Woody Green

HE WAS TAKEN FAR TOO SOON (2009-20/4/2019)
Sadly, Woody was taken far too soon. He deserved to make very old bones but he was only 10yrs old when he was called by the angels and gained his golden wings as Benji and Cassie had done before.
Bev says her head has been a total shed since losing Woody and she just can’t seem to get motivated. She thinks she is doing ok but, then, she is in floods of tears again. She told us, “My boy was stunning.”

It was so hard to choose a favourite photo as, whatever he did, Woody was always happy and smiling but this conjures up very happy memories.

You no longer greet us as we walk through the door.
You’re not there to make us smile or laugh anymore.
Life is quiet without you boy you were more than just a pet.
You were our special boy a loving soul we will never forget.
It will take time to heal and for the silence to go away
We still listen for you and miss you every day.
You were our special boy who was loyal and true to us and Lola
Run Free Smiley Boy
Our hearts will always wear the pawprints left by you Love Bev Lester Jack and Grace xxxx
LAID TO REST (29.4. 2019)
Due to work, we have waited until tonight so, as a family, we could lay Woody to rest in one of his favourite spot’s in the garden, the cool pebbles by the decking.
We are still trying to adjust to life without him and tonight there were lots of tears. I thank God every day for the memories no tumour can take away and to IRR for granting us the opportunity to adopt such a sweet, funny and loving Golden as our Smiley Boy Woody.

A devastated Bev said, “It is with a very heavy heart that I have to tell you we have had to say “goodbye” to our Smiley Boy Woody.
He had developed problems poohing and our vet found a massive tumour. Sadly, his prognosis wasn’t good so, on 20th April, he fell asleep in Lester’s arms. Our poor Lola is lost as are we.
Fly high Smiley Boy give Benji Boo and Cassie a big kiss from Mummy
Woody always seemed to be happy and his lovely face brought a smile to many people during his time as a well loved IRR SPONSOR DOG
Woody was pleased to offer himself as a Sponsor Dog so he could
help to raise funds to rescue other abandoned, neglected, abused or simply unwanted Golden Retrievers like him.
Kathryn Crofton Declan Parker Maura Coyle Joy Dickinson Bella O’Rourke Laurel, Hardy, Charlie and Angel Freddie Isaacs Pat Arnold Mike Board Ian Roberts Gerald and Kay Crofton Sandra Dalmeijer |
He must have been an absolute joy to live with and his loss must be enormous. We would like to thank Bev, Lester and the family for looking after him so well, doing what had to be done at the end even though it was heartbreaking and, most especially for making him the very special boy that they loved to bits.
Go fly with all the other Golden Angels, Woody x


His fosterers said of him, “Woody is proving to be one of the friendliest boys we’ve ever met! He greets us with a big smile every morning, adores playing in the garden with the children when they are at home and spreads himself across the landing at night doing his best to protect all the family!
He adores his walks and can often be found enjoying a cuddle on the sofa once back home. Clearly, Woody would be suitable for a family home with children of any age where he can be given the love and attention he deserves”.
Woody went to live in his Forever Home with Bev and Lester.
Beverley tells us their Smiley Woody made himself at home from day 1. He now prefers to stay downstairs, where he has the sofa and cushions all to himself, but, on his first night at home, he followed Bev and Lester upstairs when they were putting the kids to bed and this became a nightly ritual. He also spent the first few nights stretched out in front of their bedroom doors as though he was protecting them. We think Benji may have had a paw in that and has happily handed the protector’s baton over to young Woody.
Slowly, he is coming round to playing with toys but is still happier with his bone or enjoying a good groom or belly tickle. Apparently, everyone always asks them if he “constantly smiles like that” and they say “Yep, he sure does, unless he is sleeping”
Bev says he has just been with them on his first family holiday which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. ” It was a joy to see him playing in the water and, although I was shocked when he chased the hare on the farm, we had a laugh about it afterwards”.
They are just about to start dog training classes which Bev feels will help not only Woody but them, as a family, to learn more about his needs. He is, already, getting better with the cats and not chasing them as much, which is probably helped greatly by their older cat not standing for any nonsense from him.
Bev says they feel like Woody has always been with them and they all love him unconditionally. They are now looking forward to welcoming another IRR baby into their lives as a life long friend for him while also doing some fostering for us.