Rosie Bull

Sad News 10 November 2021
Rosie’s mum said:
“Devastated isn’t the word. Martin and I lost our precious baby girl Rosie to the Bridge today.
Saturday she wasn’t herself… today despite the Vets trying their best, she drifted away.
Run free Daddy’s Little Princess, Mummy loves you xx”
I just wanted to thank each and every one of you who have taken the time to contact Martin and me either on Facebook or privately. We are totally overwhelmed with the love and support you have given us in a very dark time.
Rosie was a one-off. A loud, loving, lumbering polar bear. She stood hip height to me at her head and was nearly 48 inches long. She weighed in at 40kgs and as for strength and speed?…lol…A runaway train.
Water was her obsession, we swore she could smell it at 100m ..regardless of how cold or clean she would simply jump in and swim. She has swum, sniffed, mooched, run and explored the British Isles from North to South, from the mountains and glens of Scotland, the countryside of Wales, the wilds of Exmoor and Dartmoor to the beaches of the South East .. oh and did I mention the biscuit tin of our next-door doggy daycare?? .. yup.. she’s explored that too.
Run free Dopey you are so sorely missed xxx
Jane said “Happy 6th birthday Rosie (Kathryns Kerry Rose). Thank you IRR for the biggest, most unruly, loving, protective, hairy goofball of a pup you could have entrusted us with”.
Jane and Martin went from an empty house with something missing to a very happy two dog household within a couple of days when Rosie joined them on 25th July and Sassy four days later.
26.7.2017 To everyone at IRR…..I like it here….I go out, I have my own pool, I’m fed, watered and have more safe places to sleep than I can shake make whisker to…I have my special safe walk where I can run free already (although mumma still worries)…oh…..and best of all…apart from being very loved? My humans fall asleep on me!!!
30.7.2017 Thank you to everyone at Gizzie’s field this morning for the lovely warm welcome you gave to Sassy Mum Jane, Dad Martin and me. It was exhausting and totally broke us dogs!! Mum said to thank you to Aunty Pauline for her kind words of reassurance and encouragement to a novice Retriever owner. See you all in September x
5.8.2017 Our girls. ..2 weeks down the line for Rosie and 10 days for the little lurcher Sassypants. Safe and loved. Lots of rough and tumble but no damage! The local chickens are safe. Neither interested unless one gets cooked. Bunny is of interest but the pool is more fun.
Postman 1 / Rosie & Sassy 0
He has been our postie since day one so he was waiting for the new “inmates”.
Fun run with IRR at Gizzie’s Get Together last weekend….it was so precious to see Rosie piling in with the others. Mental note, next time, I will be checking Pauline’s van cos she and Sassy have a “thing” for each other !lol .
All the family have now met (girls have 7 human brothers and sisters) and approved of…even more approved of the eldest one who likes furry alarm clocks and bedtime cuddles.
5.11.2017 We have been SO lucky with the girlie’s. Yes there have been some pops cracks and fizzles…albeit in the distance…Sassy has lifted her head and Rosie taken little or no notice at all. MAYBE we should should invite should invite all should invite all our local IRR friend friend for friend for a sleepover next year?!!!
9.12.2017 Rosie and Sassy…come so far in just 4 short months. Recall getting better every day. Sociable friendly little souls …so happy their ours xx
24.12.2017 Rosie and Sassy. …waiting for santa. Merry Christmas to everyone at IRR. Thank you so much for
17.3.2018 Rosie and Sassy have been stars this weekend. We are “doggyminding” and they have tried so hard to include this little fella

12.6.2018 So….Rosie needed drops in her ears and due trimmed around her pads. I’ve tried every trick in the book from bribery to throwing myself on top and pinning all 6 stones of ticklish puppydog to the floor. All without success. THEN…along comes my daughter…rabbit in tap trimming daisys claws….Rosie sits with HER paw up WAITING for her pedicure and leg wax. Paws and ears done without a murmur!! Job done!
10.6.2019 2 years down the line and finally Rosie doesn’t run for the hills at the sight of the hoover. She will stay in the room when we turn it on too !!

All I’ve ever done is put myself between her and it. Nothing special. .no reward for staying around..just an ear wiggle and a kiss on the end of the nose when she comes back. Sassy just lifts the Princess paw as we hoover under her.
Rosie is a stunning spayed, female, pure bred Golden Retriever who is cream, almost white, in colour and was 3 years old in 2017. This wonderful girl received all the vaccinations necessary to travel to the UK and was groomed before leaving Eire.

Rosie was relinquished by her owner as she chased sheep, or rather wanted to go out and make friends with the lambs. However, the possibility of her being shot was too high a risk to take. Her owners were more than devastated as Rosie is super special and they described her as ‘a joyful light in their lives’. The heart wrenching departure from her home was very difficult but they did what they had to for Rosie.
She has a loving personality and, like most Goldens, Rosie is very affectionate as she has been loved all her life and has known nothing but kindness. She is a dream of a dog, great with everyone and loves giving licks. Her only fault is she does hump her bed now and again but that is the only tiny blot on a perfect copybook.
HOUSETRAINING: She is house-trained and is clean.
LEAD WALKING & RECALL: Rosie walks well on the lead and has good recall to a whistle. She was walked 3 times a day in foster and, needless to say, Tracy and her family loved her.

DOGS: She is very good with dogs. Her fosterer, Tracy, has a fantastic, mature, laid back rescue Irish Setter called Beau, who will miss her. He was regularly bullied by a Retriever across the street when he was out on a walk but Rosie decided that enough was enough and didn’t want her pal bothered so a couple of barks put the bully in his place.
CHILDREN: She is super sweet with children and danced in Tracey’s kitchen on her first day, Tracy said ‘she could be a therapy dog as she is so intuitive with children’. She does jump up but that can be worked on and she does understand ‘no’.
CATS & RABBITS: She is fine with cats and rabbits. She was fostered with both. She will chase the cats but does it purely in fun.
Rosie is a country girl at heart but she needs to be placed in an area where there is no possibility of sheep-chasing so a coastal area would be perfect.
It is imperative that Rosie be placed with other dogs. She had a Collie companion who was with her from the first and, in foster, she had a wonderful Irish Red Setter.

She loves company so she would be best suited to someone at home most of the time. IRR promised the owners that we would get her a fabulous home and that is exactly what we intend to do but the people who do adopt Rosie will not only feel they have won the lottery, they will know they are totally blessed.
Rosie has gone to her forever home. Jane said “Rosie is a beautiful new addition to our family. Grateful thanks to Phil and Paula for making it all possible and not forgetting her Irish family who had to give her up”.