Twinkle Astor

Gone to Rainbow Bridge


Dear old Twinkle was about 15yrs of age which is amazing and a testament to the wonderful life she had with her adopters considering, way back in 2006, she had been an unwanted ex breeding bitch who was covered in lumps that needed removing urgently.

Sadly, old age finally caught up with her and she was going downhill fast. She had been treated for arthritis for some time but it was on 20th January that Helena, Jim’s Granddaughter, felt Twinkle needed to be given sleep to prevent her suffering.

Twinkle is now reunited with her beloved mum, Christine who tragically passed in October 2011. Twinkle had enjoyed a very happy, active life with her and, latterly, she had a nice quiet retirement with Christine’s Dad, Jim, who will miss her dreadfully.

It is their intention to scatter Twinkle’s ashes in the same place that they scattered Christine’s ashes (on her favourite beach in Norfolk).

Denise and Phil, who had been her fosterers, said ” We had a few tears down here and dug out our photo’s of her too. It is so very sad. Twinkle was one in a million. She always has had, and will have, a very special place in our hearts.”


Christine’s friend, Gwen, who also adopted her own IRR dog, Casey, in 2006 continued to play a large part in Twinkle’s life after Christine passed and will miss Twinkle terribly too as will Casey as they have been great pals for a very long time.

Twinkle, go and fly now with all the other Golden Dog Angels who have recently passed and be sure to give your lovely Mum a huge hug from all of us at IRR.


Beautiful Twinkle was an ex-show dog who had become too old to have any more litters so she was surrendered to Sandie.

Twinkle went into foster with Denise and Phil who absolutely adored her as she was so easy and lovely to live with. There she had to have extensive surgery for the removal of several cancerous lumps but, fortunately, it was all extremely successful.   

Christine said. “I got Twinkle in 2006 when she was 7 1/2 years old.

I cannot believe how lucky I am to have such a wonderful dog. As you can see she has made herself at home and she is my little star. I love her to bits.”