Susie Sims


Susie, the Labrador, was 3yrs old in January 2010. We had been expecting a Golden Retriever but she turned out to be a gorgeous creamy coloured Labrador instead. She was microchipped and we had her spayed.

Her fosterer in Ireland said of her “Susie has arrived at our house. She has been well fed but there is no shine on her coat. She was slightly overwhealmed by three big noisy and hairy Retrievers but she has had a bit to eat and seems to be settling as we speak.

A gentleman had been looking after Susie for his sister since she had her 2nd set of twins at Christmas and was finding it hard to cope. He offered to take Susie on a temporary basis until his sister’s life got a bit more settled but, recently, when he asked her if she was ready to take Susie back, she felt that things were still too hectic and the best thing for Susie would be to find her a new home. The gentleman is not a doggie person which is why he didn’t know the difference between a Golden Retriever and a Labrador.

Susie seems to have a sweet temperament and will sit, lie and sort of stay! Her head is all over the place at the minute with all the goings on. Her limbs are clean, she has no swellings or bumps and appears to be very healthy.

She is a lovely dog, very biddable, with good manners, good on the lead but we don’t know how she is with cats.”


Simon met her from the transport at silly o’clock, together with Albert who was going to stay with Andy and Val. Susie had a couple of days with Simon before moving on to his intended fosterer, Jane, who lives in Kidderminster, Worcestershire.


Jane said. “Susie travelled well in the car after picking her up from Simon’s which is about 45 minutes away from me.

She has a sweet temperament and will sit, stay, give you her paw and sort of lie down. She walks well on a lead and is very eager to please. She has been running around in the paddock area and her recall is very good.

She has been fine with Tess, Harvey and Cassie who is staying with us for the weekend, but could do with learning a few doggie manners as she does bounce up to them so there has been a few grumbles from Tess, the one who I would not have expected any problems. Didn’t show too much interest in the chickens or the ducks but there was an electric fence between them, lol !!

It’s early days but she appears to be ok with our elderly cat as she does not run, but it’s not been good with our young cat as she chases and he runs!!”


Susie has found her wonderful forever home with John and Hilda.

Jane reports. “She has her feet now firmly under the table and is not budging!! They said it’s just like she’s always been there and settled in straight away from the word go.

Susie sleeps in the conservatory and when Hilda and John got up after the first night she had surrounded her bed with all their shoes including wellies but didn’t chew one. Now they have given her a pair of John’s old slippers which she takes everywhere.

She adores John and follows him everywhere even to the loo where she waits patiently for him to come out.”

UPDATE 19.10.2010

John & Hilda have told Jane that Susie is a pleasure and is doing really well. She is very attached to John and absolutely adores him.

A big thank you to the IRR for letting them adopt her.