Riley McEveney

His distraught Mum, Jo, told us “Today we lost Riley. We had him from a year old through IRR and what a character he was, so determined. He had his sixteenth birthday on Friday but his mobility had declined.
He has gone to join Jasmine who is still much loved and missed. Thank you IRR for letting us look after these beautiful amazing babies – we feel lost but know Riley is pain free and running over Rainbow Bridge to Jasmine.”
As always, the many friends on Facebook have been very supportive and are sending all their love to Jo and family.

In 2010, Riley was a one year old neutered Golden Retriever x Labrador. He had been brought up with children and another dog (his Golden Retriever mum). He was originally called Jazz and was about to be surrendered to the Pound for “attacking” his mother when Sandie was alerted to him.
We suspected it was either over-zealous play or he may have even been trying to mate her as they were both un-neutered!!
Riley’s first port of call in the UK was at Simon’s in the Midlands.
Simon said “Riley arrived here safely at 5.15am this morning. He seems to be a lovely little thing and we’ve had no real problems so far. There was a bit of growling at the other two boys (Freddie & Buddy) but I’m not surprised because they did come thundering into the room. All is well now and they seem to be getting on very well.
Riley is pretty quiet for a puppy and has been good as gold around our son, Thomas. We just had to reprimand him once when he tried to steal food from Thomas but he soon got the idea and hasn’t tried again. He’s also a very affectionate boy and has remained by Julie or my side all day.”
The next day Riley moved on to his designated fosterer, Jo, who already has an IRR dog, Jasmine (one of the 2nd surprise puppies). Jasmine and Jo were very sad as their little Oscar had recently gone to Rainbow Bridge.
Jo said “Riley has arrived home safely. He was fine in the car (he laid down all the way home and Jasmine eventually laid down). He was a little sick in the car but was quiet as a mouse for the whole journey.
He wolfed his dinner down. He is very hungry and any food in reach he would try and eat so I have removed any food that is in his view. He is very thin compared to Jasmine so I had to tighten up the harness. He has a lot of weight to put on so that is, obviously, why he is so greedy around food. Also he has no muscle so it looks like he never went on walks or certainly not long ones.
Riley & Jasmine are getting on really well, no growling at all, and they even had a mad 5 minutes in the garden.
The cat swiped at him so I think he already knows to avoid him.”

“He is very loyal and always wants to be by my side. He slept all night and woke about 7am in the morning. We heard some moving about and believe it was the cat coming in the cat flap that woke them up.
We had a lovely walk today. Riley is really good on the lead. He started with the harness on along the roads and was a bit scared of the traffic. Then we went around the fields where Jasmine always goes off the lead as it is totally safe. Riley was brilliant. I let him off and he kept running in circles and then really running fast even out running Jasmine. She was actually quiet for a change. He came back every time I called him. He is adorable and has such a nice nature. He has not growled once since he has been home.
He is great with the cat, Charlie, and even had a kiss from him. I think Charlie was confused and thought it was Jasmine.
Riley does get worn out and has little naps. I bought him a new collar and a bed for the kitchen as Oscar’s one was too small although he did just manage to fit in it.
We have weighed him and he is one stone lighter than Jasmine was at a year old so he is very underweight.”

“Riley is still doing really well, he is having some lovely walks and he comes back to me every time I call him.
I have put him on Burns food the same as Jasmine. He is looking so much better already although he is still very skinny.
He is still frightened of traffic but other than that he is fine.”

Not unexpectedly, Jo has failed as a fosterer and wants to adopt Riley. Needless to say, we are all really delighted.

Jo says “Riley has been very busy and with Megan, my daughter, has just finished the Beginners Class and is into our second week of the Bronze Class.
He can still be a bit worried when meeting other dogs but he is getting there and is not always like it. He has two long walks a day. He gets very silly across the field and is always running about. Today there was a big stick in the water and, of course, he had to try and get it out of the water. When eventually he did, he was covered in mud. At Dog Training he is totally different and goes all quiet and looks so sad.

Riley is still very skinny although I am feeding the same and a little bit more than Jasmine. I have tried him with puppy milk and he likes it so I intend to carry on with that.
He is a baby still and makes us all laugh. We are so pleased to have both dogs. They are perfect together and get on so well together so thank you to IRR.”

Jo says “We cannot believe it has only been a year that we have had Riley. He was very underweight when he arrived but has gained weight from 18 kilos to 22 kilos now. He has changed completely, he wags his tail at training and is much happier and, whereas before he would not go near the car, he now jumps in with no hesitation, even though he is still travel sick on longer than usual journeys. He loves the water and where he used to get cold quickly he now jumps in and is totally mad afterwards.
He does still pull on the lead and has destroyed 2 halti’s. He is fine on his own but gets overexcited when together with Jasmine especially if we see another dog. He is still very head strong but we are getting there bit by bit, he has definitely got a character.
Megan, my daughter, is doing Silver at dog training. Riley is so well behaved when we are there and just wants to please.
Jasmine and Riley are so good together. They play all the time. Here are some pics:- “