Tess White

Gone to Rainbow Bridge


A devastated Jane told us the very sad news about her lovely girl saying, “After a stressful few weeks, we finally had to say “goodbye” to Tess. After her Vestibular Attack, there were various issues from which she didn’t recover.

She was an amazing girl and a fantastic, patient foster sister to many Goldies. Tessie, my beautiful girl, you’ve left a very big whole in my heart, sleep tight until we meet again. This quote, which I love, says it all for me:-

“I haven’t left you,
I’ve just gone ahead.
I’ll always be with you in your heart
Just look by your side …
I’m there!”


It’s so hard to know what to say at these awful times but we are all thinking of our very good friend, Jane. We understand exactly how she is feeling and we really do share her pain.

All of us hope it will be reassuring for Jane knowing that Tess will now be forever reunited with her very special boyfriend, Harvey.

We were reflecting on so many dogs crossing the Bridge in recent months especially those who had been the mainstays of the Annual Reunions in Bath and our imaginations ran riot.

We reckon this year, come September, following the recent passing of our beloved Belinda, that there will be an enormous Get Together Party to celebrate the formation of Irish Retriever Rescue with a huge gathering of IRR dogs and their friends, all having fun and games.

Everything will be organised for them by Belinda with Ron on the gate and the Mums of Jane, Pauline and Wendy, and Gwen’s friend, Christine, all there too, manning the stalls. What a wonderful positive thought.


Where do I begin speaking about my gorgeous Tessie? It is so difficult to know where to start!

I first clapped eyes on her when she was only a week old and one of a litter of 12 Labrador puppies. I, finally, got to take her home at nine weeks old.

She has always been the most well behaved Lab I have ever known although, when she was just a few months old, she did chew through my daughter’s hair straighteners! That was, of course, a major disaster to an eighteen year old !!!

Tess was three years old when I decided to start fostering for IRR. She always took it all in her stride, showing them the way and being their friends until they went on to their new home.

I had over 40 foster dogs and became a failed fosterer at around number 20 when an enormous Goldie called Harvey appeared on the transport very early one morning in 2009. He adored Tess and followed her everywhere until the day he had to be put to sleep in

August 2018. Over the past 9 months, on the quiet, I think she really enjoyed being the only dog in the house and having all the attention.

Tess has always been very fit but then, all of a sudden, she got very elderly at the grand old age of 13yrs. She was struggling with her hips and then she had a severe Vestibular Attack. It was on a Friday evening at the beginning of June and it meant she had to stay at the vets.

We asked people to hold her in their thoughts and keep all fingers and paws crossed for her recovery. When she got back home, she couldn’t stand and still had a way to go but the vet was very hopeful that she would get there.

Unfortunately, Tess didn’t recover as we had hoped and I had to make the very hard decision to let her go. It has left me absolutely devastated. 

Tessie, you’ve left a very big hole in my heart and the house is very empty without you but I can take comfort from knowing you’re up there together with Harvey and with him, as always, trailing behind you xxxx