Ryan Love

What a lovely boy. Great with dogs, cats (he will chase cats if they run, to start with, but only as a game-he wants to catch up with them. He’s absolutely fine with ours and just ignores them after an initial sniff) and children. We have children of 18 years, 15 years and 7 years and Ryan loves them all.
He is a very happy lad with a very waggy tail and smiley face. Absolutely loves a fuss and being spoken to in a quiet voice. He’s full of beans, but settles down quite quickly. Housetrained and knows some basic commands, he is quick to learn and very eager to please. All in all a great family pet. He is fine on the lead, but if he does pull he’s very strong and pulls hard, although a Halti would help that.
We collected Ryan a couple of days ago meeting up with Steve in a lay-by and transferring Ryan. He was as good as gold all the way home, without a murmur or movement from him.
It was late when we got back and we woke the others up. Ryan had great fun with Poppy bombing round the garden and rolling and playing for several hours. He introduced himself to Prince and Lucy but after a quick sniff they both retired back to their beds.

He slept soundly in his bed which we put in the utility room for the first night away from the others ‘just in case’. We were met the following morning by a happy, waggy dog. After a quick cuddle he was off playing in the garden, finding the teddies and balls and struggling to decided just which one to carry around.
Two days on, he is sleeping with the others, he is not food aggressive and sits and waits for his bowl to be put down. Today we have been swimming which he loved, his recall on the long lead was brilliant. He was happy and friendly with all the dogs we met on our walk.
His only problem at the moment seems to be the lead, which he seems to hate. Although today we tried him with the halti and he did walk brilliantly step in step with Prince and to heel.
Ryan has now gone to his forever home with Michelle and family. He has a lovely, 5yr old female Golden Retriever to play with.