Zoey Meakin

Sad News September 2021
Zoey, sadly, passed to Rainbow Bridge on 4 September 2021.


“It was 02.35 when my wife and I pulled up at a McDonald’s on the outskirts of Doncaster just off the M18 on a wet and drizzly morning. By 04.27 we had drank all the coffee in our flask and we had ran out of conversation. The clock seemed to be going so slow it felt surreal. Ahead came a set of lights, it then grew into a white box van, parked some 100 yds away and sat there looking our way. My wife and I looked at one another and said this must be the van for the drop off. I got out and walked over. Not a sound could be heard from within. As I neared the driver’s door a chap said “Are you David Matlock?” in a very dense Irish accent. “No, I’m David from Matlock” I said. “Alright, David from Matlock I’ve a dog for you.” We had a laugh and my wife joined us.
He opened the rear doors and a little face looked out as though saying “take me please”. “Say hello to Zoey, Zoey say hello to Mr Matlock yer new owner”. Love at first sight!!!
We put her in the car after a loo requirement and drove back to? Well yes, Matlock. In the kitchen she went after a snack and a drink then bed. All for 2hrs. As I was laying in bed she barked and I said goodness me I’ve got a dog-cockerel!! Up we got, including both my boys and went to greet her.
She was loverly. So before breakfast she had a bath. Probably the first time up a set of stairs. But credit where its due, she sat in the bath like Lady Muck. The doggy shampoo worked 40% and 2 towels later she came down. What a big girls blouse she was then! My 2 cats walked in and she ran out into the garden! Over the next few days / weeks she ate and slept. 8 small meals daily. 6 short walks until we’d had her 3 weeks when the walks got longer. So did the swimming! In the river Derwent. This got the other 60% clean.

The inevitable discussion came up! Can we keep her please, please. Well, if I’m honest, we had only wanted to foster due to my 12 year old son being narcoleptic. He was only at school 4 mornings a week and was not allowed out without an adult or any physical stress and I did not want the commitment of a full time dog. No was the reply. But in my and the wife’s mind something was saying hold on.
The following day, both my sons, my wife and bother-in-law, his girls and 2 dogs were on a gentle walk along a narrow grass path when Zoey walked across in front of my son and would not let him pass. She kept sitting down with her paw on his foot. Move out of the way he said twice. BANG. My son was down and out! As he fell Zoey went under him I’d say to cushion the fall. Then just sat next to him. After he came around and we had returned home things were playing on our mind. Why had the dog done tha? The next day my son had another attack, yes you’ve guessed it. Zoey had pre-warned us again. That was it. I’d made my mind up. She had fitted into the family so much it seemed that she’d been with us since she’d been born, and now this! Well I’d be daft to turn this little angel away.
She knows the house routine well now. And is still intimidated by the youngest cat even when it curls up next to her for a sleep!. We will be fostering another dog this week, so she will have a playmate in the house again.”