Dog Pawitry

ALICE came in dead of night with Lisa, her best friend
We knew their broken spirits would be very hard to mend
By morning she was giving birth, a quite amazing story,
To Jumble, who was Teddy, tiny Rupert and to Rory
Their lives of constant breeding had been a living hell
But, with Sandra’s constant loving care they all did very well
Long gone the dog so terrified and crawling on her belly.
Alice is now the lady sat with Brenda watching telly
ANGEL and her ALLIE had always been a pair
They were so close to part them would, for sure, have been unfair.
It’s always hard to home two dogs. Their chances were quite low
Until Aileen, their foster Mum, just couldn’t let them go
She opened up her heart again and took on bad boy Sam
The three of them inseparable like scone and cream and jam
They live the life of Riley now and get spoilt by their Nan
And since they’ve moved to France, we’ve heard they’re dancing the can can
BUDDY came when his old Dad just couldn’t care for him
The family couldn’t let him stay and life for him looked grim
But dogs are always welcome in the home of saviour Sandie
So he went from total dark despair to being fine and dandy
His foster parents loved him, they found him full of fun
How sad they were when his home failed through nothing that he’d done.
But he fell on his paws again when he went to live with Sallie
Now his friends, both cats and dogs, with him are very pally.
CONNIE once called Maisie came from Ireland with her boys
She was as pale as they were dark. We think she thought them toys
For she was just a baby too and motherhood was scary
With her a tiny first time mum and them big, black and hairy
Her boys are both quite famous now, they’re always winning prizes
Drake’s a clever dancing dog whilst Brian jumps all sizes
Connie has four sisters now, they share their home with fosters
Mum B, Dad T, the poor old cat and some feathery imposters
DIGBY is a gorgeous dog. He could have been a Champ.
But sad for him, one leg was gone and he was cold and damp.
We never knew what happened but, clearly, it was why
Some human had abandoned him and left him there to die.
But all’s now well and everyone admires this handsome guy
They know there’s something different but they cannot figure why
So Tracey has to tell them all about the leg that’s missing
And meanwhile he’s found someone who’s enamored by his kissing
Now on a farm he spends his days with animals galore
All rescues too, none turned away, from his adopters’door
GIZMO – I’m a Crossbreed dog, they found me on a tip
A tiny pup and all alone I welcomed their firm grip
For I knew I was safe at last, no need to beg for food
I also realised one day I’d be a real cool dude
Well, sure enough, I got that right as I am Supergizz
Or that is what I call myself as round and round I whizz
People say I’m very smart. They often say I’m witty
I guess they’re right because, you know, I even pawed this ditty
HARVEY was a two year old found begging as a stray
To the little village shop he’d wandered every day
So when no owner claimed him the PCA took charge
He was handsome and appealing but untrained and very large
Sandie was the answer. They knew that she’d be kind
And by coming cross the water, a good home he’d surely find
Before too long his fosterers could not resist his charm
Now Tess, the cats and foster dogs know hewon’t do them harm
LOLA is a pretty girl who was sadly forced to mate
When she was just a youngster and unready for that fate
She was extremely nervous but her fosterer worked hard
To gain her trust then, no surprise, once she had dropped her guard
The two of them just fell in love and soon became a pair.
With boyfriend Sam, this little lass lives life without a care
Lynne has trained her lovely girl to have fun with the clicker
She twirls and jumps and does as bid with not the smallest flicker.
NONO had a family but they went off abroad
Maybe taking him was something they could not afford?
This left him quiet and subdued, his face was always sad
But he was homed quite quickly which made them all so glad
Because they knew his home would be just on the edge of moors
So he could run and splish and splash. Such fun is had outdoors
Hufflepuff the handsome horse, the dogs and pusscat, Mouse
They knew for sure that Nono would fit right into this house.
STEVIE spent all his young life alone in an old shed
His eyes were blank and all his joints were very sore and red
Despite all this he is a dear, so loving, sweet and kind
And a wonderful ambassador for others who are blind
It’s never stopped him living life at Stevie breakneck pace
He even does agility knowing Mum will point the place
To jump and weave like sighted dogs. He thinks it’s all good fun
At home he chills with Sam and cats, his Mum and Tom, her son
At Rainbow Bridge, we’re quite convinced, there forms a motley crew
Of Bouncer, Jimmy, Nugget, Pudsey’s there and Zena to
They all were valued Sponsor Dogs. We miss them that’s for sure
But Rainbow Bridge with these great dogs will never be a bore.
Then, one by one, the others passed Alice, Digby, Ricky
We wondered if 3 legs would make Bridge crossing tricky
But, never fear, they made it there as did the lovely Honey
We never did find out if she met up with sister Bunny
Also there now special friends our Angel and sweet Allie
My lovely Danny joined them and said he’d keep a tally.
Buddy went and Penny and also our mate Zach
Then dear Harvey joined them but he was looking back.
He knew it was to be my turn so side by side with Sprocket
We shot up to the stars just like a supersonic rocket.
I heard that God was waiting he’d had me in his sight
He had a job and, just for me, his pawitry to write
Then down to Earth, we’ll send our work and place it in Mum’s dreams
The pawems will come thick and fast, they ride on God’s moonbeams
There are a few friends still on Earth but, for sure, we know
They’ll come to join our motley crew and make our numbers grow.
We left behind our people and though they loved us so
They knew our time had come and, kindly, let us go
The golden thread that tied us released us from our pain
But though the thread is broken now, it will repair again

You were a very
special girl. Your name was made for you.
You brought a very special warmth although your days were few.
Your tiny frame, so delicate, belied your inner strength
But, sadly, time was very short, your life had no more length
Sweet dreams, our little lady. Fly high into the sky.
Have fun and games with Isabelle and, just for now, “goodbye”
We hardly got to know you but still fell in love with you
You had a lovely aura of violet, pink and blue
You stole the hearts
of Val and Andy and Pauline on the way
To your final home with Jenny where you were going to stay
We hoped days would be many but it wasn’t meant to be
But we know that you were happy and adored for all to see
You loved your little
outings and riding in the car
And taking walks with Jen and Deb if they didn’t go too far
So fly free now sweet angel and enjoy your days to come
At Rainbow Bridge with all our friends who wait to greet their mum.
He truelly was your angel but his work on Earth was done.
As friend, guide and protector, all moulded into one
But his skills were needed somewhere else, another job awaits
So the angels called him back to brighten Heavens pearly gates
Fly high, fly free, golden boy.
Rest your weary little head and drift off into dreams
Frolic in the sunshine and bathe in God’s moonbeams
Use the stars as stepping stones to take you to your peace
The pain of life forgotten now you have found release.
Without rain a flower folds, the petals drop and die
There was no way to save you, you couldn’t even cry
So we cry all the tears instead as we must let you go
To Heaven and God’s garden to blossom and to grow.
The little seed is planted, you’ll be watered every day
The angels will tend all your needs as in their arms you lay
Your life will be amazing now and full of wondrous things.
Rest in peace, our dear, sweet Rose, go fly on angels wings.
THANK YOU (Inspired by Aran. 4.3.2007)
Thankyou for loving me,
Thankyou for caring
For opening your heart
And happily sharing
Your life with an old guy
Who no longer dared
To think someone could love him
When no-one else cared
I still had much love to give
But I guess I was boring
To the family I lived with
As I spent my days snoring
They wanted a puppy
For laughter and joy
Not a silly old codger
A dirty old boy
Thankyou dear Sandie
You completed my life
By showing me love again
After misery and strife
I am in Gods garden now
And he loves me too
I am healthy and whole again
All you told me is true
You said God would love me
You said I’d be free
To prance like a puppy
To water each tree
To sing in the breeze
To grin in the rain
You set free my spirit
And ended my pain
At the end of the rainbow lies a place that transcends the bonds of time and space. This a home of lasting peace where pets are whole and turmoils cease.
Some have been a well loved pet, others spent hours with the vet. Some are old, some sadly young whose lives had only just begun. For many it’s been toil and strife, so much torment in their life
For some their end was quiet and calm, for others, panic and alarm. The lucky ones who true love knew will slowly take a different view. Some miss their human, their best friend, they’re told this life is not the end and those whose life was full of pain heal quickly and are whole again.
The end’s the same and all are here. No more sorrow, doubts or fear. Quickly, they will learn to cope. All here are safe and full of hope. The chain once broken will reform. To meet again here is the norm.
They play, they jump, they skip and run, all happy here and having fun. They reunite with friends of old in what they call the fields of gold. They pass their time in joyful mood, no hunger here, there’s loads of food. At night they rest in comfy beds with happy dreams in sleepy heads
But every day there is a time when one dog listens for the chime. The bell’s ring tells them someone’s here and one dog’s human will appear. Most dogs join their one true owner but who’ll come for the scruffy loaner? A vagrant shunned and very sad. Folk, to him, were just as bad. His thoughts of dogs so very fond. The perfect matc ….. a very special bond.
You’ve gone from me, I miss you so. Your coat was white and soft as snow. Such big brown eyes with gentle gaze, your loss has left me in a daze.
Alone, I amble down the road, no-one to share my heavy load. Just one more day with you I crave, one special hug you always gave
Our days were always full of fun. You loved to walk and jump and run. Always faithful by my side, matching me on every stride
One more look I yearn to see, one moment shared with you and me, one gentle kiss upon my face, remembering, I slow my pace
My eyes well up, here come the tears. Where are you now to quash my fears? I’d swap a fortune, that’s so true, for just a little sign from you
I pause and close my reddened eyes, I feel you near, I tell no lies. On my face I feel your kiss. Am I dreaming? What is this?
My eyes wide open now, I saw a pure white feather sent to me. I knew this was your certain sign of love forever yours and mine
We’d lost our brother Barney, our Mum was feeling bad. We tried so hard to make her laugh and stop her being sad.
But there was no consoling her until the special day a brand new shiny penny was lying in her way.
She picked it up and held it tight and that was when she knew the poem she’d read recently was absolutely true
Pennies come from Heaven and Dog Angels toss them down to let us know they miss us and make smiles from our frown
After that these coins she’d find time and time again. Every one would lift her spirits when she wobbled from the pain
The loss was still unbearable but she had to soldier on. Each coin was a reminder Barney hadn’t really gone.
A friend had sent her roses on the day that Barney died. She put the petals in a vase to keep them when they’d dried
She kept each coin inside that vase all mixed in with the flowers. Who’d guess that these reminders would have had such healing powers
As days passed by, the coins still came always one by one. In all sorts of strange places now finding them was fun
One in the pocket of a coat unworn for quite a while. Even one behind a desk where dust had formed a pile!!!!!
The toll of losing Barney had been so hard to take, poor Freddie too was suffering and couldn’t stay awake
He chose to join his bestest pal beyond the pearly gates of Rainbow Bridge where, we are told, a better life awaits
Just four months on so we did hope the pair were re-united. Through our despair, fate lent a hand and we became delighted.
Ma moved a heater filled with oil that had just sprung a leak and there she found a two pence piece. There was no need to speak
A final confirmation that all was well again. Our boys were back together and bright sunshine followed rain
Ma placed the coin inside the vase. She knew it was the last. A symbol of the future and reminder of the past
We believe in angels who watch us from afar to protect us and to help us be the people that we are. Some are guardian angels, forever by our side. In times of strife they’ll help us and are glad to be our guide.
They’re part of most religions, most bearers of good news for Muslims, Mormons, Hindus, for Buddists, Christians, Jews and, for beliefs less formal, they’re part of Mother Earth. Their knowledge and their wisdom supports to death from birth.
We say our angels have large wings to help them as they fly and we believe they do exist somewhere in the sky. Their robes of white with silver threads smother us with love, their wings in flight so graceful have the beauty of a dove
Good friends are quiet angels who give hugs when we greet. When life’s cruel upsets knock us down, they’ll lift us to our feet. We’re sure there are Dog Angels too who’ll lend a friendly paw to help their cousins still on Earth when life has beat them raw.
For sure you have an angel. Her presence gives you care. She’ll likely send a feather so you know that she’s still there. So take the time to know her and talk to her each day. She never will ignore you when to your God you pray.
(dedicated to Danny and other beloved dogs)
He passed away, they still ask why. A life too short, they hug and cry. Will memories dim? This sweet, young soul was born to die. The days drag on and time goes by. Still missing him
The poor babe’s gone, their sickly pet, never well from when they met. His eyes grew dim, Stolen moments, no regret. His little face they’ll not forget. They’re missing him.
As she answered that last call, she tightly held her large, pink ball. So sad they were to see her go, their pretty Doll, she was so gentle, loved by all. They’re missing her.
They took their time and never rushed, always washed and trimmed and combed and brushed. That gleaming fur. She’d been a beauty. Judges gushed. The Best In Show, the watchers hushed. All missing her
The twins were a devoted pair to see them solo was quite rare. Each one a gem, people’d always stand and stare. Four big brown eyes and golden hair. We’re missing them.
But sadly whiskers had gone grey. We knew, too soon, would come this day. We hugged and kissed then sent them on their way entwined forever as they lay. They‘ll be much missed.
He was a saint, our hearts he stole, greeting fosters was his role. Inside the van, he’s left a hole and now we have one empty bowl. We sooooo miss Dan.
To requests he would comply, our faithful friend we can’t deny. Great to cuddle, it’s no lie, it was so hard to say “goodbye”. He’s forever with our Nan caring as only Danny can but, of course, we still miss Dan.

A Golden Retriever, the clue’s in the name. Dare to adopt one? Life won’t be the same.
Goldens love playing the go and fetch game but toys and best slippers are they not the same?
Owners must share their most favourite chair but they need to beware – they’ll get covered in hair.
Love is a mix of wet kisses and licks and making you laugh with our naughtiest tricks
Digging is great fun, we’re searching for moles but humans beware of those dirty great holes.
Expect to see artwork in the shape of large paws muddily planted on floors, walls and doors
Never wear pastels or, even worse, white cos we can jump up to a full human height.
Running and jumping are things that we do but one ram from behind and your legs bend in two.
Even the cat can be felled by one splat. Love the thrill of the chase and that look on her face.
Then a swim in the lake needs a full body shake and a wag of the tail with the force of a gale.
Removing the phone……well they say dog and bone……. .need to bury it deep on our recycling heap.
I’m mad as a hatter always up for a splatter in the muddiest puddle then look out for my cuddle.
Every pooh is to roll on and show off your belly. Badger or fox …. they’re deliciously smelly!!!
Very best are the cowpats, they’re well tasty to lick … shame humans find slurping them makes them feel sick.
Even though we enjoy being smelly and mucky, all our number one humans say they feel very lucky
Retrievers ain’t always clean but they’ll never be mean and they guarantee fun so could you be our one?
I’m in the pound, the time ticks on, just one more day and I’ll be gone
The one way journey beckons me. At least, my soul will be set free.
No need to feed this one today “He’s on the list” I heard him said
“Why waste the food?” the other said and kicked me as I lay in bed
They were like many men I’d known, recalling sores and broken bone.
I shivered, cold and wet I lay. I’m almost glad it’s just one day
Then she comes, the one kind soul. She smiles and offers me a bowl
She gently feeds me from her hand and strokes my ears “You’re doing grand”
That one sweet voice is all I need to raise my spirits for the deed
I know our lives will soon be done when we get dragged off one by one
I’ve seen so many come and go. Life’s pretty tough when you’re a stray.
But surrenders have it even worse and may not even get a single day.
But what is this she’s doing now? She lifts me up I don’t know how
My weight is dead, I’ve lost all hope but what’s she doing with that soap?
She cleans me up and swills me off then towels me down she isn’t rough
I lick her face, she sheds a tear “You’re OK now so have no fear”
“Come on, sweet boy. It’s time to go” I pass the others row by row
I never thought I’d go this way. Could I have more than one more day?
I see a man, thoughts fill my brain. I flinch remembering all the pain
“Hello, my lad.” his voice is kind. Amazing thoughts flow through my mind.
Could he be like my one true master? We’d been as one and then – disaster.
I was alone once Boss had died. I begged, they kicked, I limped and cried
I ran and ran and ran some more then fell exhausted to the floor
They laughed and sneered and stank of beer but maybe fate had led me here?
His son had passed and I’d got lost. I’d run in fear and paid the cost.
He tracked me down, it was a job. Relief and joy both made him sob.
I’d been his son’s true loyal friend. Together maybe hearts could mend?
This lovely man was holding me and had me laying on his knee
“You’re coming home. You’re safe now, lad. I want to be your lifetime Dad”
I snuggle up and start to pray and thank the Lord for one more day.
By 9pm we’re on the boat
We hope and pray it stays afloat
The cages are quite small and tight
But they protect us through the night
It’s quite well known seas can be rough
So room to lie is quite enough
To stop us sliding side to side
And having a long bumpy ride
It’s past midnight when we dock
People start to watch the clock
The transport wends it’s merry way
Two hours gone of this new day
Many need to meet the van
And pay the friendly transport man
Of dogs who’ve journeyed there are many
With travel cost’s worth every penny
Although the time is not the best
Transporters have to lose their rest
For dogs it’s better, we can snooze
And it’s much cooler as we cruise
By being early we can beat
The risk of suffering from the heat.
These people give their time for us
Without the merest hint of fuss
Bleary eyes but hearts of gold
Welcome arms have come to hold
A whispered word, a gentle stroke
We feel so safe with these kind folk
The slip lead on so we can’t run
We will be taken one by one
And placed inside another van
To journey further is the plan
We’re off to live in foster care
For rehoming they’ll prepare
But first this journey must be done
It may be short or longer run
Till we arrive at this new place
Greeted by a beaming face
The foster lady takes us in
Treating us as if we’re kin
Our time here may be short or long
Till we have sorted right from wrong
But once we’re ready we all know
There’s one last journey still to go
My people come, they feel quite scared
Although we’ve been so carefully paired
But all is perfect, off we go.
My home forever I just know
Some time ago in 009, a worried lady dropped a line
To see if we could offer aid to dogs whose passage had been paid
ROLDA took them from the street, starving, frightened, often beat
These Rommies only fed on scraps from kindly workers wearing caps
Just starting out to bring them here, they needed help to get in gear
They sought to bring the most they could, experienced helpers would be good
We said we’d foster three or four. Already full, no room for more
But we would try to squeeze some in. To turn them down would be a sin
Plans to rescue more and more little feet that once were sore
Here they’d come from distant shores clutching Passports in their paws
To get one was a lengthy path, without, they’d feel the Customs wrath
De-wormed, de-fleaded and then the stabs of all those dreaded rabies jabs
Each one, their details on a chip would come to England on a ship
But first the journey, oh so long. They prayed that nothing would go wrong
Timing crucial, breath was held. At last, a glimpse – relief - tears welled
Dover, London soon they’d come. Some off already to new “Mum”
Not many still to drop we knew. We eagerly await our two
They still had many miles we know, down to Bristol
they would go
They’d journeyed from across the sea, comfort good as it could be
But we could barely hold our glee. We knew at last these babes were free
Our first to come in dead of night, two dogs together clung in fright
It was a pitiful, sad sight. We promised them we wouldn’t bite
Two siblings, they were Blau and Blanche. How many more to cross La Manche?
A third, Bianca, the next date with tiny Dona’d share a crate
Happy Rommies take a bow -Peppy, Sacha, Lulu now.
Little Gypsy’s much loved too. Their lives are like a dream come true.
Well spoilt now, it’s treats not scraps they lounge in beds and sit on laps
Having fun and getting mucky. These little dogs are really lucky
Their rescue team was growing fast but these just couldn’t be our last
Once more we helped in twenty ten
. No more than two we said again
In fact we caved and squeezed in three, then two then three more would be free
Toto, Ada little Bela , two ladies and a handsome fella
Sisters then, Carmen and Roxy. Mostly white and slightly foxy
Homed together, two of four. Life for them is ne’er a bore.
Roxy has the name of Maisie. Toto’s Sammy, he’s so lazy.
He’s not too keen on comb and brush and, so laid back he’ll never rush.
Carmen’s name is Bella now. They’re very close and never row.
They live with Dolly and big Flossie who’s girl in charge cos she’s quite bossy
Ada now is little Dinky cos she rolls, she’s nicknamed “Stinky”
She once met Bela who’s her sister. They ran in circles like a twister.
Rommie, Nemo, two big boys and tiny Doly, all such joys
Came with very little fuss. They were the final batch for us.
Wolfie, previously Rommie loves his family specially Mommie.
The cat has not been quite so keen. Play’s not for her, she’d rather preen.
The tiny girl who once was Doly now answers to the name of Mollie.
Nemo then and Nemo still, by far, is top of Maddy’s bill
A gentle and such handsome boy whose life is also filled with joy
West Country dogs, all from afar. We’re sure they now can woof “Ooooh arrrrrrr
My paws were raw from walking along that lonely road
Alone with not a single soul to share my heavy load
My head was in a total whirl. What was it I had done?
I always tried to please them and be their source of fun
But they had simply tired of me and shut me in a shed
Out of sight and out of mind in my dirty, smelly bed.
They used to brush me every day but soon got tired of that
So now I was a knotty mess, my coat was one big matt.
I used to go for lovely walks but now I went nowhere.
I saw no-one. I was unloved. It was more than I could bear.
My humans said I cost too much, a burden to them all
So one cold night they threw me out as the rain began to fall.
I walked and walked forever, I was wet and feeling cold
I stumbled and fell over….mud and brambles hid my gold
I knew my life was over. I was drifting on a cloud
But suddenly I heard a voice, quiet first, then loud.
“Come and see, what we have here” the man said to his wife
“A stray’s collapsed outside our door…..we may yet save his life”
They dried my coat and warmed me up as quickly as they dared
Then gave me sips of chicken broth and let me know they cared.
I went from strength to strength then, nurtured by the love
Of my forever guardians sent by angels from above
They washed me, groomed me, fed me and gave me treats galore
And, best of all, they tell me I’m the boy that they adore.
I’m feeling really happy though I wouldn’t want to gloat
But I’m such a proud Retriever now with my gleaming golden coat.
We have long walks, I even swim. I play and play all day
What a brilliant ending for a poor unwanted “stray”.
How special is the fosterer who nutures waifs and strays?
She gives then love and shows them all the quirks of human ways
She nurses those who are quite ill until she gets them well
She knows this poor dependent soul has been through living hell
For those too weak she’ll nurse them and she will build them up
No matter if they’re very old or just a little pup
If there is one who needs her she’ll never turn her back
She knows the way to make them whole, she really has the knack
Some haven’t lived indoors before so pee upon her floor
But they learn fast as she knows well it’s something to ignore
Her other dogs are masters at teaching what to do
And very soon the foster dog is fully housetrained too
The older dog who was once loved when his breed was in fashion
He’s welcomed here because for her dogs really are her passion
The teenage thug, no longer cute, who’s been deprived of training
With patient care, before too long, life’s skills he will be gaining.
A lady from a puppy farm, her eyes are filled with pain
Bad memories of babies snatched are always in her brain
Her bed was made of mouldy straw in cold and draughty stable
She panics at a human voice and hides under the table
She backs away from food put down. It’s clear she has been kicked.
The fosterer will leave her till the bowl is cleanly licked.
And every day the trust will build until the day will come
When she accepts a tasty treat from the person she calls Mum.
Sometimes her foster needs a week or two and then they’re ready
Whilst others have been so mixed up it’s months before they’re steady
She’s there no matter what it takes and how long it needs be
She gentle, kind and selfless. Her patience all can see.
The homecheck done, his folks approved, and all is going well
But why, although she knows it’s best, is being brave sheer hell?
Each one a special boy or girl. She always loves them so
And now the clock is ticking on, it’s time to let him go.
A final hug and then she acts those smiley last goodbyes
She waves him off so happily then goes inside and cries
But she knows, as expected, there is no time for tears
Transport’s come and with it one more needy charge appears
I have the measure of my Mum. I know just what to do
To get that extra bikkie and she hasn’t got a clue.
I use the lean and hungry look and stare hard at the tin.
No way can she resist me, to refuse would be a sin.
“Who’s wrecked this bed ?” she yells at me “Who’s chased the cat again
The game is up so I adopt a mix of shame and pain
One of my looks from huge brown eyes, my head held on a tilt
Despite the culprit being me, it’s her who’s filled with guilt.
I do a sit, I do a down, I roll and show my belly
She thinks I’m far more fun to watch than rubbish on the telly
I back on to the sofa and although I’m not allowed
Before she can say “no”, I’m sat beside her looking proud.
Another ploy is snuggling up beside her on the chair
But my wriggling proves to be too much, far more than she can bear.
She doesn’t want to move me cos she loves this cheeky chappie
So she sits on the floor in front – I win again – I’m happy.
I sit in front and tap her then wave with my big paw
She doesn’t even notice that I scratched her with my claw
I‘m totally appealing, I really act the part
I’ve mastered all the gestures to melt my Mummy’s heart
I rest my chin upon her lap and gaze into her eyes
She’s really very gullible for one so worldly wise
One simple trick performed by me and I get all the glory
And conning Dad is easier still but that’s another story
A face at the window, it comes and it goes
Who was his owner? Nobody knows
Was he a plaything for children to poke?
Or the weapon of choice for a criminal bloke?
Was she the mum to a long stream of pups?
Or the showgirl of old and winner of cups?
No longer a beauty and too old to breed
One mouth too many for her owner to feed.
Was he a trophy to carry about?
Or a proof of great wealth for his owner to flout?
Was he a nuisance when babies were born?
Or was he the villain when sofas got torn?
The decor is new, did he no longer match?
Or was it the mud that he left in a patch?
Could it be the cost for an elderly fellow
Arthritic and slow with his teeth worn and yellow?
Was he a gundog afraid of the gun?
Or the terrified subject of a torturer's fun?
Or a puppy who grew far too big for his home?
Or did he get lost when allowed out to roam?
Whatever the reason he's counting on us
To entice him inside with the minimum fuss
To feed him and teach him his comes and sits
And show him a human can love him to bits
That love he'll repay till the end of his days
Until God calls him back as he does with all strays
For they have been sent to teach humans to be
As forgiving and loving as the stray who ran free.
There was once a lad who’s called Gizzie
He‘d get in a right royal tizzie
He’d go round and round
Boring down in the ground and now he will sign himself “Whizzy”
A young puppy friend name of Kate
Got herself in a right royal state
She lunged at a duck
And got her head stuck. They had to dismantle the gate
We have a good friend whose named Lou
Who is partial to rolling in pooh
Then, not one to waste
He savours the taste preferring it whilst it’s still new
Our young Lab Cross brother named Freddie
Was thought to be saintly and steady
But now he’s a sinner
Cos he stole Dad’s dinner then pretended it still wasn’t ready
We have an old mate who’s called Bob
Who was always a bit of a yob
When out in the dark
He’d excessively bark and neighbours would shout “shut your gob”
A maiden aunt friend name of Tilly
Can often be seen sniffing Willy
The younger the better
She tempts them to get her. This cougar’s convinced she’s a filly
Another young friend name of Flynn
Committed a cardinal sin
Searching hard for a mole
He dug such a big hole so huge all his brothers fell in
Then last but not least is old Sam
His mouth full of food he would cram
Though partial to steak
And best fish in a bake, his favourite was brown bread and jam
They found me on a rubbish heap, a pup, a few weeks old
I missed the warmth of mum and felt so lonely, wet and cold.
I was scavenging for bits of food, my body weak and thin
So thank the Lord for those good folks who kindly took me in.
They made sure all was well again then found a home for me
Where I’d be truelly cherished like all us dogs should be
I want to thank the rescuers for doing what they do
For sure, the angels smile on us by finding folk like you.
“If I can lend a helping paw, I will” he said to me “Us dogs are sent to humans to bestow our love for free”
“We don’t want much – some food, a bed, a walk, a pat will do and in return we’ll be your friend with eyes for only you.”
If you can’t see we’ll be your eyes and guide you as you walk. We’ll let you know when danger lurks. If only we could talk
If you can’t hear we’ll be your ears alerting you to rings, alarms and bleeps and every sound of all the noisy things
If you can’t walk, we’ll do the chores and do the shopping too cos we can open doors and carry bags and fetch your shoe
If you get ill we tell you when something isn’t right or alert another human in the middle of the night.
For sniffing drugs or finding bombs are noses are the best. Our tracking skills are awesome when you put them to the test
For guarding sheep, for pulling sleighs you never could find better. If you bid us, we will do our best to follow to the letter
Even saving swimmers is something that is done, mountain rescue, all disasters, saving people one by one
The list of things is endless, we just simply want to help. Warning of the danger may just be a simple yelp.
But work aside, if you want fun, we’ll play and play all day. We’ll walk to heel, fetch, sit, stand, spin or just lay down and stay
We’ll run and jump and even dance, whatever floats your boat or simply just look pretty to show off our shiny coat
If you don’t have a proper home we’ll still walk by your side cos you’re the number one to us and fill our hearts with pride
Unwanted and rejected, cos such lives are not the norm when you are lonely we’ll be there to keep you safe and warm
As working dog or pampered pet, we’ll do just what we must. As child’s best friend or old man’s pal, there’s such a special trust
To save our special humans we would fight with tooth and claw. Be sure we’ll always be there just to lend a helping paw
I’m a bit of a mixture. There is no family tree.
OK I look different but I am what you see.
Although I’m not one with a long pedigree,
Is there room in your kind heart for me?
I was cute as a puppy and they all loved me lots
But puppies need training just like human tots
So to a “good home” I’m totally free.
Is there room in your kind heart for me?
The man in the pub thought I might be for him
But my lack of good manners made his love for me dim.
Banned to the shed and locked in with a key.
Is there room in your kind heart for me?
Then someone else wants me. I do all that I can.
I’m middle aged now and just right for my man.
I couldn’t believe it, just how could it be?
There was plenty of room in his kind heart for me.
Then Daddy got poorly and God called for him.
I‘m pretty old too now and my eyesight’s quite dim.
Who’ll want an oldie with an arthritic knee?
Is there room in your kind heart for one such as me?
From Auction House to back of car. Bids on the Net from folk afar
Tireless selling, feeling driven. Valued time so freely given
Organising busily, events like Paws Across the Sea
Dogs were swimming, others walked, having fun whilst humans talked
Parties can be loads of fun specially barbies in the sun
Just in case, a garden awning, shelter for the Coffee Morning
Bring and Buys and Cheese and Wine at your house and then at mine
Raffle prizes just the ticket. Celebrity to come and pick it?
To Carboot Sale, the entry’s free. Goodies placed for all to see
One man’s trash, another’s gold, every item must be sold
People come and poke around, spend a penny make a pound
Suddenly it starts to rain. We have to pack it up again
For a dry and warmer stall, the Table Top in Village Hall
Provides a place to show your wares. Farmers Markets, Handcraft Fares
Homemade biscuits go down well. Jewellery is sure to sell
Notelets, cards & large mouse mats, hand sewn totebags, knitted hats
One special day a Garden Party enlisting help of hale and hearty
Gazebos up, tent after tent. This really was a great event
Dogs were seen in fancy dress. What weight this cake the people guess
The grand tombola was a hit. Donated prizes played their bit
Samosas, cakes, flags, bric a brac and ne’re the need for coat or mac
Name the teddy, dart a card, Auction, grooming – all worked hard
From concert choir to Bar Hound group and belly dancers in a troup.
Novelty classes, prizes too. To round it off the BBQ
The Grand Reunion previous years, like it’s spin off, caused some tears
But like the Garden Party after, happy meetings filled with laughter
Years ago we were surprised, a Rock Concert organised
They sang a doggy song she wrote, with CD made, they got our vote
Two ladies went the extra mile, Half Marathons run with weary smile
Cos their sponsors had paid cash for half a twenty six mile dash
Dogs lying down to raise the dough, 10 minutes gone then off they go
A Barn Dance with a jolly caller. The penny pile is growing taller
Forever Fosters, quite a few. The Shamrock Lifeline was still new
To help pay bills for Max and Molly, Hugo, Bonnie and dear Holly
So many visits to the vets could easily incur bad debts
No dog’s regarded as too old, all are welcome in this fold
Savings for a rainy day. No poorly dog is turned away.
Pudsey, Lucy, times gone by. The vet bills for their ops sky high
If drop by drop the pounds we save, there’ll be no drowning in a wave
A deluge of more dogs so needy. Ensuring help can still be speedy
The Sponsor Dogs their hard times beat have all landed on their feet
From comfy homes these boys and gals delight in being true pawpals
Sending greetings isn’t hard, a birthday and a Christmas card
What fun the letters that you get through the post or Internet
The sponsorship can be for you and for relations or friends too
So sign up please with no delay, for one year just ten pounds to pay.
Whatever way kind people choose, there surely are less don’t than dos
Posters up and leaflets too. For raising funds a huge “THANKYOU”