Scooby Burton

2003 – 2015

Scooby died peacefully in my arms following a short fight against Cancer. The most loving, gentlest dog anyone could ask for, she was friends with everyone and didn’t have a nasty bone in her body. My constant walking companion, she asked for nothing in return but love, good food, most of my bed, the back seat of the car and nice places to walk.
My life will never be the same now my Scooby has gone. I’ll miss her every day but will remember all our walking holidays in the Lake District, Wales and Scotland. I’ll miss the smell of wet dog in the car after she’d been swimming in the river and the constant hoovering up of her hairs.
Scooby, it was a privilege to have you in my life for nearly 13 years. You enriched it in so many ways. You’ll always be a part of my life as I have the happiest memories of our time together. I just hope you knew how much I loved you. I’m really struggling to get over my feelings of loss and the pain of not seeing you when I walk into the house. My only consolation is that I gave Scooby the best possible life I could and she was spoilt rotten.
Scooby has now been joined by her two old friends Storm and Megan. Once again these 3 lovely dogs will walk through the woods, stroll by the river or snooze in the sun together. Claire, Layla and Christine will never forget their 3 wonderful dogs and life is very empty without them.
Words can’t describe the loss of my beloved Scooby. Although not an IRR rescue dog she was a true Retriever through and through.
Until we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge.