Zeba Giblett

Julie tells us “Zeba has become a big part of our family and we could not imagine life without her now. She has lots of people wanting to make a fuss of her and saying how gorgeous she is…………..but we know that already!!!! We have our first one to one obedience training soon which we are looking forward to.”
Zeba has now enjoyed her first holiday in Torbay. She really enjoyed herself and, it is clear for all to see, Zeba and Diesel are now totally inseparable.
After just 24 hours, Zeba had her paws well and truly under the table. She settled in remarkably well and Zeba made immediate friends with her new brother, Diesel.
Zeba is a purebred, female Golden Retriever, who is about 10 months old. She has already been spayed, has seen a vet, is microchipped and has had all the innoculations necessary for her to obtain her EU pet passport for her safe travel to the UK.
She came to Irish Retriever Rescue from a wonderful rescue in West Cork. She had been rehomed by them but had proved to be too boisterous for the couple who adopted her. IRR offered to help as, like most rescues in Ireland, we help each other.
Zeba is a normal stunning, bouncy , young Golden girl.
Travel: She travelled well in the car and even though there was another dog in the car that she hadn’t met before, Maxim, she made firm friends with him quickly.
House-trained: She is house-trained and will go to the door and will look back at you, this is her way of asking to be let out, she doesn’t bark so being vigilant is necessary. She goes to the toilet immediately after feeding.
Feeding: A gobble bowl so she doesn’t eat her food too quickly is necessary.
Children: She is excellent with children. Leadwalking and commands: She is good on a short slack lead but she can be strong otherwise. Her recall needs work but has enough recall once she has become used to her surroundings.
The fosterer kept treats in her pocket which coaxed her to respond to commands. If you stop and say ‘Wait’ she will sit for the treat. She knows the basic commands of ‘Sit’ and ‘Lie Down’.
Dogs: She is good with dogs.
Cats: She has been untested with cats but we don’t envisage a problem.
This girl is best suited to a country environment as she thrives in open spaces. She would suit an active family who have the time to invest in a gorgeous Golden and who will be able to enhance her personality by obedience classes.
On arrival in the UK, she went into foster with Phil and family in Bristol.
Phil says “When we picked her up, Zeba got straight into the car and wanted to be made a fuss of which Alice, our daughter, was glad to do. On the journey home she was as good as gold. She had a quick toilet break at Gloucester where a lady, there and then, wanted to take her home.
We got home about 9:15am and took Zeba to the park where she meet Maisie & Somer. There were no issues at all but, clearly, given the chance, she would chase squirrels!! She did pull on her lead so we put a halti on her and she was a lot better.
We gave her some food and she cleaned the bowl. Zeba is a proper slobber chops and gets it everywhere. I’ve seen dogs eat quickly, but she really could so a trip to Pets at Home for a gobble bowl was on the cards. Fortunately, the gobble bowl worked well and it really slowed her down. Zeba still has a good appetite but waits patiently for a treat if one is going. She is quite big but, really, it’s all fur and you can feel her ribs quite easily.
Her first night was a bit fraught as Zeba couldn’t settle with any noise setting her off. She wasn’t barking but was just not able to switch off. We still had a little bit of trouble with her going to bed for a couple more days, nothing major but she was just taking a bit of time to settle. The best night for Zeba settling down when she went to bed was when it was a lot cooler so maybe that helped. She does seem to suffer when it’s very stuffy. In the morning she is just so happy and wants a cuddle and, once she has had a nice walk, she does settle down well.
The second day, we took her out for a couple of walks. There were no issues with other dogs and lead walking her on the harness was good. Her recall was a bit hit and miss but we tried her on a training lead and that went well.
We are getting her used to having her feet and tail touched. Being rubbed down is fine, she likes that part.
We had lots of toys but, to start with, she didn’t seem to know how to play. Maisie & Somer were a bit reserved around her and they weren’t sure how to interact with her either. Around the house she soon started to play and carry the toys, she particularly likes her Irish tug toy and the bone which she carries around the house, She also has a soft bear but she does likes to chew the ear of that toy. She is learning ‘drop it’ which works like a dream.
Zeba is a big softy, who loves a cuddle & play. Zeba can’t stop playing with her toys now considering a few days ago she wouldn’t go near them. Over the last few days, she has got better and better, for sure. We think she’s been watching the girls so they have to take most of the credit.
When out, she found rolling in the long grass to be great fun. One night we came across a family with a toddler who was just walking. Zeba was very gentle with the boy and she even started licking him. On another occasion, we came across a dog that started to mark and snap at her but all Zeba did was wag her tail and she didn’t bat an eyelid …… good girl, Zeba.
One evening, we watched ‘Dogs – Their Secret Lives’. Zeba was fascinated with the programme but didn’t like to see the two German shepherds fighting. I think she was talking to the tv!! She likes the chair to sit in now. This is one thing we haven’t encouraged as we don’t know what the new owner will allow but we haven’t really discouraged it either as it was good to see Zeba feeling more relaxed.
She has no problems when we use the Hoover or lawnmower was fine when the bin man came.
Zeba is going to her forever home later today. This morning, she kept rolling onto her back so we could rub her belly which she really likes. That was a first and proved to us she was totally ready to move on to her brilliant new life”.
Zeba has gone to live in her Forever Home in Bristol