Simba Rae

We would just like to thank you for allowing us to re-home a wonderful retriever for the last four and a half years.
We first looked at your website back in November/December 2005, saw a lovely big boy and read his story. We fell in love with this gorgeous boy and wanted him, but he was already reserved….
It was whilst speaking with you that it became apparent that the big fella had become available again due to no fault of his own. We were so happy as we had previously lost our retriever of over 14 years to old age, and knew before we travelled up to Oxford to see him that he would be coming home with us. His story stated that he was small dog aggresive and that he had several homes.

We remember walking into the fosterer’s home and seeing this big but magnificent boy and just said that he looked just like our little girl Suki.
He was so friendly towards us that we could not believe his story was true. The foster family asked if we would like to take him out for a walk – this we could not wait to do. My god he was a very strong boy on the lead. We were then allowed to finish his walk just the two of us. On return to the foster parents we had a cup of tea and then it was time for us to take him home.
I remember putting him in the car bidding farewell, we could see that Gill and Mike were very sad to see this handsome boy leave and could not bear to give him a final stroke. This was on Saturday the 14th January 2006.
A lot has happened since that date. We have had two baby boys Lewis 27months and Nathan nearly 4 months. This lovely big boy was nothing but a gentle giant towards them both and as for small dog aggression this was not true at all as he enjoyed the company of other dogs big or small. Over the years he has had his physical troubles and large vets bills, but this did not change anything regarding our love and care for him.
This lovely boy was SIMBA.
The photo below is of the old boy with our youngest son Nathan. It is one of the last photos taken of him before he became ill again.

He was suffering from a short illness and it was only fair that he did not suffer any more. With such heartache he was put to sleep on the 27th April.
We would just like to thank him giving us so much pleasure, and IRR for allowing him to come and live with us.
We will miss him VERY much Iian and Fiona Rae

SIMBA came over with Carrie and co and was fostered by Gill and her family (as pictured) in Abingdon. He had a bit of a chequered career with cats etc but has eventually found his absolutely perfect forever home. See him now.


After a short illness, Simba was given peace and passed to the Rainbow Bridge on 27 April 2010.
Fly with the angels sweet boy.