Neilan is the one in the middle.

I CANT understand why such a lovely boy was given up, he is a perfect dog!!!!!!!!!. Not a bad bone in his body that I have seen. The perfect gentleman.
Neilan sits in the boot of the car, I tried him on the back seat but he wouldnt go anywhere near the back door, so in the boot it was and he was very happy there.
I took him to the vets yesterday to get him weighed, he just loved it.
I could have re-homed him loads of times. There he was sitting on his bum with his two front paws on the desk (vets have low desk in reception to be able to greet their patients) I wish I`d taken my camera!!! His tail was going ten to the dozen, wag wag wag awwwwwwwww.
Neilan will give you all the companionship you want and will lap up your attention.
I cant say anything else apart from Neilan’s new mum is going to be very very lucky. I wish I could keep him!!!, you cant help but fall in love with this lovely boy, Jan did and lots of others. We are all smitten.
Doesn`t he look Majestic in this photo???

UPDATE ON QUINN from mum, Alyson
Neilan is now Quinn as I have problems saying Neilan in a positive way to get his attention. It still has Irish connections and he really is the Mighty Quinn!
He’s an amazing dog. We only have disagreements over who’s in charge when he’s on the lead and we’re both determined not to give in! Today we’ve had a wonderful tug-of-war through the grounds of Blenheim Palace. I’ve never been there before, but, after looking for woods on the map, I discovered that there’s an extensive area of woodland there AND somewhere to park as an added bonus. Well, Quinn thought he’d died and gone to heaven. Not only were there squirrels and hundreds of pheasants to dream of chasing after but also muntjac deer. It was unfortunate that a conker falling out a tree skimmed by his ear because that really spooked him. Quite justified really. But we’ve had a wonderful time and he’s quite happy to flop out on his bed while I go off to do a few hours work.
Quinn seems to have settled in well and his hot spots have mostly cleared up. He still likes to scratch the area
but there’s no broken skin or any weeping.
He was greatly admired at the country stores where I had purchased the Burns food prior to his arrival and they asked me to take him in to visit. We’ve also been able to get some good long walks in while the weather is being delightful. He’s longing to get in the river but I’m keeping him out while he’s got the hot spot/itchy areas. The cat is coming round s-l-o-w-l-y. She loves her food so much that I can use that to my advantage. Mum is greatly taken with having a dog around as he is so gentle and no trouble at all.
I don’t know what I did to deserve him, but I do appreciate having him.
Aly says “We have moved to West Yorkshire. At the moment most concentration goes on not sliding down the muddy slopes combined with ‘where did the dog go?” while I was concentrating on my feet and remaining upright! We’re still getting lots of good walks but I’m wondering about waders for Goldies with an undercarriage cover attached. It would save some of the sludge that we bring home!!”