TJ King of Dogs

T.J. you were what was missing from our family. Our family will never be the same without you.
We first saw you, sad and lonely, in the kennels you had been left at when your owner was terminally ill.
You weren’t the right dog for us, you were too big, too hairy and too old. But that didn’t stop us from taking you out. Once you had leaned yourself against us, we knew there was no other dog for us. You went in turn to each of us and let us know that you had found what you needed and had given us the greatest gift you could – your love.
You were a lion amongst dogs, a king above the rest and everyone who came in contact with you felt what we did, that we had been honoured by knowing you.
We could not have asked for a more loyal and loving friend, you understood everything that was asked from you and did it willingly.
You loved us in the best way you could and we miss the thump of your tail greeting us and the singing of your song when you brought us your gift (you always had a ball or toy in your mouth).
Your arthritis became so painful for you in the end, but you would always struggle to your feet to come to us, even though we could see the pain it gave you.
You became a symbol of the wonderful nature that is that of the golden retriever and became an ambassador for your breed.
You truly were a king of dogs and we are humble in having been a part of your life.
We could not see you struggle any more and, when your heart gave out, we knew you needed the dignity to leave this World. You were not our T.J. anymore and the time had come to let you go. It wasn’t easy and we wanted to be selfish and keep you for as long as we could but that wouldn’t have been fair.
We know you are happy now in the place where you have gone, watching us and loving us from afar.
We know that pain will not touch you anymore and you can run free without your earthly weariness.
You will remain our King of Dogs, special in our heart for all time. Our blessed one.
Thank you for sharing your final days with us. All our love until we meet again…..
Marie & Kevin & the family